

Semantic Analysis of Judicial Glossary in Han Shu

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 俞理明;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 專書專题詞彙研究,是全面描寫與研究一個時代詞彙系統的基礎。《漢書》是我國第一部紀傳體斷代史,從一出世就享有很高的學術地位,一直為歷代學者所尊崇。目前從語言和詞彙角度研究《漢書》的成果並不多見,已有的研究成果也主要是對詞語進行考釋的單篇論文,因此對《漢書》詞彙系統的研究亟待加強。我们选取了《漢書》詞彙系統的一個部分——司法詞彙系統為研究對象,以反映詞彙系統的語義場理論為指導,結合共時文獻材料尤其是出土簡牘材料,對《漢書》司法語義場中各義位關係作細致全面地描寫和研究,歸納《漢書》司法詞彙詞義系統的特點,並在此基礎上探討司法詞彙詞義方面的一些相關理論問題。法律詞彙史是中國法律語言研究的重要組成部分,斷代法律詞彙研究是研究法律詞彙史的基石。故本課題對中國法律語言的研究也有重要價值。本文以語義場理論為主要指導理論,聯系認知語言學、文化語言學等相關理論,主要採用客觀描寫法、義素分析法、比較互證法、定量與定性分析結合法對《漢書》司法語義場中的132個義位進行了窮盡的統計和細致的描寫與分析。全文分為4個部分:第1部分是緒論,主要包括選题綠起、《漢書》及《漢書》語言研究概況、中國古代法律詞彙研究概況、本文採用的理論與方法、漢語語義場研究概況、研究目的與任務、《漢書》司法語義場劃分、與論文有關的幾點說明。第2部分和第3部分是我們對《漢書》司法語義場的描寫與分析。第2部分是對6個司法名物語義場即案件、證人證物、供詞、監獄、囚犯、獄具的描寫與分析。第3部分是對9個司法行為語義場即告劾、審理、調查、逮捕、囚禁、審訊、證驗、服罪、判決的描寫與分析。第4部分是《漢書》司法語義場研究。《漢書》司法語義場中的132個義位,根據與別的義位的共性義素和個性義素聚合成一個個小語義場,各語義場根據彼此的共性與差異,又聚合成一個個上級語義場,最終形成了《漢書》司法語義場。這個語義場,盡管是義位構成的系統,但它也是對《漢書》時代司法活動系統性的反映。本文的描寫以司法行為為主線,司法行為包括:告劾、審理、調查、逮捕、囚禁、審訊、證驗、服罪、判決9個語義場,這幾個語義場相互關聯,反映了司法過程中幾個主要的行為過程,形成了一個司法行為鏈,體現為一個具有一定序列關係的行為語義場集合。我們所設立的6個名物語義場,即案件、證人證物、供詞、監獄、囚犯、獄具,與上面所講的司法行為,有密切聯系。《漢書》司法語義場内部,從語義系統的角度來看,存在著一些值得注意的地方。1、語義空位。語義空位形成的原因有以下幾種:1)、被描寫的下位義位是特殊義位,它們對應的是一般義位,而一般義位通常採用零標記的方式,或者與上位義位同形。2)、文獻記載内容的欠缺造成下位義位的空缺。這主要表現在以下幾個方面:A、《漢書》是政治史,偏重於重大歷史事件和政治事件的記述,忽略了對民事訴訟和一般刑事案件的記錄,而民事訴訟和一般刑事案件正是司法活動的主體。B、《漢書》是史書,史書敘事比較概括,它對案件的敘述較多選用概括性強的一般詞語,而不會選用法律規範文件和法律文書中所使用的分工較細、專業性強的術語。2、同義義位的大量出現。《漢書》司法語義場的132個義位中,95個也就是約72%的義位處於大大小小的同義義場中。這些同義詞包括:1)、不同語體的詞。2)、兩個能獨立成詞的同義語素,連用後形成的聯合式複音詞,與原語素構成同義詞。3)、一個語素與別的非同義語素複合成詞後,與原語素構成同義詞。3、反義關係。本場中有3對反義詞。兩對是逆反關係的反義詞,一對是互補關係的反義詞。4、不同層次義位間主要是上下義關係。在我們的上下位關係中有一種特殊情況,即一個上位詞同時又是下位詞,與它另一個下位詞構成同義關係。如鞫用於指稱整個審訊活動的全過程。但當訊、鞫同現的時候,它們又分別指審訊中的兩個不同階段。我們從三個方面即書面語與普通詞語、單音詞與複音詞、專用司法用語和通用司法用語的構成對《漢書》司法語義場進行了分析。1、《漢書》司法語義場中共有詞語132個,其中書面語21個。書面語占所有詞語的16%,這個比例實際上是很高的。這也許從另一個方面說明了《漢書》用詞比較古奥吧。從整體來看,全部21個書面語詞,共出現了91次,平均平均每詞出現4.3次。普通司法詞語111個,共出現了1851次,平均每詞出現16.6次。普通詞語的平均使用率大約是書面詞語的3.9倍。書面詞語是《漢書》司法語義場中的邊緣義位。2、《漢書》司法語義場共有132個詞語,單音詞有53個,複音詞共79個。盡管單音詞數量較少,但每詞的平均使用率是複音詞的4.7倍,因此,我們說《漢書》司法語義場以單音詞為主。複音詞在數量上的相對優勢,也是值得注意的,這兩個相互矛盾的統計數字,反映了漢語詞彙由單音形式向複音形式發展的過程中,複音形式漸增、單音形式漸減的不平衡的變化過程。通過研究,《漢書》司法語義場中的複音詞有以下幾個特點:1)、本場複音詞多由本場單音詞參與合成。本場單音詞參與合成的複音詞有65個,約占複音詞總數的82%,說明了本場單音詞在複音詞合成中起決定性作用。本場單音詞參與合成的32個聯合式複音詞中有24個是同義連用,占到了75%,說明聯合式複音詞以同義複合為最多。2)、複音詞的結構形式中,聯合式35個,約占複音詞總數的44%;偏正式35個,約占44%;支配式9個,約占12%。複音詞的結構形式以聯合式與偏正式為主,這與先秦兩漢詞彙發展的總趨势是一致的,也是我國古代複音法律用語的普遍特征。3)、本場的絕大多數複音詞是漢代新詞。漢代出現的58個新詞中,除鞫是單音詞外,有57個複音詞,占所有新詞的98%,占複音詞總數的72%。說明在漢代,複音化是產生新詞的主要途径。3、《漢書》司法語義場共收專用司法詞語118個,通用司法詞語14個。118個專用司法詞語中有單音詞40個、複音詞78個。這40個單音專用司法詞語可分為兩部分。一部分是本義為司法詞語的詞,有16個,另一部分是由全民用語發展而來的專用司法詞語,有24個。由全民用語發展而來的專用司法詞語又分兩種情況,一種是全民詞語縮小指稱範圍發展而成的,即義位縮小。有14個詞語是這種情況,如徒、告等。一種是的義位轉移形成的。轉移又分相似轉移和相近轉移。屬於前者的有4個詞,如牢、阱等。屬於後者的有6個詞,如繫、拘等。78個複音詞中,有68個是由本場單音詞或同義連用、或與別的語素合成的。其餘10個複音詞又可分為兩類,一類是通過義位的轉移形成的,共有8個詞。屬相似轉移的有2個,即蠶室、檻車。屬相近轉移的有6個,即累紲、圜墙、金鐵、木索、三木、赭衣。另一類是用全民用語中的一般成分構成表達專門法律意義的詞語,從來源看,它們是全民公共的,但是,從產生以後的使用範圍來看,它們是專用於司法的。這類詞語一共有2個,即自出、請室。通用司法詞語的意義隨語境的變化而變化,司法意義是一種特殊意義,與它們的一般通用意義並行不悖。

【Abstract】 Modern linguistics stresses the importance of systematic study of words. As a synchronic, descriptive study of the glossary of a particular epoch is the basis for further research on the evolution of the glossary system of classical Chinese, so too is a special lexical study for a comprehensive investigation of the glossary system of one particular time.Han Shu is the first Chinese chronological dynastic history book. It has enjoyed a very high reputation in the academia since the day when it was published. Thus far, academic achievements about this book attained from linguistic and lexical perspectives have been rare, and of these achievements so far available to us most are in the form of a single paper, merely doing explanatory work on the words. Therefore, more efforts are needed in a systematic study of the lexical system in the book.The object of study is judicial glossary, one part of the lexical system in Han Shu. Compared with unearthed papers written on bamboo and wood slips,a meticulous study will proceed along the lines of semantic field theories, examining the various semantic relations in the semantic field of the judicial vocabulary. After that, a conclusion will be drawn with regard to the semantic features of the judicial glossary system, and some relevant theories concerning the subject matter will also be included in the study.The study of the history of jural vocabulary is an important part of the study of Chinese jural language. And an exclusive investigation of the jural vocabulary of one particular historical period is the groundwork for the history of jural vocabulary. Written laws and judicial documents of the Han Dynasty haven’t been able to survive to this day for an obvious reason-they were too distant in temporal terms. So, in addition to ancient bell inscriptions and unearthed papers written on bamboo slips and silk, Han Shu is perhaps the most important document that can provide useful data for us to study that time’s law vocabulary.This paper has semantic field theories as its principal guidelines, which will be complemented by cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics. Methodology which includes subjective description, semantic component analysis, and quantitative and qualitative analysis will cover 132 semantic components in the semantic field of the judicial glossary in Han Shu. Such a research can be summed up as being one that is comprehensive, meticulous, and exhaustive.This thesis is divided into 4 chapters:Chapter 1 IntroductionThis part includes some basic information regarding the subject matter. First, a general survey will be given with regard to research already done on Han Shu and its language, ancient Chinese jural vocabulary, and Chinese semantic fields. Secondly, a method will be introduced as to how to draw boundaries between semantic fields in jural glossary. Lastly, I will offer some explanations and comments concerning the text. The basic information part involves the reasons of the choice of the subject, the task and objective of the author, theories that will be of use, the writer’s methodology, and the merits of the research. The above mentioned discussions will elaborate, with more details, on the author of the book, research done on the annotations and sememes in past ages, the evolution of semantic field theory and the study of it in China, why I classified the semantic fields into 5 subfields, and the principles I adhere to in word selection, semantic analysis, and data collection.Chapter 2 to chapter 3 is my description and analysis of the semantic fields present in the jural vocabulary in Han Shu. On the basis of the practical judicial activities in the Han Dynasty, I categorized the 132 sememes into 15 semantic fields. Chapter 2 is on 6 noun semantic fields,which are lawsuit,witness and exhibit,confession,prison,prisoner,police instruments; chapter 3 on 9 action sematic fields,witch are accuse and expose, conduct, investigate, arrest, imprison, interrogate, verify,plead guilty and sentence.Chapter 4 is semantic and composition analysis of the sememes.A summary is given about the 132 sememes discussed in this thesis, after which more fields are touched on, including the sememe system in the semantic field of jural glossary in Han Shu, the relations of the 15 semantic fields, the relations between sememes, and the relations of jural glossary to common glossary.The jural semantic field, in Han Shu is a huge semantic field comprised of 15 sub-fields, which likewise consist of fields of lower levels, all by means of associations.From the angle of semantic system,there are some symptoms merits attention.1.Sememe vacancyThere are two reasons acause this phenomenon.1).The sub-sememe is very particular ,there is no word embodies its corresponding sememe,which Sometimes is the embodied by its upperseat word .2). The sub-sememe has correspondng sememe,but do not appear in the boos we studied.A. T he book we studied lay particular stresses on important political events,and neglect the commom civil lawcase and criminal suits.B. T he narration if the book is general,so the legal terms are not plentful.2. SynonymsThe most distinguishing characteristic is the synonymic sememes.Of all the sememes in this semantic field 72% are synonyms, thus a large number of subfields comprised of synonymic sememes. Those synonymic sememes comprise these parts:1) .Sememes in deferent style of writing. 2) .The synonymic mono-syllably words combined to a multiple-syllable word.3 ) .Couched sememes emerge and combine with their original words, thus locate themselves and the latter in the same semantic field.3. AntonymsThere are three pairs of antontms,two pairs are adverse,one pairs are complemetry.4,.Hyponyms.The sememes in deferent lever are mainly hyponyms.There is a particular phenomenon in the hyponyms.some upperseat words are their sub-words,such as鞫.At last ,We anyltsis the composition of the judicial glossary,which includes the deferent style of writing, mono-syllable words and multiple-syllable words,special jural words and common jural words.1.There are 21 literary words,which are 16 % of all the words we researched.The proportion is high.This is an example of the archaic and abstruse writing of the book.The 21 literary words appear 91 times altogether.and every word appears 4.3 times on the average. The other 111 common words appears 1851 times, and every word appears 16.6 times on the average.which is 3.9 times of the literary words.2. There are 53 mono-syllable words and 79 multiple-syllable words.The number of mono-syllable words is less than multiple-syllable words,but the appearance of every word is 4.7 times of the multiple-syllable word.So the multiple-syllable words is the primary words in the book.The more number of the multiple-syllable words mean that the compound words are increasing gradually.Most of the multiple-syllable words are compouded by the 53 mono-syllable word.Of all the multiple-syllable words, coordinating and substantive-modifier relationship are main.Most of the multiple-syllable words are new in Han Dynasty.3. There are 118 special judicual words and 14 universal judicual words.There are 40 mono-syllable and 78 multiple-syllable words in special judicual words. The 40 mono-syllable words can be divided into two parts. Some word’s original meaning are used in judicual field,such as收,獄.The other words are extended from common words.There are two kind of extension,one is reducing denotation, such as徒,告.The other is transfering connotation.Some based on resembility such as牢,阱.Some based on similarity, such as繫,拘.Of all The 78 multiple-syllable words,68 are compouded by the mono-syllable words we researched.8 words in the rest are extended from common words, Some based on resembility such as蠶室,檻车.Some based on similarity, such as累紲,圜牆,金鐵,木索,三木,赭衣.The rest two words are compounded by common mono-syllable words,but only used in judicual field,they are自出,请室。The meaning of universal judicual words are changed with the changing of context. When they are used in judicual field, the common meaning of these words are particular.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期