

The Study on the Management and Marketing Strategies of Sports Paper Media in China

【作者】 郭晓勇

【导师】 葛春林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 当前,在中国加入WTO,经济全球化加速的背景下,我国体育报刊业面临着前所未有的巨大变革,市场竞争日趋激烈,并开始面临着全球化市场、跨国传媒集团的巨大冲击。在这种形势下,体育报刊提高经营水平,加强市场竞争力已是大势所趋,而进行系统的体育报刊经营策略和实证的专项研究,为体育报刊业的发展状大提供一些切实可行、具有前瞻性的理论指导和发展策略就显得非常必要。本研究结合当前我国体育报刊经营现状,对我国体育报刊经营策略进行了系统地、深入地研究和论述。研究的展开运用了经济学、营销学等相关理论,结合大量体育报刊经营案例,对体育报刊经营所涉及的不同层面的经营策略分别进行了深入论述,力求在每个具体层面上得出一些切中肯綮、既有理论揭示又有实践指导意义的策略,同时在总体上得出一套相对完善、操作性强的体育报刊经营策略体系。本研究采用的方法包括文献资料收集分析、实地研究、实例剖析、问卷调查、访谈及统计和逻辑分析。本研究认为,体育报刊的经营是一个系统工程,各经营环节相互关联。经营的着眼点不能仅局限在广告经营、发行经营等具体的范畴里,应树立一种“大经营观”,从新闻传播业务抓起,报社各部门共同参与,协调一致,以创造最佳的社会效益与经济效益为目标而努力。在经营中,既要有重点,有自己的核心竞争手段,又不能偏废经营体系中任何一个环节。从这个思路出发,本研究首先确立了一个脉落清晰、层次分明的包括3个层次10个方面的经营策略体系研究框架:第一层,体制、资本、定位、人才,偏重整体;第二层,管理、策划,贯通融合第一、三层,既偏重整体也偏重局部;第三层,发行、广告、采编、多元化经营,偏重局部。在此基础上,结合大量翔实的体育报刊案例和相关数据,对每个层面的经营策略进行了深入论述,既力求在理论上有所建树,如深入探讨了体育报刊发行和采编层面中的4C理论、隐性购买成本、隐性阅读成本等,又能在实践指导性上有所突破,如每个层面都结合实例,探讨了数条重要的、有实践指导意义的经营策略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid global economic growing and China joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), the sports magazine and newspaper industry in China is now facing unprecedented challenges with the increasing domestic market competitions and impact from overseas media companies through global marketing. It is the trend of the times for this industry to improve its management and marketing skills and strengthen its competition abilities under this situation. To conduct special and systemic research and study regarding the strategies of management and marketing of sports paper media in China is of significant importance at current time in order to provide some practical theories and strategies to guide this industry for future development.This study thoroughly analyzed different layers of marketing and management strategies from cases in this industry utilizing the theories of economics and marketing; therefore, to draw some practical, systemic, and realistic conclusions to guide the development of the marketing and management of the sports paper media in China. This study used the following methods, including material collecting and review, on-site research, case report, questionnaire, interview, and statistics and logical analysis, to collect and analyze data.This study concluded the management and marketing of sports magazine and newspaper is a systemic project in which all of its components interact and involve. The focus of the management and marketing, which should not be limited only to the detailed advertisings and distributing, instead, should be on a new concept of“macro-management and marketing”model which may start from the news media editing with the involvement of all other departments under the same goals to create the best possible social and economic effects. In this model of management and marketing, each publication should have its unique core competition approaches and emphasis but not to ignore any components in the system. This study came to build a frame of this new management and marketing strategy concept, which include 3 layers branching into 10 aspects with a clear and logical view. The first layer, which includes the system, the capital, the business image, and the human resources, emphasizes the entirety; the third layer, which includes the distributing, advertising, editing, and multiple operations, emphasizes the parts; the second layer integrates both the first and third layer emphasizing the whole and the part together including the management and planning. Under this model frame, this study discussed in detail on each aspect of the marketing and management concept with the real life cases and data. This study aimed at not only creating new theories in the new management and marketing of the sports paper media through thorough discussion of the“4C”theory and the cost of potential buying and reading theory; but also making breakthroughs in the practice of the industry by providing realistic and viable strategies with huge amount of case analysis.

【关键词】 体育报刊经营策略
【Key words】 sports paper mediamarketing and managementstrategy
  • 【分类号】G219.2-F
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】607