

The Study on the Impact of the Characteristics of Colour Psychological Meaning and Implicit Colour Information on Emotion and Cognition

【作者】 侯艳红

【导师】 苗丹民; 朱霞;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 军事心理战,是以特定的信息媒介为武器,通过有效的信息刺激,改变对方的心理状态,导致其意志衰退、思维混乱、决策失误、战斗力下降的作战。信息是军事心理战最核心的武器。心理刺激“隐性化”是指以隐藏的方式刺激人的潜意识,通过非自觉意识引起人的内心活动变化,使之产生我方所期望的心理反应和行为表现。心理战信息的要素包括真性要素和隐性要素,真性要素容易理解,但由于意识形态的对立,容易引发心理战对象的逆反心理。隐性要素比较费解,但它能激发心理对象的好奇心理,冲破其意识防御,使其不自觉地接受某种思想观点。色彩是一种能够被溶解到各种信息要素中,而又能够体现各种要素作用的一个特殊载体。它既是信息的载体,本身又可以成为一种符号。具有显性的视觉感受特点,又具有隐性的社会文化特征,即丰富的心理语义和非视觉信息的生理作用。色彩为研究隐性化信息对人的情感、认知的影响,为无意识文化和认知领域的结合提供了一个好的研究对象。国内的色彩文化研究更多沿用国外的理论和一些早期的经验性文献,群体的具有统计学意义的资料有必要进行收集和更新。战争状态下,如何增强军事宣传效果提高作战士气,并提高作业绩效和增强心理防护能力是一个重要的课题。色彩的心理语义不仅随时间变迁具有本时代的特点,又在一定程度上是社会和经验的积累,习惯性获得的概念,是认知自动化,这种认知随时会被很少的信息激活,并有效的改变意志和行为。色彩隐性刺激的研究,将会为我军的心理战宣传进攻策略的发展和心理防御提供一个新的方向和方法。课题目的1.通过分析中国军人的色彩文化,在此基础上作语义分析,初步建立一个色彩心理语义库,为军事宣传的色彩选择提供一个依据。2.抽取情绪语义的内容,研究隐性色彩情绪信息对情绪图片主观评价的影响程度,从而为心理战宣传中色彩隐性化应用方面提供理论依据和参考线索,并初步验证色彩隐性化信息的可应用性。3.根据色彩非视觉效应的理论,通过色彩处于背景和非注意区的方式,达到对实验对象和测试工具的分离,探讨是否存在色光影响警醒度的作用及其规律。提供色彩调节军人在军事环境下作业能力的防护性研究建议,并对色彩或色光是否具备成为干扰对方工作的心理战武器,作了初探。采用方法第一部分,色彩心理语义的军人群体本土化研究。首先通过半结构化调查问卷的方法,研究了色彩的信息内涵——本土化色彩心理语义;其次对色彩的基本信息维度化。第二部分,隐性化色彩的情绪信息的传递机制及影响研究。首先做了色彩情绪信息的主观评估,量化色彩的情绪信息,在此基础上选择具有相关情绪语义的色彩,并在色彩背景上呈现不同情绪的图片,Osgood’s图片评估法评定图片情绪,同时采用多导生理记录仪监测相关生理指标和采用EyelinkⅡ记录阅览图片的眼动情况。第三部分,隐性化色彩信息对认知能力的影响。研究了人们对色彩与警醒程度之间关系的主、客观评估。通过色彩和认知内容视屏同时呈现方式,色彩处于背景和非注意区的方式,分离实验对象和测试工具,在3种非彩色和7种彩色的背景下,分别完成对警醒度较为敏感的认知任务,研究非注意区的不同色彩背景下是否影响了认知作业的完成情况,并对同时记录的生理指标进行了分析,研究不同色彩背景下对认知过程中生理指标的影响。主要结果1.在当代军人群体心理语义的本土化归类中,本研究从心理学角度重构了色彩心理语义的结构维度,包含共感觉、具体联想、人物描述、事物描述、情绪、象征。对心理语义的联想层面作了细化,丰富了色彩的本土化内涵。从而为军事宣传中色彩的选择和应用提供了一个色彩心理语义库。2.色彩的情绪信息作为一个隐性信息呈现,无论在主观评估还是眼动指标上,均证明不同情绪特征图片主观情绪体验受到了背景色彩的影响。色彩隐性的情绪信息被情境所诱导,同时又反作用于情境,对于图片的主体有较大的渲染力,具有增效或减效功能,为心理战宣传中如何应用色彩背景影响主体宣传的提供一个实验依据。3.隐性色彩信息对认知能力影响的心理学研究显示,生理指标变化不受认知任务的影响,而与背景色彩有关。心理学指标显示,不同的色光背景对人的认知作业能力产生了影响,色彩对不同难度的认知任务影响不同。在短波长光线下具有良好的生理状态和作业能力。最终结论1.当代军人群体中色彩的心理语义具有稳定性又具有特定性。2.色彩隐性的情绪信息对于图片的主体具有增效或减效功能。3.色彩具有非视觉效应,个体在短波长光线下具有良好的生理状态和作业能力。

【Abstract】 Military psychological operations (PSYOPS) was defined as the means in which some effective information stimulus could pass to enemy personnel by some specifically information medium to cause their decaying will, confused thinking, unadvisable decision-making and degressive battle effectives. Information was thought as the most important tool of psychological operations. Implicit psychological stimulus could act on human subconsciousness by some hidden manner and cause anticipant mental responses. In psychological operations, those obvious elements were understandable, but enemy could see them though easily. Those implicit elements were inexplicable, but enemy could be decoyed and accept some idea or standpoint.The elements of the information used in psychological operations contained carrier element, code element, rule element and meaning element. Colour could fuse into and give expression to every element meanwhile it could transmit some information as a carrier or a code. Colour also had some societal meaning because it could have different characteristics in different country or nation. Colour could have double features of psychology and physiology, so it could impact psychological and physiological functions through ocular and nocular passage. Because colour could transmit implicit stimulus effectively, the study on the impact of implicit stimulus transmitted by colour on human sentimen, cognition, manner and behavior should be very important.Knowledge is updating just as colour is fluid, so the psychological meaning of colour is changing and growing year by year. But the researchers follow foreign theory and results of some old empirical researches in most domestic studies. On the other hand, there were some problems of sociality and ergonomics in military operation. It has been a considerable question for study or discussion to elevate performance achievement and mental shelter in war. Information stimulus could activate some dormant cognition which rooted in societal experience. It should become an important topic if some implicit stimulus transmitted by colour could do so in psychological operations.Aims:1. To establish a library of psychological meaning of Chinese military personnel by analyzing their culture of colour meaning for selecting colour used in psychological operations.2. To investigate the impact of some implicit stimulus transmitted by colour on the testee’s subjective evaluation on their emotion.3. To investigate if the colored light can influence the degree of vigilance and analyze its axiom. To provide some evidences in abstract for using color or colored light as weapons in psychological operations.Methods:1. The investigation on colour’s meaning for Chinese military personnel. Some special questionnaires were used to exam subjects for evaluating color’s meaning and quantizating colour information.2. Subjects’emotional responses were evaluated by quantizating the information of emotional response. Then their emotional responses to some pictures in different colored background were evaluated by Osgood’s methods, meanwhile some capital physiological index and eyes’s motion of Subjects were monitored and recorded by polyphysiograph and EyelinkⅡrespectively.3. Subjective evaluation on the relationship between color and the degree of vigilance was tested. The conditions of visual consciousness in 3 different neutral colour and 7 colour backgrounds were compared. Furthermore, the impact of different color backgrounds on the cognitive performance was evaluated. Physiological index in different backgrounds were recorded and analyzed to evaluate the different influence of various color backgrounds on subject’s physiological functions.Results:1.The architecture of color meaning was reconstituted preliminarily by localization classify, which contained synestheea, concrete thought association, figure delineation, things delineation, emotion, symbol and so on. Color meaning was zoomed and enriched, so a library of psychological meaning of Chinese military personnel was provided.2. Color as a kind of implicit information, could impact on subjective emotional responses to the pictures with different emotional characteristics effectively. Therefore, the results of this study suggested that color background could be very helpful to enhance the effectiveness of pictorial main body, which provided a theoretical evidence for using special color background in psychological operations.3. The results of this study suggested that different color backgrounds could influence subject’s ability of cognitive performance powerful and the influence could be different based on different degree of difficulty of performance. One the other hand, the change of subject’s physiological index could be different exposed in different color backgrounds or exposed for different duration.Conclusion:1. The color psychological meaning of Chinese military personnel has stability and particularity.2. Color as a kind of implicit information, could impact on subjective emotional.3. People have favorable physiological status and well operate ability when they work in short wave light.
