

Knowledge Economy and Marxist Labor Theory of Value

【作者】 曹亚雄

【导师】 梅荣政;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济是近些年来出现的新现象,但是它引起了社会各界对马克思主义劳动价值论的热烈争论。本书力图以社会现实为基础,以马克思主义经济理论为依据,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法论原则,从历史分析与逻辑分析、实证分析与规范分析相结合的角度着手,对马克思主义劳动价值理论在知识经济条件下遇到的挑战和发展机遇进行比较系统的梳理,对其发展作一定程度的前瞻。全书分为六章和结束语等七个部分:第一章论述马克思主义劳动价值论是经济理论的重大革命;第二章论述马克思主义劳动价值论在挑战中与时俱进;第三章分析知识经济对马克思主义劳动价值论的挑战;第四章论述关于科学技术知识能否创造价值的思考;第五章论述关于非劳动生产要素能否创造价值的思考;第六章论述关于管理和服务劳动能否创造价值的思考;最后以进一步深化和发展马克思主义劳动价值论为结束语。第一章共分三节,它们分别论述了马克思主义劳动价值论产生的历史背景、基本内容、创新点及其历史地位。书中着重论述了马克思主义劳动价值论的基本框架,并把它归纳为九个方面,即商品的二因素论,劳动二重性论,价值形式论,货币论,完整的拜物教理论,价值变形论,价值规律论,劳动力商品论和劳动论。并强调,劳动价值论是马克思主义经济理论体系的基石,也是以往价值理论成果和实践的科学概括和总结,今天要想发展马克思主义劳动价值论,首先就得坚持马克思主义劳动价值论。第二章从国外和中国两个角度出发,叙述并评析了理论界关于马克思主义劳动价值论的论战。书中将西方学者关于劳动价值论的争论和研究归纳为四次高潮,并简要述评了他们讨论的五个主要问题,即复杂劳动的化简问题、多种技术条件下商品价值量决定问题、联合生产条件下的价值量如何决定的问题、非线性折旧条件下的价值决定问题及价值向生产价格转化的问题。书中对我国学者关于劳动价值论的探讨作了简单回顾,并将其划分为四个阶段。第三章主要分析了知识经济的含义、特征及其对马克思主义劳动价值论的挑战。从实证角度出发,概括了知识经济和社会主义市场经济条件下出现的一些与马克思主义劳动价值论相矛盾的现象,比如说:1、劳动迅速减少和价值增加的问题;2、第三产业迅速发展及其产值计算的问题;3、科学技术知识在价值创造中的作用问题;4、我国现行的按生产要素分配与价值创造问题; 5、无形资产在价值创造中的作用问题等。书中指出,对这些问题的不同回答,产生了各种不同的观点,马克思主义劳动价值论就是在迎击这些挑战性观点中不断丰富和发展起来的。第四章主要分析科学技术知识能否创造价值,并对学术界有关科技知识创造价值的各种观点进行了评析。作者认为,科学技术是第一生产力,它在生产过程中,日益发挥重大作用。它渗透到生产者、生产资料和管理中,提高了劳动生产率,使得单位时间内生产的财富(或使用价值)越来越大,也生产出更多的超额剩余价值和相对剩余价值。但是,增大的使用价值并不意味着价值的同步增长。只要劳动量没有变,价值量就不会增加,改变的只是单个商品的价值而非总体价值。因此,科学技术在生产过程中,发挥的仍然是类似于生产资料的作用,即只能转移价值而不能创造价值,创造价值的主体仍然是人。由于科技劳动的特殊性,科技知识本身的价值很大,以至于转化在新商品中的价值也很大,从而直接导致了社会总价值的上升。作者认为,科技知识价值论实际上混淆科技知识本身的价值和科技知识创造价值这两个不同的概念,混淆了使用价值的生产和价值的生产,从而走上了效用价值论的老路。第五章主要分析非劳动生产要素能否创造价值,并对各种有关非劳动生产要素创造价值的观点进行了评析。书中指出,非劳动生产要素在生产过程中,与劳动一起创造使用价值,但是它并不创造价值,只有人才能创造价值。因此,非劳动生产要素只是价值生产的条件,而不是价值的源泉,它构成商品价值的一部分,但是并不形成价值。因此,我们必须区分人的作用与物的作用,价值创造和价值转移,价值形成和价值构成这三对概念的范畴。另外,作者还分析了当前价格上涨和国民生产总值增加的原因,指出,价格的上涨与货币发行量的增加、机器设备转移的价值增加有关,但是,在复杂劳动代替简单劳动的今天,商品本身的价值量也大大地增加了。这些因素使得商品的价格呈上涨趋势。但是,这种趋势并不能说明这些增大的价值是非劳动生产要素创造的。国民生产总值的增长并不代表价值的增长,而只是说明使用价值的增长。作者指出,非劳动生产要素价值论的错误在于混淆了人的作用与物的作用、价值创造与价值转移、价值形成和价值构成,因而最终混淆了价值与使用价值,它的实质仍然是效用价值论。第六章主要分析第三产业能否创造价值,并对第三产业价值论进行了评析。书中指出,马克思所说的生产性劳动是指直接或间接为物质生产服务的劳动。也就是“总体劳动”,只有它才创造价值。因此,第三产业中,除了直接或间接地为物质生产服务的交通运输、仓储保管、科技研究和服务等行业以外,其余的公共服务和社会服务都不属于生产性劳动,因而它们也就不能创造价值。第三产业价值论的主要错误在于混淆了生产劳动和非生产劳动,混淆了价值创造和价值分配,把国民生产总值的统计作为创造价值的根据,违反了马克思的从现实出发的方法论原则,从而最终违背了马克思的价值概念。书的结束语讨论了深化和发展当前马克思主义劳动价值论面临的几个问题,并对其发展前景进行了前瞻。书中认为,深化和发展马克思主义劳动价值论,必须以解放思想,实事求是为指针,既要认真研读原著,弄清马克思的原意,坚持科学性和革命性的统一,把握马克思的科学抽象法,又要结合当前现实,批驳各种否定马克思主义劳动价值论的手法,加强对现代商品、劳动形式和价值形式的研究和探讨,只有这样,马克思主义劳动价值论才能永葆青春。

【Abstract】 Knowledge economy is a newly emerged phenomenon, which has aroused heated arguments on Marxist labor theory of value in all fields. Insisting on the guidance of the Marxism economic theory, obeying the principle of the dialectic materialistic and historical materialistic methodology and combining the methods of historical analysis and logical analysis, normal analysis and positive analysis, this dissertation discusses comprehensively on the challenges and opportunities to Marxist labor theory of value posed by knowledge economy and criticizes all kinds of wrong viewpoints. In this book, the author also pectinates systematically the basic Marxist labor theory of value and predicts its prospect to some extent. The paper consists of seven parts, which includes six chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter is that Marxist labor theory of value is the important revolution of economics; The second is Marxist labor theory of value develops with the time in the challenges; The third analyses the challenge of knowledge economy to Marxist labor theory of value; The fourth studies whether science, technology and knowledge can create value; The fifth is the study of whether non-labor production elements can create value; The sixth is the study of whether the third industry can create value; The conclusion is about the further deepening and development of Marxist labor theory of value.ChapterⅠconsists of four parts which analyses respectively the historical background, fundamental contents, innovations and historical status of Marxist labor theory of value. The book emphasizes the frame of Marxist labor theory of value, and reduces it into nine aspects, that is the two factors of a commodity theory, the two-folds character of labor theory, the form of value theory, money theory, fetishism of commodities and money theory, the transformation of value theory, the theory of the law of value, labor commodity and labor theory. The author also points out, that Marxist labor theory of value is the footstone of the system of Marxist economic theory, the start point of Marxist theoretical analysis and also the scientific conclusion of previous achievements of value theory and practice. If one wants to develop Marxist labor theory of value, he should adhere to it at first.ChapterⅡanalyses the overseas and domestic arguments around Marxist labor theory of value in history. The author points out; some western scholars have challenged Marxist labor theory of value continually since its birth, which formed four great climaxes, and put forward five key questions, that is the simplification problem of skilled labor, the determination of commodities’value quantity under conditions of alternative (various) skills, joint production, non-linear depreciation, and transformation problem from value to product price. Strictly speaking, such challenges cannot really confute Marxist labor theory of value. In our country, scholars have also discussed over Marxist labor theory of value, which also formed four climaxes, these discussions are useful yet form a threat to the development of Marxist labor theory of value to some extent.ChapterⅢstudies knowledge economy and its effect on Marxist labor theory of value. Knowledge economy, also called as“new economy”, the core of which is new science and technology, is a stage of social economic development based on the innovation of knowledge, science and technology system, and it revolutionarily change productivity, styles of production and economy formation. Knowledge economy raises many questions to Marxist labor theory of value, such as: 1, the contradiction between the decrease of labor and the increase of surplus value; 2, problem on the rapid growth of the third industry and its’reasonable calculation in GNP; 3, science and technology’s effect on value. 4, whether or not is the distribution of wealth according to production elements in China based on Marxist labor theory of value? 5, whether or not does the Intangible property have values? These questions are either challenges or chances to the development of Marxist labor theory of value.ChapterⅣmainly analyses whether science and technology can create value, and comments on all kinds of viewpoints about the creation of value by science and technology. Science and technology is the first productive power, which plays a great role in the process of production increasingly. It penetrates into laborer, production elements and administration, enhances productivity, increases material wealth (or use-value) at the equal time, and gets more excess surplus value and relative surplus value, But the enlarged use-value doesn’t mean the simultaneous increase of value unless the quantity of labor increase. Labor is the only creator of value. Because of particularity of scientific activity, science, technology and knowledge have great value, so it transfers great value into new commodity and boosts the value of individual commodity and social gross value. The theory of value of science and technology actually confuses science and technology’s personal value and science and technology’s creating value, which leads to the old way of function value.ChapterⅤmake an analysis on whether non-labor production factor can create value or not. The author points out that non-labor productive factor together with labor can create use-value yet doesn’t create value itself. Man is the only factor for creating value. Therefore, it is the condition of value creation but not the source of value. It consists of part of commodity value while it can’t form value. We should correctly understand the following couple of categories: the function of manual and that of object, value creating and value transferring, value forming and value-construction. Value is not the only reason for present Enhance Price level and enlarged GNP, which is just a scale for measuring use-value not value, inflation, transferred equipments’value and the replacement of the simple labor by the complex one also wok on it, so we cannot conclude that non-labor productive factor create value. Except for that, the author point out that, there are no abstract use-value and productive force but concrete one, and productive force just affects use-value, not value. This kind of viewpoint confuses the role of man and object, value-creating and value-transferring, value-forming and value-construction, thus finally leads to the confusion of value and use-value, the essence of which is still function value.ChapterⅥmainly analyses whether administration and service can create value or not. The author thinks that only productive labor can create value, which include direct or indirect labor serves for material producing, namely the“Total labor”, which can create value. So, apart from those industries such as transportation, house ware care, scientific research and development and service trade, which serve directly and indirectly for material producing, all other public and social service industry, which is not belong to productive labor can’t create value. This kind of viewpoint actually confuses productive labor and non-productive labor, value creating and value-distribution, and eventually derails Marx’s methodology principle to start from the reality.At the end of this book, the author discusses how to deepen and develop Marxist labor theory of value and points out that we should read the Marx’s original works with a call-a-spade-a-spade attitude and try to make clear its essence. We should also recognize various viewpoints, which deny Marxist labor theory of value, and re-comprehend Marxist basic conception and principle combing with reality. Besides, we should correctly treat western economics and absorb its reasonable factors for our use. Only in this way, Marxist labor theory of value can interpret the present situation and be classified at the first line of times.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】F014.2;F062.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2168
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