

Scalar Implicature Humor: A Pragmatic-Cognitive Approach

【作者】 项成东

【导师】 何兆熊;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 幽默理论研究文献丰富,然而从语言学,尤其是从认知语言学视角来研究言语幽默并不多见;人们对言语幽默提出很多不同的解释模式,但鲜见综合模式。本文致力于研究一种特殊的言语幽默——等级幽默,即利用概念等级(conceptual scale)或等级含意(scalar implicature)而取得的幽默。这种幽默通常由两部分组成。前一部分通常将某人或某物描述成具有极高程度的等级特征,以制造某种心理期待;后一部分的实际描述却打破这种期待,出现“乖讹”(incongruity),并引发某种相应的“意象”(imagery),从而产生幽默效果。本文在前人的研究基础之上,试图综合心智空间理论(Fauconnier,1994)、概念整合理论(Fauconnier & Turner,1998,2002)、构式语法(Goldberg,1995;Langacker,1987)、框架转移理论(Coulson,2000)、关联理论(Sperber & Wilson,1986/1995)等理论,提出一个以语用认知为取向的综合模式来解读言语幽默的生成及理解机制。该模式以体验(embodiment)哲学为基础,从构式(constructions)入手,以框架转移(frame-shifting)作为言语幽默中乖讹消除(incongruity-resolution)的认知机制,以认知识解(construal)作为幽默乖讹消除的具体手段,以话语关联(relevance)作为框架转移中对应映射(mappings)的保证,层层细致地分析和解读言语幽默的生成理解过程中的认知机制。全文共十章。第一章和第十章是序言和结语;第二章和第三章是对等级含意理论和言语幽默理论的综述;第四章对等级幽默的形式特征和表现形式进行描述;第五章提出本研究的理论模式;第六、第七、第八和第九章分别从框架转移、体验、识解、和关联等不同的视角对等级幽默进行详细分析。本研究梳理了等级含意理论和言语幽默理论,澄清了一些模糊概念,提出了言语幽默研究的一个综合模式,对言语幽默在语用认知领域研究具有一定的理论参考价值和借鉴作用。另外,本研究还探讨了幽默研究和外语教学之间的关系,对提高学生幽默欣赏能力和外语交际能力,改进外语教学质量,增强教师课堂教学效果等,具有一定的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 Although a great deal of work has been done on humor in psychology, literature and sociology, less has been done in linguistics, especially in cognitive linguistics. Models of humor abound, but integrative models do not.The present dissertation is confined to the study of a special type of humor, scalar implicature (SI for short) humor, from the pragmatic-cognitive perspective. This type of humor mainly resides in the manipulation of a conceptual scale by describing an entity (such as a person, object, or situation) typically in the first clause or part as having a great deal of some property, thus creating an expectation in the hearer’s mind. This is then followed by a second clause or part that provides a punchline, whose characteristics and relation to the first clause or part are incongruous to the hearer’s initial expectation. The resulting mismatch between the hearer’s expectations about the utterance and its actual realization, as well as the imagery evoked, is the very thing that makes the utterance funny.Based on the previous studies on humor, we propose an integrative model to explore the cognitive mechanisms underlying the production and interpretation of SI humor, by synthesizing mental space theory (Fauconnier, 1994), conceptual blending theory (Fauconnier & Turner, 1998, 2002), construction grammar (Goldberg, 1995; Langacker, 1987), frame-shifting model (Coulson, 2000), and relevance theory (Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995), with the focus on its capacity to explain the sorts of inferences needed to understand SI humor, or verbal humor in general. In this model, frame-shifting serves as a cognitive resolution mechanism in understanding humor, embodiment as a cognitive resolution basis, cognitive construal as an incongruity unpacking device, while relevance serves as a pragmatic inference mechanism to guarantee the proper direction of frame-shifting.The present dissertation is composed of ten chapters, including the general introduction at the outset and the conclusion at the end. Chapters 2 and 3 offer a literature review of SI studies and humor research; Chapter 4 attempts to construct a theoretical framework for the study of SI humor; Chapter 5 gives a linguistic description of SI humor; Chapters 6 to 9 are devoted to the exploration of SI humor from the perspectives of frame-shifting, embodiment, cognitive construal, and relevance.With various pioneering efforts in view, the present study is, on one hand, to piece together their findings concerning humor as well as SIs and incorporate them into a fuller and richer picture in the attempt to clear off some misunderstandings related to humor. On the other hand, we try to dig into the depth of SI humor from a broader perspective in the light of cognitive linguistics and pragmatics. Hopefully, the current study will provide a good initial orientation in the cognitive linguistic approach to humor, and have some theoretic and practical values for the humor research.

  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1645