

Research on the Connection between Daoyi and Eastern Religions

【作者】 于均刚

【导师】 徐伟军;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 在中国数千年历史长河中,涌现出万千修身术,它们或昙花一现,或绵绵流淌;或偏居一隅而孤芳自赏,或铺展开来而庸俗化,等等,不一而足。惟武学一脉,自近代因道艺彰显以来,打破了时空之束缚,融道术为一体。习练者既可以娱手舞足蹈之乐,又可以从中感受道之弥漫气息,道艺之主要功用孙禄堂先生言:习此艺者,非欲以艺胜人也,致使仁人养其浩然之气,志之所期,力足赴职,如是而已。但是,此主旨在近现代以来并没有被作为主流来阐释,甚至屡屡被牵入歧途。伤痕最深处在于建国以后,把武学纳入到体育的范畴中,半个多世纪以来,其弊端愈来愈明显,学者亦多有察觉1,2,3,但是,鲜有认识到其弊端之根源在于武学与体育非是今天之包容与被包容关系,甚至,作为武学完备形态之道艺,一如伍绍祖言:“它有许多的内涵,超过了一般的体育概念。它与西方体育处于不同的层次。武术应属于高层次的科学,高于一般的体育”4。在形而上之层面上,道艺的内涵要比体育之内涵丰富得多,此源于二者之依附的文化母体之体系略有差异。东方文化是知行合一之体系,其中天人合一,物我一体是一个真实的呈现5,是含阴阳为一之圆融文化体系,故,道艺亦是主客不分,虚实一体,道术交融为一之修身术。而西方文化在近现代几百年以来,特别是伴随着科学技术的发达,愈发呈现出精神和肉体分割为二的趋势,遂,天人两暌,物我不融,在此理念下的体育健身运动,大多处于形而下之器面层次,鲜有影响到精神或灵魂之深处,常此以往,难免出现如今天体育界之道德流失现象,并以此影响到武学之规范6。本论文试图从东方文化之衍承历史以及东西方文化对照的角度,阐发武林前贤遗旨,揭示武学之深层次所蕴含,并尝试打通道术之间的一隔(第三章论述),从而为天人合一、阴阳不二之东方圆融文化体系寻一立脚点(第五章论述),此一立脚点若得以牢固,东方文化则如梁漱溟先生所言:“儒、道、佛三家之学均贵践履实修,各有其当真解决的实在问题,非徒口耳三寸之间的事,不掌握此点,不足以言三家之学”。再依此反观道艺,则如任海先生所言,武学是东方文化的一个缩影,亦是天赐奇葩。故,对于道艺,我们应如周敦颐先生之赏莲观,固不可“亵玩”为体育之技术,它的生发以及发展,如熊晓正言7,自有其本然之规律,我们应以孟圣之“拔苗助长”为警训,以及遵循老子之“治大国如烹小鲜”之格言来视待武学的进展。“道常无为而无不为,侯王若能守之,万物将自化”,这不仅是对待道艺之格局,东方文化其他成熟体系亦应如是。

【Abstract】 In the thousands years of history of china, various ways for fitness appeared. Of them all, Chinese martial arts not only have the function to better healthy and self-defense, but also a way to know the truth of life. Yet the function of later is not caused much attention. While regarding as a kind of sports activity, it has lost itself. From the origin, Chinese martial arts can not be owned to physical education. In the fields of philosophy, it is much higher than western sports. They are not in same level.Eastern culture is a system of the unity of knowledge and practice. Man and nature are harmonious. It is a round ring which negative and positive is included. So, as a kind of Chinese martial arts, Daoyi which includes Taijiquan and Xiyiquan, Baguazhang and so on is a whole of subjective and objective. Daoyi can not be divided by nihility and reality. Spirit and body are united to one in the fields of Daoyi. And in the field of western culture since centuries of modern times, especially followed the development of science and technology, spirit and human body two are split into two , Because of this influence, western sports or games pay much attention to muscles. It brings the negative effect to Chinese martial arts. Such as the morals are lost and the skills are alienated.From the angle of the transmission of Chinese culture and the contraction between eastern and western culture, this paper tries to explanation the soul of Chinese martial arts, establish the connection between Dao and Chinese martial arts. Thus the whole system of eastern culture can own a firm foundation. It is more important to practice Buddhism,Taoism and Confucianism than to advocate them. So does it in fields of Daoyi. Because Daoyi appears like a flower’s spreading naturally. It is not created by man only. So we can not take Daoyi as a kind of sports. Daoyi has its self-characteristic and the rule of development. We should not interfere it too much, as the Dao. The best attitude to Daoyi in now days should be like an old saying, LET IT BE !

【关键词】 真我文化武学道艺体育
【Key words】 Daothe culture for nature and peoplethe culture of martial artsDaoyisports
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1124