

Research on Zhang-Yue: A Famous Literati & Statesman at the Turn of Early to High Tang Dynasty

【作者】 周睿

【导师】 马德富;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 张说(667—730),字道济,又字说之,是初唐渐盛之际著名的政治家、军事家和文学家。他“前后三秉大政”、“掌文学之任凡三十年”,在礼乐建设、文化事业、文学创作、提携后进等方面都有突出的建树,在中国政治史与文学史上均占有一定的地位。通过对这位作家的个案研究,既可以对其生平、交游、思想及诗文创作做一全面清理,对其地位和价值重新评估,凸显作家的独特魅力;同时,以对个体研究为契入点,对初唐文学向盛唐文学的过渡作具体的深层次的探讨。目前学术界对张说的研究较为寥落,不仅缺少总体性的研究专著,就连其诗文的点校本甚至选注本都未见问世。本文在前人研究的基础之上,全面考察了作家的生平、交游、思想及诗歌、散文、韵文、传奇等不同体裁的创作情况,尽可能真实细致地勾勒出这一作家的全貌,客观、平实地评价张说的文学成就和文学史地位,为后继研究提供可靠参考。本文分为前言、正文、附论、结语四个部分,其中正文分五章。前言部分对本课题的研究现状、选题意义、预期目标作简要介绍,目前的研究成绩还远不足与张说的创作实绩和文学史地位相匹配,指出学界期待对张说更为整体、全面的研究。正文第一章考察张说的生平世系及政治功绩。第一节简述张说所处时代的政治文化背景;第二节对张说的籍贯归属:范阳说、洛阳说、河东说详加考辨,并以列表形式勾勒出张说的谱系递传与大事年表,较为全面地再现出作家的生平;第三节对张说的文治武功综合评价,通过国史监修与大型图书编撰、对丽正(集贤殿)书院的文化贡献、“吏治与文治之争”、文儒的文治主张、三度从戎的经历、贬谪原因及贬谪心态、对后进的诱掖奖劝等若干专题的分析,概述其政治功绩。第二章有重点地考察张说的交游情况,将其交游对象分为皇帝、文士、文士集团三种类型,与近五十名文士的交流,又分别按照其活跃在武后、中宗、睿宗、玄宗的具体时期,分别列为一节单独探讨,以图通过此章,勾画出初唐渐盛之际以张说为中心,文人与文人集团所具有的各自面貌及共同倾向,以及张说在当时政治和文学方面的作用和影响。第三章考察张说的思想。第一节论述张说的儒家思想,着重探讨儒家思想所包涵的人文礼乐精神、和谐中和精神在张说思想中的体现;第二节分析张说的佛家思想,从宗派归属、僧侣交往、佛事活动、禅学文艺四个方面予以阐述;第三节论析张说的道家思想,在道学素养、道士交往、玄道文艺三个方面加以申发;第四节对张说的文艺思想进行考察,针对初唐渐盛的文风转变,张说提出许多积极进步的主张,重风雅、气骨,推滋味、辞采,评古论今,兼容并蓄,文质并重,代表文学发展的正确方向,召唤盛唐风神的到来,文章对这些都一一进行了分析。第四章全面考察张说诗歌的创作。张说作为初唐渐盛诗风转变的关键人物,其诗歌创作呈现出从“初唐遗味”到“盛唐新风”的过渡性。第一节,对张说诗歌的创作历程、特点及唐诗史地位进行概述,对诗歌创作的背景、内容作了分析;然后按照诗歌类型分为应制诗、山水诗、送别诗及其他题材如边塞诗、感怀诗、闲适诗、咏史诗、怀古诗等,分别在第二节至第五节详细论述,基于作品对张说的诗歌创作的题材进行尽可能全面的清理;第六节则从体裁、格律、修辞等诗歌形式方面对张说的诗歌艺术加以概括;最后的第七节浅析张说对唐代诗作影响,重点探讨了其对杜甫诗的影响。第五章考察张说的韵文、散文、传奇创作。第一节是对张说文章创作进行整体评说,探讨其骈散相间、运散于骈的创新意识,于宏丽之中洋溢雄浑之大手笔,对于确定其文学史地位是很有帮助的。接着对张说的韵文、散文作大略考述,第二节对张说创作的抒情文体、叙事文体和议论文体分类阐述,对其赋文、颂赞、哀祭、序记、书简、策问、表奏等文体做了全面的梳理和论述;第三节则是对张说久负盛名的碑铭、墓志做专题研究,突出其大手笔特征,并概括出碑志的时代特征;第四节对系名张说的传奇《梁四公记》、《绿衣使者传》、《传书燕》、《镜龙记》、《虬髯客传》一一详加讨论,以论证张说撰写传奇之可能。结语在正文对张说全面研究的基础之上,简要总结作家的文学创作成就,充分肯定其在文学史上的应有地位,对于学术界普遍存在的评价偏低、偏颇的看法作了辨析与修正。附论是对张说的补充研究。附论一通过相关文献的整理,勾勒出张说诗文集结集与版本流传、递藏的线索:附论二附录前人对张说诗文重出、误收研究情况;附论三在对张说诗文全面考察的基础上,对其作品进行系年,以《张说年谱》为蓝本,补充及修正了四十九首诗、二十一篇文的系年。

【Abstract】 Zhang Yue (667-730A.D.) was a famous statesman, militarist and literati at the turn of the early to high Tang Dynasty, who styled himself Dao-ji or Yue-zhi. He had come into power in politics for three times and had been in charge of literature for about thirty years. He had acquired great achievement in many aspects such as construction of ceremonial rites, enterprise of culture, creation of literature, promoting youth, he played an important role both in history of Chinese politics and literature. Therefore, a case of study of this individual writer can help us to understand his life, thinking and literature works, by which we can re-evaluate his literal significance and value, at the mean time, it helps to reveal the profound reason in transition of the literature of Early to High Dynasty through the study on Zhang Yue.Without a whole research monograph, or any annotated edition, the research on Zhang Yue is still fragile up to day. Based on the studies done before, Zhang’s curriculum vitae, personal relations, thought and works in four different styles (Poetry, Prose, Verse and Chuanqi, an early form of novel) are reviewed completely in order to illustrate his true panorama and to evaluate his literary effort and position for any further study at the best in this dissertation.The dissertation is divided into four major parts: introduction, main body, conclusion and appendix. In addition, the main body is separated into five chapters. Introduction:A brief introduction on the situation of the study conduced, the significance of such project, the anticipating goal and so on. Main Body:This part includes five chapters.Chapter 1: The review of Zhang’s curriculum vitae, lineage and his political effort. The first section introduces the political and cultural background of Zhang’s era, the second section checks his native place: Fan-yang, Luo-yang and He-dong, illustrates his lineage and chronological table to emerge all his life. Zhang’s achievements in culture and military can be estimated completely in the third section. In this section, Zhang’s political achievements is summarized in many special topics, which includes his supervision national history, compilation encyclopedia, contribution towards Li-zheng (Ji-xian) Hall College, dispute over administration of officials or literati, administrative opinions of Confucian scholar, three times experiences of military, the reason and mood of demotion, etc.Chapter 2: The study on Zhang’s personal relations. According to the types of his personal relations, the chapter divides them into three kinds: emperors, intellectuals and intellectual groups. Among them, his relationships with about 50 intellectuals are described in detail as individual section. The main purpose of this chapter is to show the each visage and the same trend of the intellectuals and intellectual groups at the turn of early Tang Dynasty to high Tang Dynasty on the center of Zhang Yue, and to learn Zhang’s contemporary influence and effect in politics and literature.Chapter 3: The outline of Zhang’s thinking. The Confucian thinking of Zhang is discussed in the first section. It emphasizes the Confucian spirit including humanism, rites, harmony upon Zhang’s thinking. The Buddhist thinking of Zhang is induced in the second section. It elaborates his religion faction, communication with monks, Buddhist activities and Buddhist literature respectively. The third section debates Zhang’s Taoist thinking, his Taoist ability, communication with Taoist and Taoist literature are elaborated respectively. The last section discusses Zhang’s literary thinking. Zhang emphasized the form and content at the same time, brought much positive and enlightened suggestion forward and led the right direction of literature development at the turn of Early to High Tang Dynasty.Chapter 4: The sketch of Zhang’s creation of poetry. Zhang was looked as the key character of poetry ethos at the turn of Early Tang to High Tang Dynasty, so his poetry had been impressed by the transition. The discussion on general outline of Zhang’s creation of poetry in the first section summarizes its character and position in the history of Tang Poetry and analyzes the background and content of his poetry. Reviews completely Zhang’s poetry based on his literary works, from the second section to the fifth section, the chapter dissertates different types of Zhang’s poetry in detail from the view of doing textual research, namely, poem according to the emperor’s order, poem on landscape, poem about farewell, poem of others themes, including poem about frontier, poems of thoughts and feelings, poems of leisure, poem of history, etc. The sixth section generalizes Zhang’s art of poetry in three aspects, that is, form types of literature, tones rules of classical poem, trope. The seventh part mentions Zhang’s influence on high Tang and mid Tang’s poet, especially on Du Fu.Chapter 5: The complete arrangement of Zhang’s articles, the verse, the prose and chuanqi included. The first part introduces the main impression on Zhang’s creation of articles and stands out his innovative characteristic, in which Zhang tried to break the ice between the verse and the prose and exhibited his own great literary skill. The following two sections try to discuss Zhang’s various types of the verse and the prose, The second section classifies all types as lyric style, narrative style and commentary style, which include Fu (one of the Chinese literary forms akin to poetry), eulogy, funeral oration, preface, written narration, letter, political questions and answers for ancient examination, memorial to emperor, official document, and so on. The third section studies on Zhang’s inscription on upright stone tablet or the memorial tablet within a tomb wholly and displays the characteristic of great literary skill, which is well known by contemporary scholars. Discussion on Zhang’s nominal chuanqi one by one in the fourth section including Biography of Four Old Men in Liang Dynasty, Biography of Green-coated Emissary, Heraldic Swallow, Story of Mirror-Dragon, Biography of An Old Man With Dragon Whiskers. is to determine whether Zhang had ever written chuanqi or not. The conclusion:Based on the whole study on Zhang Yue in the main body, his achievement in literature is summarized briefly and his great contribution to literature is affirmed completely in the conclusion. Found on the complete reviewing of Zhang’s achievement in either politics or literature, the inequitable appraising in academia ubiquitously should be analyzed and corrected. The appendix:The appendix is the supplement to the main research. Based on the correlative literature, Appendix I draws the outline of collection of Zhang’s literary works into volumes and inheriting of the editions. Besides, grounded on "the Chronicle of Zhang Yue’ s life" and all his works, Appendix II attaches the creation of forty-nine poems and twenty-one articles to the concrete year.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 07期