

Study and Application of Lost Circulation Resistance and Control Technology during Drilling

【作者】 吕开河

【导师】 邱正松;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气井工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 井漏是影响钻井作业安全的危害最严重的复杂情况之一,井漏的发生不仅会给钻井工程带来损失,也为油气资源的勘探开发带来极大困难。本文针对钻井工程中防漏堵漏技术存在的突出问题,进行了堵漏效果模拟实验装置及评价技术、井漏位置确定技术和新型防漏堵漏剂的研究。针对现有防漏堵漏模拟实验装置及评价技术存在的问题,研制出高温高压(HTHP)堵漏模拟实验装置,并建立了相应的评价方法。HTHP堵漏模拟实验装置可以模拟防漏堵漏剂及钻井液的动态和静态堵漏效果,可以评价封堵后岩心或裂缝的承压能力(工作压力0~40MPa,工作温度室温~180℃,剪切速率0~1000s-1,漏失介质为人造岩心、天然岩心或裂缝模拟块),实验结果平行性好,实验结果对实践更具有指导意义。对不同漏层位置判断方法对比分析的基础上,选择了适合现场应用的立压变化法漏层位置确定方法。针对该方法涉及的钻井液进出口流量测量精度低、裸眼井径不规则和计算复杂等问题,确定了逼近法计算漏层位置的计算方法及计算公式,研究了关键参数的求取方法,编制了漏层位置确定软件,软件进行了现场应用。针对常规桥接堵漏剂的局限性,提出了自适应防漏堵漏的新思路,研选了组成自适应防漏堵漏剂的弹性颗粒材料、胶束聚合物和填充加固剂,研制了自适应防漏堵漏剂及其钻井液配方。室内实验和现场应用证明,自适应防漏堵漏钻井液能有效提高地层的承压能力,防漏堵漏应用效果显著。研制出自胶结化学堵漏剂。自胶结化学堵漏剂能可在水介质环境中发生化学反应,其反应产物充填于颗粒之间,使自胶结化学堵漏剂胶结在一起,对孔隙或裂缝产生有效封堵;自胶结化学堵漏剂固结体具有一定渗透性,且其渗透率可调,适合于油气层堵漏。

【Abstract】 Lost circulation is one of the most serious drilling troubles that affect drilling safety, because it not only brings loss to drilling engineering, but also impacts exploration and development of oil&gas resources. This paper is concerned with the outstanding problems that exist in lost circulation resistance and control technology during drilling. Lost circulation simulation equipment and assessment technology , lost circulation position locating technology and new lost circulation resistance and control agents were studied.According to the problems of the present lost circulation simulation equipments, HTHP lost circulation simulation equipment was developed. It is used to evaluate dynamic or static sealing capability of lost circulation control agents for man-made core sample, natural core sample and steel block with fracture(working temperature is between room temperature to 180℃, working pressure is between zero to 40MPa, shear rate is between zero to 1000 s-1),it can also measure the pressure-bearing capability of sealed formation. Experiment results indicated that this lost circulation simulation equipment possesses good accuracy and is reliable, experimental results will be more guidable for field operations as well.Based on the analysis of different locating lost circulation position methods, the method of stand pipe pressure variation is used. According to the problems, such as flow accuracy, open hole irregular and complex calculation, calculation formula and procedure were founded, the methods of measuring key parameters were developed, and the software was worked out accordingly. This software has good user interface and its operation is simple. This software was used in two wells.In view of the limitations of traditional bridging type lost circulation materials, the new technology of auto-adapting lost circulation resistance and control was put forward. The materials, such as elastic solid material, micell polymer and filling & strengthening material were synthesized or selected. Based on these materials, auto-adapting lost circulation resistance and control agents and drilling fluid were developed. The experimental results and field applications showed that auto-adapting lost circulation resistance and control drilling fluid can effectively prevent and control lost circulation, improve pressure-bearing capability of lost circulation formation.Self-bonding chemical lost circulation agent was prepared. It can react in water, its reaction products fill between particles and cement the particles together. The cementing rate and compressive strength of cementing body was affected by reaction time, particle size and added additives. The cementing body of self-bonding chemical lost circulation material has some permeability and the permeability can be adjusted, so it can be used to control lost circulation in reservoir.
