

Study on the Formation and Development of Chinese Dress Classifiers

【作者】 高佳

【导师】 项楚;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 與印歐語系語言相比,量詞是漢藏語系語言的一個特色,也是對外漢語教學中的一個重點和難點。漢語量詞不是一個先在的語法範疇,是隨着漢語的發展逐漸產生並最終成為一個必須的語法範疇的。由於語言經濟性的原則,漢語量詞主要是從一些名詞、動詞及個別形容詞演變而來的,一些量詞形成後其語義仍在不斷地發生變化。我們把量詞的形成及演變過程稱為量詞的語法化過程,這一過程涉及兩個方面的變化:一是量詞短語結構的變化,一是量詞成員的語義的演變。本文主要對後者進行考察。量詞語義具有複雜性,根據不同的語義我們可以把量詞分為不同的語義聚合義場,本文對稱量服裝的量詞義場中幾個有特色的子義場的演變進行了考察。當前對量詞史的研究成果主要在於對專書或斷代量詞作概括性的描寫和分析,很少對同一搭配義場中的量詞使用情況和發展演變作具體深入的研究,對量詞的複雜性也主要以描寫為主,這制約了對量詞發展演變相關理論的總結,因此,本文試圖通過考察一些有特色的服裝量詞子義場,從而在這些方面作一點努力。本文主要分為以下幾個部分:第一部分:緒論。這一部分主要簡介了漢語量詞的重要地位,簡要回顧了漢語量詞研究的現狀,並說明了本文的寫作緣由及寫作主旨。第二部分:服裝量詞概述及本文研究對象。這一部分主要指明本文的具體研究對象及涉及的具體量詞。本文所指的服裝概念是指狹義的服裝概念,外延為衣帽鞋襪,所考察的量詞類別包含個體量詞和集合量詞中的定數量詞、約量量詞。因此,本文所考察的服裝量詞是對衣帽鞋襪進行稱量的個體量詞、集合量詞中的定數量詞和約量量詞。第三部分:各歷史時期服裝量詞語義場。這一部分分先秦、兩漢、魏晉六朝、隋唐五代、宋元、明清、現代七個歷史時期對服裝量詞的幾個子義場進行描寫,並在此基礎上總結這些義場演變的一些特點和一些影響同一量詞義場成員消長的因素,本文主要從三方面總結了影響同一量詞義場成員消長的因素:同一稱量域量詞義場成員的競爭和替代;一些量詞所負荷的語義太多,在量詞系統平衡機制的作用下,其在某一稱量域的用法難以發展;一些量詞用於某一稱量域中是出於修辭的語用目的,其出現頻率不高,出現的文體有限制,並且與特定時代的審美文化相關,這樣的量詞容易消失。第四部分:服裝量詞成員的語義演變。這一部分對一些服裝量詞成員的語義演變過程進行考察和分析,並在此基礎上總結量詞語義演變的一些誘因和機制。主要歸納為以下幾點:語言自身發展的需求是漢語量詞語法化的一個重要的誘因;語境分佈的影響和高頻率的使用是量詞語法化的又一誘因;源詞的詞義是量詞語法化的基礎,對量詞的用法起到規約作用;量詞語義泛化的主要機制是思維的類推,影響量詞語義泛化的因素有:源詞詞義的實虛程度、源詞詞義消失的快慢,量詞系統自身的調節作用;人類的認知在量詞的語法化過程中起着重要的作用。第五部分:《漢語大詞典》服裝量詞的收詞釋義,這一部分對《漢語大詞典》服裝量詞的收詞釋義情況進行考察。

【Abstract】 Compared with Indo-European , classifier is an especial attributes to Sino-Tibetan. Meanwhile, it is the most important and difficult problem for teachers to teach foreign students. However, it is not a traditional grammar notion but a newly formed one, which gradually come into being accompanied with the historic development of Chinese. Because of the economy principle of language, these measuring words chiefly come from some nouns and verbs and certain adjectives. Though, meaning of some words are still changing. In general, we call it a grammatical process, which mainly composed of two aspects, namely, the development of those phrases which comprised of measuring words and the development of those words’ meaning. In this thesis, we basically deal with the latter. According to the different senses of these words, we can sort out several semantic fields. Especially, in this thesis, we choose to investigate several unique subordinate fields of dress fields.On the whole, we talk about it from the following viewpoints:Firstly, we briefly introduce the significance of measuring words in Chinese linguistic history and simply summarized the modern situation of measuring words studying. Based on this, we put forward the primary writing purpose of this thesis.Secondly, we give a general explanation of dress classifiers and sort out those definite classifiers which involved in this thesis. Thirdly, in a diachronic viewpoint, we carefully describe the dress measuring fields of Before-Qin period, Han Dynasties, Wei-Jin periods etc. All together, there are seven diachronic periods referred. On this basis, we analyze their special attributes respectively and make out the factors which cause the withering or growing of the members in a same field.Fourthly, we focus on certain dress measuring words and try hard to clear up their developing process. Take them as example, we attempt to sum up the reasons which induce the presence of these measuring words and generalize the rules, according to which those words come into being. For example, the evolutive requisition of language is the dominating factor to the development of these measuring words and the words’ unique Meaning is the fundamental factor to it. Besides, the subjective cognition of human being is another significant factor to the formation of these measuring words.At last, in a practical viewpoint, we make an examination into the explanation of some measuring words, which are given in Chinese Grand Dictionary.By doing this, we try to clarify the true meaning of some measuring words.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期