

Research on Ventilation System Simulation and Its Applications in Jinchuan Mine

【作者】 赵千里

【导师】 高谦; 包国忠;

【作者基本信息】 北京科技大学 , 工程力学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 金川矿井是我国井下无轨现代化开采的大型矿山,主通风系统采用多机并串联抽、压联合微正压通风系统。无轨机械排放的尾气不仅严重污染采场和运输中段工作环境,而且严重影响作业人员的身心健康。尤其2005年初14行主回风井出现故障后,矿井通风系统的供风、用风和回风三区处于严重的不匹配状态,作业环境急剧恶化,作业效率、生产能力大幅度降低,尤其1150和1000m主运输水平,几乎没有新鲜风流,中心溜井附近基本处于低风状态,温度较高;另风流循环和反向严重,主斜坡道季节性或常年出现反风现象,盘区回风系统阻力增大,有效回风量明显减小,通风网络复杂,风流管理困难等。针对金川矿井通风系统所存在的技术问题,开展了矿井通风仿真系统理论研究,该矿井通风仿真系统已在在金川矿井得到了应用,在通风系统优化改造方面取得了良好的经济效益和环境效益,改变了金川矿井通风系统中存在的风量不足、反风、循环风、作业场所污染严重等问题。该研究获得的主要技术创新点和结论如下:通过本课题研究而得出的主要结论如下:(1)若机站位置或风机功率选择不合理,会导致机站风路的旁侧风路发生风流逆转。在旁侧风路上若无其它通风动力或循环体外的通风动力又不够,则势必导致该旁侧风路风流反向,形成通风网络单向回路,造成一切通路算法都失效。要控制单向回路的出现或者减少单向回路对通风系统的影响程度,须对多级机站的位置设置进行优化,消除旁侧风路或循环风;在旁侧风路中或循环体外增设通风动力,消除旁侧风路风流逆转形成循环风;旁侧风路或循环风消除后,一切通路算法都可有效。(2)利用有向图不能系统、完整、准确地确定所有角联结构;角联风路仅取决于通风网络所对应图的拓扑关系,与通风系统的各种参数无关;角联分支的风阻发生变化时,不但能导致分支自身以及网络的其它分支的风量发生变化,而且还会导致其它分支的流向发生变化;角联风路具有不稳定性,但是如果角联分支的流向变化无负面影响时,通风网络中如果存在角联风路,将会增加网络整体的稳定性和可靠性,而且还会降低网络的总风阻。(3)矿井通风系统图和通风网络图只能反映通风系统的拓扑关系,而不能反映其数量关系。但金川矿井风网特征图不仅能反应风网图的节点关系、回路关系、割集关系、通路关系,还能反映每条风路的风量、阻力、功耗的大小;它既能反映通风系统的技术管理水平,又能反映通风防灭火的技术途径。与风网图相比,特征图更形象、更直观,而且是定量化,尤其在反映通路与割集方面更高一筹。(4)根据对矿用空气幕隔断、引射、增阻理论模型的研究以及对其研究结论的仿真验证和现场应用测试可知,矿用空气幕具有引射风流替代机站通风、隔断风流替代风门、增减阻替代调节风窗技术。(5)多、单机并联空气幕供风器的出口断面积、风机的叶片角度、空气幕射流轴线与巷道轴线的夹角等对空气幕阻隔和引射风流的能力有很大影响。对于阻隔风流空气幕, S c越大,空气幕抵抗干扰气流的能力和节约动力方面的性能越好,但是由于受到现场条件、风机能力、允许风速等因素的制约, S c有一个限定范围。而对于引射空气幕,缩小引射器出口的断面积会增加出口风流的动能,从而增加其在巷道内的引射风量;但另一方面却增加了空气幕的工作阻力,减少了风机风量,当后者的影响超过了前者时反而会减少引射风量。获得的主要技术创新点如下:1、通过现场普查、参数测试,并综合应用通风网络理论、集合论、图论以及计算机技术,研制开发了金川矿井通风仿真模拟系统,实现了矿井通风信息处理与图形的交互及仿真模拟技术。2、利用金川矿井通风仿真模拟技术和多单机矿用空气幕理论模型,建立了金川矿井空气幕引射风流替代机站技术、空气幕隔断巷道风流替代风门技术、空气幕增减巷道风阻替代风窗技术,成功地解决了大型无轨运输巷道无法安置机站、风门和调节窗的技术难题。3、利用金川矿井通风仿真技术,对金川矿井进行了仿真应用,并提出了一系列优化改造方案:(1)用金川矿井通风仿真系统模拟运算、验证了井下机站对旁侧风路的影响,并提出了解决旁侧风路的可行方案;(2)用金川矿井通风仿真系统的角联风路自动识别模型,研究分析了金川二矿区复杂通风网络中的角联风路及其影响,并提出了解决角联风路的一套技术方案;(3)用金川矿井通风仿真系统分析确定了1150水平通风问题的解决方案,并仿真模拟了这一方案;(4)用金川矿井通风仿真模拟技术,研究分析了金川二矿区1300、1350两机站移位和1150主回风道的TB9、TB10等四机站移位对周围风路的影响,并从中提出了最佳移位方案,同时仿真模拟了这一方案。4、利用矿用空气幕在巷道中形成气幕隔断风流这一技术,较好地解释了金川二矿区主回风巷道为什么安置了两道并联风机,回风效果一直不理想这一现象。其主要原因是在巷道中形成了两道气幕,增大了风阻,阻碍了回风。并提出了将并联风机改串联风机的技术方案。本研究有待于继续开展的主要研究工作如下:(1)应当对地面及井下一年四季风流温度变化规律,围岩表面温度变化规律,湿度变化规律,气压变化规律等进行连续监测,确定适合二矿区的自然风压变化规律及计算公式。(2)基于无向图的角联分支自动识别问题的研究。目前已有基于有向图的角联分支自动识别数学模型和软件,但在科研实践中我们发现,基于有向图的角联分支自动识别算法在有些情况下无法确定全部角联结构,有必要对基于无向图的角联分支自动识别问题进行研究。(3)在通风网络解算方面,研究解决无初值迭代计算问题、因巷道风速太小导致阻力测试误差较大问题、2次扇风机特性曲线导致的网络解算假收敛问题。(4)矿井通风是矿山消防安全的重要工作,因此应增加矿井火灾仿真模拟系统的研究,以更好的指导矿山消防安全工作。

【Abstract】 A tackless transport system is used for mining of the No 2 ore zone in Jinchuan mine. The main ventilation system is a stages fans connection in series and parallel connection with tiny positive press. .the tail gas discharged from trackless machine have not only polluted the environment of stop and transporting section ,but also affected the healthy of working men ,the phenomena is much serious when the collapse of main air shaft in the 14th section in 2005 years ,the ventilation as well as the order of safety production of mine district are damaged, the working environment are deteriorative ,as results ,the working efficiency and production capacity are decreased . There is not fresh air available in the level of 1150 and 1000m, there is not air available near the central jack shaft , the high temperature makes the environment of NO 2 mine district deteriorative ,the air circulating and inversing is serious , there is air inversion phenomenon all round the year in the main inclined roadway ,the resistance of return system in panel district increased ,effective air returning decreased obviously ,ventilation network is so complex that the management of them are difficult .Based on the technical problems existing in the ventilation system of Jinchuan mine district ,the research on mine ventilation simulation theory are carried out , the mine ventilation simulation system has been used in the NO 2 mine district ,which makes good economical and environmental benefit ,solve such problems existing in the ventilation systems as air insufficient , air inversion , air circulating as well as the serious pollution in working environment . The main originality innovation and rated conclusions are as follows.Main conclusions of this paper are as follows:1. If the location of fan station or the selection of fan power are not reasonable , the side wind path of fan station can be caused the phenomenon of air inversion ,if there is other ventilation power in the side wind path or the ventilation power outside of circulation body are insufficient ,then , the air flow of side wind path should be caused to be inverse to form the one-way return passage ,which lead to the failure of all path algorithm .as results, in order to control the occurrence of one-way return passage or decrease the influence degree of one-way path on the ventilation system , the location of multi–stage fan station should be optimized to discard the side are path or circulation wind ,increase the ventilation power in the side wind path or outside of circulation body to avoid the generation of circulation air due to the inversion of side wind path ,after the removal of side air path or circulation air , all the path algorithm are effective.2. Diracted graph can not define all the diagonal structure systematicly, completely and accurately; diagonal structure only depends on the topological relations of corresponding graph of ventilation network, which are independent of various of parameters .The change of air resistance of diagonal branches can not only lead to the change of input air of branch as well as other branch of network, but also the change of flow direction of other branch. The diagonal air path has the characteristic of instability, but, if the change of diagonal branch flow direction has no negative effect, the existing of diagonal air path in ventilation network can increase the integral stability and reliability of network and decrease the toal wind resistance of network.3. The ventilation system graph and ventilation network graph can only reflect the topological relations of ventilation system not the quantitative relations .but ,the ventilation network characteristic graph of Jinchuan mine district can not only reflect the node relation ,return circuit relation ,cut-set relation, closed-circuit relation of ventilation network graph ,but also can reflect the air amount, resistance ,power consumption ,in addition , it can not only reflect the technical management level of ventilation system ,but also the fire-extinguishing technical means .Comparison with the ventilation network graph , the characteristic graph are more vivid and illustrative , besides ,it can be quantitative especially in facets of the closed-circuit and cut-set.4. Based on the research on the mine air curtain blocking ,injection and increasing or decreasing wind resistance model as well as the stimulation certification of their conclusions and application test on the site , mine air curtain has the merits of injecting air to substitute fan station ,blocking air to substitute air door and increasing or decreasing wind resistance of tunnel to substitute wind window5. Such factors as the outlet section multi–single parallel air curtain fan ,the blade angle of fan, the angle between the axis of air curtain injection and the axis of tunnel have influence on the capability of the blocking and injection of air curtain .as for the air curtain blocking the air flow, the greater the S c,the better the capacity that the air curtain resists the interference from air flow and energy saving ,but , because the confinement from such factors as field condition, capacity of fans and permitted air speed , S c must be in a limit range . As to injecting air curtain, the decreasing of discharge area of injector would increase the energy of discharging air so as to increase the injection air of tunnel. But, at the same time, the working resistance of air curtain are increased, the air of fans are decreased, when the influence of latter are greater than the former, the injection air would be decreased. The main originality innovations in this paper are in following:1. Based on field survey , parameters test , combined with ventilation network theory , set theory ,graph theory as well as computer technique ,shaft ventilation analogue simulation system of JinChuan mine district is developed ,which realize the interactive operation of shaft ventilation information processing and graph as well as analogue simulation technique .2. Shaft ventilation analogue simulation technique and multi and single machine mine air screen model is adopted to establish air screen wind injection to substitute fan station, air screen wind blocking to substitute air door, air screen increasing or decreasing wind resistance of tunnel to substitute wind window,which resolve the such technical problems of large scale flexible transporting tunnel as the placement of fans3. Such technique as the mine air screen can form air curtain to block air can explain the reasons for the phenomenon that the return results are not good although two parallel fans are installed in the main return air tunnel .The main reasons lie in that double air curtain are formed to increase the wind resistance and block the return of air, at the same time, the technical scheme as tandem fans replacement of parallel fans are presented.
