

Construction and Application of Spatial DataWarehouse

【作者】 郭加树

【导师】 刘展;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 地质资源与地质工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 现行的石油勘探开发专业数据库管理模式,特别是数据中心管理模式实现了数据的集成共享及数据与应用的分离,但没有解决好数据的分析问题,即空间数据的挖掘问题。本文在分析油气勘探开发业务需求及数据特点的基础上,总结吸纳了数据仓库、三维地质建模、三维GIS、油气勘探开发数据管理技术等技术方法,针对地学数据集成分析问题及空间数据的多尺度性,提出了适合地学数据分析与挖掘的空间数据仓逻辑模型,研究了空间数据仓物理模型及基于该模型的空间OLAP(联机分析与处理)方法。1)基于数据仓库多维分析概念提出了基于空间数据仓的勘探开发数据多维分析理论及空间数据仓的构建模式。2)空间数据仓的研究必须解决空间数据的多尺度问题,已有的多维模型并没有考虑空间以及空间的尺度问题,因此没有尺度空间上的分析、处理和表达能力,不适合空间多维数据集模型。为此,本文将空间的尺度问题与维度进行统一考虑,即尺度也是一种维度,维度也可以看作一种广义上的尺度,提出了基于尺度概念的空间数据仓多维数据集逻辑模型及多尺度下空间聚合的模式。3)为了更好的实现地学空间的多维表达,建立满足地学分析的事实关系,本文提出了以数据的空间关系为依据建立事实表-空间事实表,即建立以空间事实为核心,地学属性为维度的星型或雪花型多维空间数据仓模型。4)提出了表达空间多尺度的八叉树细分体元模型,实现了对地质体与地质场的多尺度表达与空间集成,实现了空间事实的构建,分析了地学分析中常用的维度及以体元为基础的空间事实与维度的关系,以十进制Morton码为基础建立了多级体元编码实现了空间与属性的关联,以空间关系构建起了对象之间联系(维度间的联系),为数据的多维分析奠定了基础。5)研究了基于空间多维模型的邻域分析、空间剖切与虚拟钻取等空间分析方法,距离、体积、表面积等空间度量以及数据集切片、基于空间事实表的数据集细化、OLAP等多维数据分析方法。6)基于以上理论建立了空间数据仓原型,并对东营凹陷地质-地球物理数据进行了空间数据仓建模,说明了方法的有效性和实用性。

【Abstract】 The database management patterns, especially data center pattern, achieved data integration, datashare and separated applications from data in petroleum exploration and exploitation.But the knowedpatterns can not complete data analyzing and spatial data mining. This paper provides a new kind ofSpatial Data Warehouse model based on the Analysis of demands of exploration and the datacharacters.The proposed logical model of Spatial Data Warehouse, which summarizes and absorbs theadvantages of data warehouse, 3D geo-modeling, 3D GIS and data management of oil-gas explorationand exploitation, fullfills the demand of geo-data analyzing.Then, the physical model of Spatial DataWarehouse and the Spatial OLAP method are studied aiming at the problems of geo-data integralanalyzing and the multi-scale characters of spatial data.1) Based on the concept of data warehouse multi-dimension analyzing, this paper presentsexploration and exploitation data multi-dimension analyzing theory based on data warehouse andconstruction patterns of spatial data warehouse.2) The primary problem of spatial data warehouse is the multi-scale of spatial data. The existingmulti-dimension models don’t take spatial and spatial scale into account; consequently the models havenot capabilities of analyzing, processing and representing in space and scale, and are not fit for spatialmulti-dimension data cube model. This paper consider spatial scale and dimension together, spatial scaleis considered as a dimension, equally, dimension is considered as a general scale, a multi-dimensiondataset logical model of data warehouse based on the concept of scale and a pattern of multi-scalespatial aggregation are proposed.3) In order to construct a fact table to meet the demands of geo-analyzing and representmulti-dimension relationship of geo-spatial better, this paper proposed that the fact table should beconstructed based on the spatial relationship of data, so called spatial fact table,then a star or snowflakeform datacube can be constructed of which the core is spatial fact table and the dimensions aregeo-properties.4) An octtree subdivision voxel model which represents spatial multi-scale is proposed; multi-scalerepresenting of geology body and geology field and spatial integration are implemented; fact table isconstructed; the relationships of dimensions and between spatial fact and dimensions are analyzed;multiple order voxel code based on decimal Morton code is constructed to relate spatial to properties, sothe relationships between objects (dimensions) can be constructed through spatial relationship. Allabove form the foundation of multi-dimension analyzing.5) Three kinds of analysis methods are studied, including the methods of spatial analyzing basedmulti-dimension model such as neighborhood analyzing, spatial cut, virtual drill and so on; the methodsof spatial measurement such as distance, volume, surface area and so on, the methods ofmulti-dimension analyzing such as slicing dataset, refining dataset based on spatial fact table, OLAPand so on.6) A prototype of spatial data warehouse based on above theory is implemented and used to modelDong Ying depression utilizing geology-geophysical data, this model is proved valid and practical.
