

The Mixture of Scots Law: Formation and Analysis

【作者】 黄宇昕

【导师】 曾尔恕;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 苏格兰法是一种兼有大陆法与英美法成分的混合法律体系,本文从法律体系入手研究此种混合特征的形成与表现。第一、二章分别对苏格兰的继受罗马法和受英国法改造的全过程作详细描述,前者指出留学潮的兴起和最高民事法院的建立是继受的保证,十八世纪时学术化苏格兰法已经成熟,继受完成,后者从影响途径、英国法主导地位的确立以及对各个领域的影响程度这三点解析英国法对苏格兰法的改造。第三、四、五章分别从法的结构、法律渊源和司法制度这三个法律体系的构成要素来分析混合特征。苏格兰对基本法律概念和法律原则的强调、“权利之法”的观念、大陆式部门法体系说明大陆法传统主导着法的结构,但受到英国法影响的干扰和削弱,最显著的是苏格兰法与英国法一样缺乏独立的商法。法律渊源以判例法和联合王国议会英国式的制定法为主,但大陆法否定判例效力和重视原则的传统削弱了先例原则,而且1707年前苏格兰议会的制定法仍然依照大陆模式,经典法律著述则是大陆法以学说为法律渊源之历史习惯的残余,此外习惯法和衡平也表现出英美法和大陆法的双重影响。司法制度主要包括法院、诉讼程序与法律家,一元化的法院组织和整体主义特征分别体现英美法和大陆法的标志性影响。诉讼程序的形式和内在机理在很大程度上受到英国法的改造,但大陆法成分也仍然很多,证据法亦兼有大陆法和英美法特色。法律家在表面上同于英国法,即律师为法律职业之母及其两分结构,但实质上他们与大陆国家一样来自大学,法律家代表是人文化、学术化的高级律师。第六章分析两个典型的制度移植——信托和浮动负担,两者都经过大陆式改造,不再是救济方式而是确定的制度,但仍未摆脱衡平法的理念基础,它们既带来新的发展,又引起新的不谐,体现了微观上混合的发展。结论认为苏格兰法是当之无愧的混合法律体系,并进一步指出这与苏格兰特殊的历史文化和民族精神息息相关。

【Abstract】 As a mixed legal system, scots law has both civil law tradition and common law tradition. The paper studies the trait of mixture in the light of legal system.The first two charters describe the whole course of reception of Roman law and remoulding of Scots law according to English law through which the trait formed. The former depicts the tide of studying abroad and the establishment of the Session which ensure success of reception. In the latter years of the eighteenth century the academic Scots law is ripe which marks completion of reception of Roman law. The latter is about channels of influence, leading status and in varied legal divisions varying degrees of influence of English law.Following three charters examine the trait from three angles: the division of jurisdiction, the sources of law , and institution of justice, which are nuclear essentials of legal system. The analyse discloses state of mixture of those parts in varying degrees. Civil law tradition dominants the division of jurisdiction which is disturbed by English influence. The sources of law take Common law tradition as primary factor. At the same time Civil law tradition plays a second but still important role. Institution of justice are made up of three main parts: courts, procedures and lawyers. In each part the two traditions are well-matched.The last charter considerates transplantations of trust and floating charge. The two typical cases show how mixture took place on a small scale. They are modified by Civil law tradition but not free their foundation of theory from Equity. All that advance and deepen the state of mixture.The paper concludes that is only too true that Scots law is a mixed legal system. Moreover it is closely linked with special history, culture and ethos of Scotland.

  • 【分类号】D956.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】353