

【作者】 王发明

【导师】 蔡宁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 鉴于成功产业集群的示范效应,“集群(Cluster)”正成为许多地区制定经济政策的战略工具,尤其是发展中国家和落后地区更是将其作为促进经济增长的重要方式。但实践发现一些主观引导和培植产业集群的行为并未成功,比如我国高科技园区的泛滥和最终的衰落;另外也有一些已经形成的产业集群,在未能充分发育的情况下就已经衰落,诸如浙江永康保温杯集群的“昙花一现”、瑞安场桥羊毛衫集群几年时间就彻底溃败等。这些现象都说明产业集群的形成和演进有其自身的发展规律。因此,针对产业集群的形成和演进规律开展研究具有积极的现实意义,能够为产业集群的实践提供理论指导和决策支持。产业集群在形成和演进过程中,是由多个生产相同或相似产品的企业在某一区域集聚,并辅之以相关的支持性机构和组织,这些企业、机构和组织相互作用、相互依存,构成一个社会生态系统,它们之间具有类似于生物种群的行为特征。因而,本研究尝试引入生态学的相关理论,借用生态学由个体——种群——群落的演进路径来剖析产业集群形成和演化的内在机理,并以数理经济分析方法为基本工具,构建一个完整的、系统的产业集群形成和演进的分析模型。论文搭建了产业集群演进路径——动力——效应的分析框架,分析了产业集群的形成演进经历了个体——产业种群——集群形成、发展、成熟后,其演进方向会出现三种路径:一是正向更替,即集群持续发展,实现升级;二是反向更替,即集群走向衰亡、解体;三是扩散与转移,即集群向其他地区转移。产业集群作为区域生态系统的高级形态,其演化发展受生态平衡机制支配,集群演进的动力源泉在于通过产业集群改变自身的生存环境,形成共同生存和协同进化的“命运共同体”。最后以嵊州领带产业集群演进为例进行了实证研究。通过从生态学的视角对产业集群演进研究,可以得出以下的结论:(1)生态平衡机制是产业集群的一种自我维持机制,能够使集群企业得到自我保护和平稳演进。生态平衡机制本质上是一种自组织力或自我调节能力,在生态平衡机制作用下,产业集群由于受资源和环境的约束,使之在演进过程中表现为非线性、负反馈的平稳特征。(2)产业集群的发展最终还是集群内部企业的竞争、合作和分化,而共生性和互补性是集群企业集聚在,‘起的内在要求和市场规律。除了要在发展产业集群的硬环境方面提供支持,更重要的是要在培育和加强集群内部的共生机制,强化区域内企业之间的联系和优化区域产业发展等软环境方面提出系列行之有效的手段和措施。(3)集群演进受内部企业共生性和合作稳定性影响,产业集群演进的动力既是系统演化的动力原因也是系统演化的局部结果。同时集群的演进受共生性和稳定性的初始状态影响,而在演进过程中,初值及其影响总是不断变化的,所以集群系统到底沿着那种方向、模式发展,集群内部企业共生性和合作稳定性态势起着决定作用,外部环境与集群企业相互关系和作用也同时影响着系统演化路径。围绕“产业集群演进路径——动力——效应”分析框架。本文在以下三个方面进行了尝试性的理论创新:(1)将生态学的研究方法引进集群研究,结合经济数理分析工具,从生物群落和经济学成本分析等角度对集群的演进过程、临界规模、扩展、扩散、壁垒及转移等进行研究,揭示了产业集群的演进规律。(2)构建了产业集群形成和演进研究分析模型,并总结出其一般性规律。在研究中应用生态学种群成长理论模型,将集群的形成和演进机制从定性分析转化为定性和定量相结合的分析框架中来。(3)讨论了集群内企业间及集群与环境间的动态关系,系统地研究了产业集群演进的整个过程,对以往零碎、非系统化的研究进行整合,从宏观、动态的角度作了有益的探索

【Abstract】 For the reason of successful influence, cluster is becoming tactic tools of economic policy in many areas and thought of great importance in economic development, so many developing and underdeveloped areas imports and cultivates local industrial cluster. But in reality such industrial cluster fails. For example, hi-tech areas in our country overflow and decline. Further more some under-developed cluster has totally failed before mature. Such as Yongkang Cup, Ruian knitted sweater. It is evidenced that the form and evolution of industrial cluster has its own law of development. So there are practical significance for the study in clusters’ evolution, which can provide theoretical and strategic support in its practice.Industrial cluster is composed of several same or similar enterprises in a certain field during its evolution and accompanied with concerned institution and organization, which have social ecological system by their interaction as some kind of ecological cluster characteristics exist between them. So we import the theory of ecology and analyze the innermechanismofindustrialcluster’sevolution bythemodeof individual---population--community. Also combined wit concerned economic analysis method, we build a whole and systamatical analysis mode about cluster’s form and evolution and an analysis frame about cluster’s path-dynamic-effect. The evolution of industrial cluster experiences period of individual, industrial population, industrial forming, growing and mature in severy processes. The first one is positive replace, that is to say cluster develops consistently and upgrades finally. The second one is negative replace. That is to say cluster collapse and failed. The third one is expansion and move, that is to say the cluster shifts to other areas. As high conformation of local ecology, the cluster development is controled by ecological equilibrium mechanism. The essence among enterprises in a cluster is symbiotic and mutual evolution. Evolution dynamic of industrial cluster lies in forming enterprises benefit community with common benefit and goal through instructional changes of environment. In the end, Shengzhou tie industrial cluster evolution have been taken for example,Though research of industrial cluster evolution in view of ecological, we can draw conclusion as follows: (1) The ecological equilibrium mechanism is one kind of self-maintenance mechanism of the industrial cluster, and it enables enterprises in cluster to obtain ego-protect and steady evolution. The ecological equilibrium mechanism is essentially one kind of the self-organization strength or the self- adjustment ability, under the ecological equilibrium mechanism, as a result of resources and environment restraint, The industrial cluster causes it to display in the evolution process for non-linear, negative feedback steady characteristic.(2) Cluster resulted from competence, cooperation and diverse of enterprises in a cluster, while symbiotic and independence are internal requirement and market rules. Besides strong support of hard environment to develop cluster, more attention should be paid on such soft environment as developing and strengthening mutual mechanism among enterprises, increasing connection between enterprises, making better cluster development and so on. (3) Cluster evolution is influenced by enterprises symbiotic and cooperation stability. But during evolution the initial values varies during evolution. So symbiotic and cooperation stability have decisive influence on clusters’ development, while outside environment and interaction among enterprises also have part influence.Under such analysis frame as industrial clusters’ revolution path-dynamic-effect trial theoretical innovation are made in the following three aspects: 1) by importing ecology method, it is studied in clusters’ evolution, critical scope, extension, pervasion, bulwark and diversion in view of ecology cluster and economics. Also several important factors, which influenced cluster, are analyzed. (2) it is intended to build analysis method of clusters’ form and evolution, and have a conclusion of its general law.Clusters’ form and evolution are studied from qualitative analysis to both qualitative and quantitative analysis by importing populagion growing theory mode and combining economic analysis. (3) Dynamic relation among enterprises in cluster and between cluster and environment arestudied in macroscopically and dynamic view; The whole process of industrial cluster’s evolution are systematically studied; Fragmentary and unsystematical studies are reorganized, which make up the deficiency of former microcosmic and static study.

【关键词】 产业集群生态种群集群演进
【Key words】 Industrial ClusterEcologyCluster EvolutionPopulation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期