

Study on the Syntactic Normalization in Contemporary Chinese

【作者】 赵小东

【导师】 俞理明;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 句法是语言的动态使用方式,句法结构的规范程度直接影响到表情达意的效果和信息交流的进行。句法结构的演变具有多种可能性,但受多种因素的影响,这种演变又往往表现出一定的倾向性。即必须符合句法结构的表义体系,增加表义形式、表义方式或使表义更为明确,以便更好地促进交际的进行与信息的交流,促进语言的发展。一般来说,符合上述表情达意要求的句法结构更容易被人们接受,规范程度更高。而如果要判断一个句法结构是否符合演变发展的倾向性,就应当从它的历时演变情况、现实使用情况,及其在句法体系中的地位和价值等方面入手,来解释句法结构发生变异或新出现的原因,并研究这些变异或新兴句法结构的发展演变及其对未来句法结构发展演变的影响,以便正确地判断句法结构变异的合理性,引导句法结构的合理发展。从上述原则出发,本文对句法结构自身的特点、句法结构演变发展的趋势、影响句法结构演变发展的同系和异系因素进行研究,并提出句法规范适用的原则和进行句法规范时可以采取的措施,分六章进行讨论。第一章论述句法规范的学科定位、相关研究情况、句法与词法的同异等问题:并就句法规范的性质、任务和价值,句法规范的对象与标准以及研究方法进行探讨。鉴于句法与词法既有相同、相通之处,又有一些显著的差别,把句法规范从语法规范中独立出来进行研究,并相互参证。依照句法结构的理据分析和数理统计来判断句法结构的合理性程度和被选择使用的可能性大小,以便从整体上把握句法结构的发展演变情况。第二章讨论句法结构的演变趋势,涉及常序与变序、句法结构的繁复与简略、词语搭配组合的变异、结构层次的扩展与压缩、句法结构的创新与句法结构被选择使用的倾向等方面。总结句法结构演变的异向选择趋势,从中体现出经济性不是语言的唯一原则,衍余原则也是同样重要的语言规则,二者对立互补,各有所宜。形式的复杂化使得某些成分得到强化,更能突出这部分语义,或者把淡化了的语义显现出来,使得表义清晰;形式的简单化则是把与信息交流无关的部分省略掉,以达到简洁的效果,因此方向相反的不同表义手段在句法结构的演变过程中都得到了发展。第三章总结句法结构演变的同系影响因素,包括语音的协调、语义的表达、词语的句法功能、句法结构的变动以及语用等。同一语言系统的上述共时因素,都会影响到句法结构的选择,使得在具体的时间和空间及语言使用环境中运转着的句法结构发生变异,并在新的体系中得到直接的选择和使用。第四章归纳句法结构发展演变的异系影响因素,包括空间因素,即地域方言、社会方言、外来语等;时间因素,即古汉语的遗留与重新采用等;认知因素,如记忆或理解的偏差、对某种结构成分的强调或忽略等;背景因素,如使用频率等。其中,异系语言因素为句法结构的变异提供一定的选择,使这种变异在子系统的层面上与现代汉语已有的句法结构形成竞争,并为句法结构新的演变提供理据或使得新的演变符合使用人群的习惯,从而为句法结构的发展与重新选择作出准备。非语言因素则通过对使用人群使用语言的习惯或语感的影响,导致对句法结构的选择或判断呈现一定的倾向性,包括对句法结构的选择使用、句法结构是否合理的认识等,并可能导致句法结构的非理性发展,为新一轮的句法结构演变提供基础和理据,从而推动或阻碍句法结构体系的发展。第五章讨论句法结构合理性的界定和界定的适用原则。分析句法结构的变化是否合理,不仅要从句法结构自身入手,而且要兼顾整个句法结构体系。句法结构是否清晰表义,能否很好的传情达意,有没有相应的语用价值,在句法结构体系中是增加了新的表情达意的句法结构、增加了同一表情达意句法结构的不同形式、还是与原有句法结构表情达意形成冲突,这些情况都制约着一种新的形式能否得到推广使用及其合理性程度的高低。判断句法结构的历史合理性,或者未来发展的可能性,大致有如下原则:适合度原则、可接受度原则、使用频率原则、层次原则、发展原则。合理的句法结构应当适合于现代汉语句法结构体系,适合于表情达意的需要;能被人们理解、接受并得到广泛使用;在不同的语体、场合、地域等层面可以存在不同的句法结构,以促进句法结构的多维发展,为句法结构演变发展在结构形式的可能性上、在人们对句法结构的接受性和选择性上提供条件和准备,从而促进句法结构的健康、合理发展。第六章讨论句法规范的应对策略和可采取的措施。句法结构的引进或采用,不管是方言、古代汉语、外来语的句法结构或是新出现的句法结构,都应该能够对现代汉语句法结构体系加以补充,以丰富表达形式,而不是形成冲突、影响表达。在这个过程中,语言工作者对句法结构的研究是规范句法结构的主导因素,要注意尊重语言事实与语言发展,通过相应措施引导人们规范使用句法结构。要正确对待新兴的句法结构。在引进方言、古汉语、其他民族语言句法结构时,要注意适合现代汉语的句法结构体系。根据句法结构发展的不同情况分别采取措施进行处理:1、规定(不能区分但必须区分的);2、引导(有相应形式而又无特殊语用价值的);3、容许(无相应形式,是创新,不违反句法结构系统及意义表达的;或虽有相应形式但有新用,比原形式表达更轻松、表义更明晰的;或虽没有太多的语用价值,但沿用已久、不影响达意的,可以容许);4、禁止(表义混乱、不合语言发展的)。

【Abstract】 Syntax is dynamic usage of the language and the degree of its normalization may directly influence the expression of proper idea and the communication of information. The normalization itself is related to many factors and embodied in the possible choice of syntactical evolution and development, which must correspond with the meaning expression system of the syntax. Therefore, when we describe the diachronic evolution of syntax and its current use, position and value in the syntax system, we must explain the reason why old syntactic structures have varied or new syntactic structures have come into being, and judge the trend of the varied or newly born syntactic structures evolving and developing and their effect upon the future syntactical development so as to correctly determine the reasonability of the variation and lead it to develop rationally.Based on the above principle, the main body of this thesis deals with the characteristics of syntax itself and its evolution trend, the homological and different factors affecting its development, and provides some rules and measures to normalize it, which can be seen in the following six chapters:The first chapter is the introduction. It deals with the discipline positioning of the syntactic normalization, the relevant study conditions, the similarity and difference between syntax and morphology. Meanwhile, the character, the task and the value of syntactic normalization, as well as its object and standard, are explored and discussed.The second chapter deals with the condition and trend of the syntax evolution and development. The key points are put in the discussion of common order and variable order, syntactic complexity and simplicity, variation of words’ collocation and combination, expansion and compression of the syntactic layers, syntactic innovation and choice, and a few trends of variable syntactic choices are summarized. It shows the economic rule is not the unique language principle and in many situations the evolution rule is also very important.The third chapter deals with some homological factors influencing the syntactic evolution and development, including harmonization of the morphemes, expression of the meanings, syntactic function of the words, variation of the syntactic structures and the pragmatics. These factors belong to the same synchronic linguistic system and will affect the choice and variation of syntax, and put direct effect on the evolution and development of syntax.The fourth chapter explores and analyzes some influencing factors that don’t belong to the same system. They are space factors, including regional dialects, social dialects and foreign words; time factors, namely, the reservation and adoption of ancient Chinese; cognitive factors, for example, deviation of remembering or understanding, emphasis or neglect of some kinds of syntactic components, etc.; background factors, e.g. the syntactic using frequency.The fifth chapter deals with the rational syntactic definition and it’s applying rules. It is discussed which syntactic evolution way is beneficial or harmful. It is analyzed, not only from syntax itself but also from the whole syntactic system, whether the syntactic can express the meaning clearly and correctly, whether it has the corresponding pragmatic value, and whether a new syntactic structure or a different style of the same syntactic structure is added, or the current syntactic structure is in conflict with the original one. In the reasonability definition of syntax, some rules can be used, which include the rule of application, the rule of acceptance, the rule of using frequency, the rule of layers, the rule of development.The sixth chapter deals with some tactics and measures of syntactic normalization. The introduction or adoption of syntax should be based on whether it can express the meaning clearly and correctly. No matter whether it comes from dialect、ancient Chinese or foreign languages, it should be a good supplement to the modem Chinese syntactic system so as not to conflict but enrich the modern Chinese syntactic system. In the course of syntactic normalization, we should take different measures: regulation for those that cannot but have to be distinguished; guidance for those that have corresponding styles but not special pragmatic values; permission for those that are not to violate the modern syntactic system but can express meanings more easily or clearly, or have not too many pragmatic values but are still in use; forbiddance for those which are confusable in the meaning expression and not to orient the linguistic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期