

Urban Development and Social Change of Gansu in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 黎仕明

【导师】 何一民;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 甘肃,地处中国内陆腹地,为内地连接新疆、青海、西藏等少数民族地区的桥梁与纽带,加之多民族交错杂处,历代皆受到统治者的高度重视。汉代以来,即已沿河西走廊一线设置了一系列的郡县城市,唐代更达到其城市发展历史的顶峰。宋代以后,随着中国经济重心自西北向东南的转移,以及过度开发所导致的发展环境恶化,整个甘肃地区都处于相对衰落状态,甘肃城市也因而受到很大的影响。明代,因政府不能对新疆地区实行有效的统治,故甘肃地区成为明王朝的边疆,并形成了系列军事极强的卫所城市。清以后,新疆地区为清王朝所有效控制和管理,甘肃则从边疆变为腹地,由此对甘肃城市产生了巨大的影响。随着甘肃社会秩序的重建与日益稳定,清政府通过移民屯垦,改卫所设州县,建立新的行政建置等措施,加强了对甘肃地区的行政控制与治理,从而初步形成了较为完善的行政城市等级体系。但是,由于受地理环境的影响,城市空间分布呈现为南多北少、东多西少,多集中于黄河以东地区的特征。由于城市行政功能突出,因而在城市功能结构中,经济、文化功能相对较弱,并未能形成明显的功能分区。经济上,随着清代全国范围内商品经济的发展,多民族交错杂居的甘肃地区在区域内外商人及外来主政者的积极推动下,以及在东部发达地区的辐射带动下,城市工商业也渐趋繁荣。不仅各主要城市出现了专业化的商品市场,而且在民族交汇地区也形成了多个商贸兴盛的市镇。在这些城市的商品交换中,民族贸易成为重要的贸易内容。除传统的手工制作外,晚清甘肃城市工业尚出现了现代的大机器生产,从而呈现出新旧并存的局面。清代甘肃城市经济,无论是中前期的民族贸易还是后期的近代型工业的引进,都无不打上了明显的政治统治与控制的烙印。与其他区域相较,清代甘肃城市人口构成的最大特征是多民族共处与居民的多元性。这种较为独特的居民构成又对城市的社会生活产生了极大的影响,这不仅表现为衣、食、住、行的多元化趋势,而且表现为宗教、民间信仰,节日风俗,消闲娱乐等内容的日益丰富。随着政治的稳定与经济的发展,清代甘肃城市的文化教育亦较前代有所发展,并具有其他地区所少有的多元性、民族性特征。不仅各级官学、书院、社义学等教育形式在甘肃各城市逐步建立,而且别具特色的宗教教育也在部分城市中逐步得到完善。此外,清末之际的“新政",在偏居内陆的甘肃也出现了新式的职业教育与学堂教育,从而在文化领域也产生了现代的转型。尽管这种转型并不完善,但其历史的影响仍然是深远的。但是,日趋恶劣的自然地理环境,以及地方政府对民族问题处置失当而引发的动乱等,都极大地限制了清代甘肃城市的发展进程。特别是随着近代中国被迫对外开放,偏居内陆腹地的甘肃不仅远离了中国的经济中心,而且还远离了日益发达的国内外市场。于是,在走向现代社会的过程中,相对沿海、沿江及沿边开放地区而言,甘肃地区城市的变迁程度较弱,社会转型极不充分,表现出明显的滞后性。从总体上讲,这种局面的出现,既有客观的自然原因,也与人类自身主观能动性的不足有很大关系。因此,充分总结历史的经验与教训,以免重蹈履辙,对未来的发展必是有益的。

【Abstract】 Gansu, located in inland of China, is a bridge between the inland and the minority, such as Xinjiang, QingHai, XiZang and so on. Because of multinational interleaving, ruler of every dynasty attached importance to it. A series of county-cities had been established along HeXi aisle since Han Dynasty, and went to its peak in Tang Dynasty. With the northwest-southeast transfermation of economic core and deterioration of development environment from overladening exploiture, GanSu was in decline after Song Dynasty, and its cities had been influenced seriously too.In Ming Dynasty, owning to feeble domination that Ming government was to Xinjiang, GanSu was looked as the frontier, where has formed a series of military cities. To Qing Dynasty, as the government strengthened its administration and domination to XinJiang, Gansu had become a hinterland, which had enormous influences on it. With reconstructing and stabilizating of social order, Qing Dynasty strengthened its administration and domination to GanSu by some measures, that is, migration reclamation, setting up county, constituting new services. Based on these actions, a better administrative system came into being. But spatial distributing of cities took on some characteristices: they were excessive in south and east and short in north and west, and clustered mostly on the east of HuangHe. Compared with standing out of administrative function, economic and cultural functions were weak in functional structure and didn’t form obvious subarea. In the economy, along with the commodity economy development which had scoped in Qing Dynasty nation, and the merchant and the external director positively impels, as well as in the eastern part developed area radiation impetus inside and outside of Gansu region, where the multi- nationalities interlocks which lives together with different nationalities, the city industry and commerce also gradually has its rosperity. Not only each main city appeared all kinds of specialized commodity markets, moreover the area connected in the nationality also formed many small prosperous trade town. In these cities’ commodity exchanges, the national trade becomed the important trade content. Besides the traditional hand-planted, in Gansu’s cities there still appeared the modem big machine production in the late Qing Dynasty, thus presented the aspect which new old coexists. Regardless of the preliminary national trade or the later period modern times industry introduction, Gansu’s urban economy in Qing Dynasty all have gotten the obvious political rule and the control brand mark.Compared with other regions, the biggest characteristic of Gansu’s urban population constitution in Qing Dynasty is the multi- national coexistence and inhabitant’s polytropism. This kind of more unique inhabitant constituted has had the enormous influence to the city social life, this not only displayed for the line of multiplex tendency in the clothes, the food, the lives, but also displayed for the rich content day by day such as the religion, the folk belief, the holiday custom, the entertainment and so on.With the stability of politics and the development of economy, the education of Gansu province’s cities, having the characteristic of diversity and nationality that other regions had scarcely progressed to some extant In Qing Dynasty. Political school of all levels、college、social compulsory education and so on worked up, distinctive religious education was also gradually perfect in part of cities. Moreover, because of the new deal in late years of Qing Dynasty, Gansu province, with a remote location, appeared new-type vocational education and schooling, thereby modern transition was produced in the field of culture. Although was not perfect, this transition still had far-reaching historical effect. However, increasingly severe natural and geographic environment, and the upheaval resulting from the mismanagement of local government in the ethnic issue have greatly restricted the development process of Gansu’s city in Qing Dynasty. Especially, along with the modern China’s forced opening to the outside world, Gansu, locating in the hinterland, is far away from China’s economic center, but also from an increasingly developed markets at home and abroad. Therefore, Compared with the the process towards the modern social of coastal areas, along river regions and open areas in the edgeways, the degree of the changes of Gansu’s city is obviously weak, and the social transformation is extremely insufficient and remarkable delay. Generally speaking, the causes of this situation is the objective natural reasons, as well as the human’s deficiency of subjective activity. Thus, it will be beneficial to the futural development to avoid repeating the same mistakes by fully generalizing historical experiences.

【关键词】 甘肃清代城市发展变迁
【Key words】 GansuQing DynastyUrban developmentChanges
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期