

Study on the Evolution of the Rural Settlement System and Optimization of the Rural Inhabitable Environment during the Urbanization

【作者】 余斌

【导师】 曾菊新;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文依托国家自然科学基金项目“江汉平原乡村住区系统演变与人居环境优化研究(40671050)”和教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“城乡一体化进程中的空间结构与村镇布局研究(05JJDZH232)”,尝试从人文地理学的人地关系变化视角介入乡村人居环境研究。贯穿全文的一条主要逻辑线路是:乡村人地关系——乡村住区系统——乡村人居环境;研究内容的基本组织结构是:背景与问题——视角与框架——演变与规律——调控与优化——问题与发展。作者提出了乡村住区系统的概念体系,并试图构建局域乡村人居环境的分析框架,在此基础上,综合运用地理学、经济学和系统科学的原理与方法,着重探讨乡村住区系统的演变规律,意欲为优化乡村人居环境、推动乡村住区发展提供理论基础和政策依据。全文共分为六章:第一章为乡村人居环境与乡村住区系统的理论研究。乡村住区系统是乡村人居环境的基本功能单元,是具有一定地域边界和空间内涵的乡村生活系统,也是一种乡村人地关系地域系统。乡村住区系统的构成要素包括自然生态基质、物质设施网络和社会文化氛围;其中,物质设施网络是该类系统的核心构件,也是一定乡村地域人地关系的“联结界面”。乡村住区系统的空间有限性和内涵确定性构筑了乡村人居环境优化的实践操作平台。第二章为传统乡村住区系统的主要特征分析。微观上,传统乡村住区系统的演化主要源于乡村居民的空间需求变化;宏观上,自然地理环境、经济发展水平、社会文化背景和政治一行政体制都能够影响其演化进程。乡村住区系统的一定空间状态是该4个作用力均衡的结果。基于中国的背景,传统乡村住区系统演变的历史轨迹是:社会作用力主导的传统村落系统——经济作用力主导的乡村集市系统——政治作用力主导的生产大队系统。第三章为当代乡村住区系统的影响因素分析。环境条件的变化是当代中国乡村空间演化的外部影响因素,主要包括:国家工作重心的转移、市场经济体制的建立和现代城市化的发展等;其中,政治转轨及其主导下的制度变迁可能更具有决定性意义。外部环境变化的乡村人居行为响应主要包括:制度变迁唤醒乡村居民的主体意识和经济理性,产业发展激起乡村居民的空间欲望并进而形成其空间有效需求,现代城市化则强化前两者的乡村空间效应。由此,当代中国乡村住区的主要特征是空间密集化与空间稀疏化并存,其发展趋势逐步由空间密集化转向空间稀疏化。此时,乡村空间发展可能会出现不同程度的异化现象。第四章为当代乡村住区系统的构成要素分析。在当代城市化进程中,乡村住区系统既是一种边缘化空间,又是一种开放性空间。乡村住区系统的多重变化特征主要表现为:自然生态基质的剧烈变化与脆弱化、物质设施网络的快速变化与网络化和社会文化氛围的动荡变化与多元化等,从而使得乡村住区的人居价值趋于复杂化。在科学发展观的视野下,当代乡村住区系统是一种生活-生产-生态兼容的多功能性(multifunctionality)空间,系统内聚力和外部作用力构成其演化的两大驱动力。一般的说,现代城市化和经济市场化通过系统内聚力的作用有使乡村空间自发趋于凋敝的趋势,但外部作用力(主要是指国家空间政策的强力支持)有可能使其发展成为独具魅力和富有竞争力的新型人类家园。第五章为当代乡村住区系统的空间组织分析。当代中国乡村住区系统的空间结构要素已发生显著变化;其主要特征可概括为:乡村住区中心的空间回归、乡村住区单元的空间整合和乡村住区通道的空间延伸等。当代乡村住区系统的空间变化可通过相关量化指标与方法予以描述和阐释。本文中,以生产市场化指数(PMI)和生活市场化指数(LMI)分析乡村住区中心的当代变化机制,以经济学的方法描述乡村住区系统的空间结构变化,借鉴复杂土地利用系统的ANN-CA模型模拟其空间组织机制;在此基础上,提出基于微观行为视角的、乡村公共行为主体与私人行为主体空间博弈的概念模型。实践中,当代乡村住区系统的空间结构可能呈现出不同的地理图谱,可经验地归纳为聚集型、均衡型和离散型等三种基本的空间模式;不同的空间模式表现出不同的形态特征,并具有与之相匹配的、不同的空间结构效应。乡村住区系统的空间结构效应可通过构建一种简化思路进行计算和评估。第六章为乡村住区系统调控与人居环境优化的地理政策研究。乡村住区系统演变的人居环境效应主要表现为乡村人居行为效应和住区空间结构效应。基于乡村人居环境的发展性和有机性,乡村住区中心是乡村住区系统空间结构的核心构件,住区空间结构对乡村人居环境的变化“具有关键性的影响”。基于当代中国乡村住区的空间边缘化性质,国家政治力量通过经济手段的空间作用构成乡村住区系统空间调控的主导性作用力。在技术层面上,乡村住区系统的空间调控可通过基于约束性变量的ANN-CA模型进行模拟。据此,调控乡村住区系统、优化乡村人居环境的地理政策体系包括:保障乡村人居供给的空间政治政策、激励乡村人居需求的空间经济政策和引导乡村人居活动的空间行为政策等。本文试图在以下三个方面寻求有所作为:①在研究目标上,力图确立人地关系思想在人居环境研究中的导引地位,构建了乡村住区系统的概念体系和乡村人居环境的分析框架;②在研究内容上,重点探讨了中国乡村住区系统演化的一般规律和当代特征,阐释了优化乡村人居环境的理论依据和信息基础:③在研究方法上,应用现代经济学和复杂系统科学的基本原理,揭示了乡村住区系统的空间本质。

【Abstract】 Based on the program of "Study on the evolution of the rural settlement system and optimization of the rural inhabitable environment in Jianghan Plain , Hubei, China" (40671050) founded by the national science foundation and on the program of " Study on the spatial structure and the towns distribution in the process of the rural urbanization" (05JJDZH232) founded by the national department of the Education. The dissertation tries to study the rural inhabitable environment in terms of the human-environment relationship dynamics according to the human geography, the basic logic clue of which is " rural human-environment relationship—rural settlement system -- rural inhabitable environment", the paper is constituted by "background and problems", "perspective and framework", "evolution and laws" , " adjustment and optimization" and " problems and development". The concept of the rural settlement system and the principle and means of geography , economics and system science are applied in the paper to explore the ways of the evolution of the rural settlement system so that the paper seek to present the technological support and the policy suggestions for optimization and development of the rural inhabitable environment. There are six parts in the paper:The first part introduces the theories about the rural inhabitable environment and rural settlement system. The rural settlement system is the fundamental unit of the rural inhabitable environment, It is a kind of rural life system, which has definite territory boundary and spatial concepts , also it is a rural human-environment territory system . the physical ecologic base , material infrastructure network and social cultural environment are the three factors of the system , where the material infrastructure network is the most important part and the connection interface of the rural human-environment interaction. The spatial limitation of the system and the certain definition of the system present a practical platform for the optimization of the rural inhabitable environment.The second part is about the characters of the traditional rural settlement system. The traditional rural settlement results from the spatial demand in the micro-scale; the physical environment, the economic level , social cultural background and the political institution might have impacts on the evolution progress in the macro-scale and produce the final spatial situation due to the tradeoff between the four force. Before the modern urbanization in China, the rural settlement experienced the following stage: the traditional hamlet system dominated by social force, the rural fair system dominated by the economic force and the rural production village system dominated by the political force. The third part analyses the influence factors of the current rural settlement system. The external factors include: the emphasis shift of the national work , setting up of the marketing economic system and the modern urbanization, of which the political and institutional shift are the decision factor. The individual sense and economic rationality of the rural residents awaked by the institutional change, the demand of the space and goods from the rural residents evoked by the industrial development in the rural and the rural spatial effect intensified by the modern urbanization are the rural behavioral reactions to the external environment change. So that the main characters of the Chinese rural settlement are the coexisting of the spatial cluster and spatial disperse , the trend would be turned to spatial disperse from the spatial cluster and the rural would present different heterogeneous space.The fourth part studies the constitution of the current rural settlement system . The rural settlement system is both a kind of periphery space and open space during the modern urbanization, there are multilevel changes in the rural settlement, of which are the radical change and weakening of the physical ecologic base , the quick development and networking of the building environment and the uneven change and pluralism of the social cultural environment, the multilevel change make the rural inhabitable value sophisticated. In the perspective of the scientific development concept, modem rural settlement system is a multifunctional space incorporated with living, producing and ecologic aspect, the internal and external forces of the system drive it evolve. Modern urbanization and the marketing economic tend to make the rural space dying out through the system internal force while the external force ( mostly is the national powerful support) might drive it develop a new charming and competitive settlement.The fifth part is about the spatial arrangement of the modern rural settlement. The dynamic spatial structural factors of the Chinese modern rural settlement involve the spatial regression of the rural settlement center, the spatial integration of the rural settlement units and the spatial extend of the rural settlement passage. The paper applies the production market index (PMI) and life market index(LMI) to analyze the change of the rural settlement center, the economic means to describe the spatial change and the complicated ANN-CA model in the land-use system to simulate the spatial arrangement; based on which a spatial game concept model in terms of the individual behavior , the rural public agency and the private agency is put forward, practically the three kinds of spatial pattern and characters of agglomeration, equilibrium and scattering of rural settlement are presented with different characteristics and spatial structure effects in the rural settlement system , the simply calculating way of spatial structure effects of rural settlement is formed and applied to value the former three patterns in the paper.The sixth part gives the suggestion of adjustment and optimization of the rural inhabitable environment. The dynamic inhabitable environment effect of the rural settlement system turns out the rural inhabitant behavior effect and settlement spatial structural effect; according to the developable and organic attribute of the rural inhabitable environment, the rural settlement center is the key factor of the rural settlement system, the settlement spatial structure has the key impact on the change of the rural inhabitant environment; according to the peripheral feature of the modern Chinese rural settlement, national intervention by the economic ways is the dominant force to control and adjust the rural settlement system and technically simulated through the restraining variables of the ANN-CA model. Above all, the suggestion system includes the spatial political policy to ensure the inhabitable supplying, the spatial economic policy to impel the inhabitable demand and the spatial behavioral policy to lead the inhabitable activity.Above all, the writer is trying to work on the following three aspects: firstly, in terms of the research aims, setting up the leading role of the ideas of the human-environment relationship in the research work of settlement environment and trying to constitute the concept system of the rural inhabitable system and the analysis framework of the settlement environment; secondly, respect to the research contents, exploring the general laws and modem characteristics of Chinese rural inhabitable system to put forward the theoretic and informational base for the optimizing the rural settlement environment; thirdly, making use of the methods of the modern economics and complicated system science applied in the geographical research to uncover the spatial features of the rural inhabitable system.
