

【作者】 向仁富

【导师】 郭世佑;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪20-30年代广东妇女追求自身权利的历程是近代“人权”大潮中的重要一环,也是近代中国妇女追求自身解放的重要组成部分,对广东妇女的政治、经济、文化权利和社会地位等产生了重要的影响。厘清广东妇女权利的相关情形,有利于我们清晰地把握当时广东妇女权利的历史风貌和基本特点,同时也可以看到其存在的缺陷,对至今仍然存在的妇女权利问题具有重要的借鉴意义:反思历史,总结经验教训以资于当代的人权建设。本文试图对20-30年代广东妇女追求自身权利的情形予以探讨,并力图反映近代广东妇女权利自身的特点。全文共分为七个部分:第一章分析了近代妇女权利产生的历史背景,指出这一问题的产生,一方面是近代经济发展的必然结果,另一方面也是近代西方人权、女权思潮影响的产物,同时也试图从中国内部找到其自身的因素,认为中国社会反传统因素为妇女权利的产生提供了本土资源。第二章以阐述20-30年代广东妇女的受教育权情形为中心,追溯了近代以来妇女受教育权的相关情形,指出20-30年代广东兴起妇女受教育权具有了相对较好的舆论环境和政治环境,广东亦因之举办了诸多不同形式和层次的妇女教育,但是广东妇女教育的政治主导性和功利性的缺陷也暴露无遗。第三章阐述了近代广东妇女争取经济权的努力。文章阐述了妇女争取经济权利的可能性和必要性,对“自梳女”现象进行了经济视角的分析;探讨了广东妇女在国民党领导下对劳动权、职业平等权和财产权的追求,取得了诸如《妇女运动决议案》、《工厂法》和30年代国民党民法《继承编》对妇女经济权益的保护;共产党则宣传了女工的经济权益、领导广东妇女在工作中加强团结,为经济利益进行了一系列的罢工。第四章分析了广东妇女获取婚姻自由和平等权的情形。指出了广东妇女争取婚姻自由和平等权是在全国的大背景下发生的;分析了近代广东传统婚俗的陋习;指出共产党为了争取妇女的支持采取了相对激进的婚姻措施;阐明了国民党主张结婚和离婚的自由并颁布法律,但是出现了法律在广东实际应用过程中不得不迁就地方实情而同婚姻自由平等的本意相悖的情形;最后阐述了广东地区试图从规范结婚礼仪的角度去实现婚姻自由和平等。第五章着眼于广东妇女参政情形的讨论。指出了20——30年代广东妇女参政的历史背景是复杂、多样的,阐明了广东妇女对国民革命的积极支持的态度和在国民会议与在国大代表竞选中的积极表现;也指出了国民党政府出于自身利益的考虑,对妇女结社权由开始的支持转为后来的限制;最后还阐明了共产党发动妇女参加政治斗争、组织赤色工会和鼓励妇女参与政权的情形。第六章主要分析了当时妇女特殊群体的的权利问题。近代广东有不少的特殊群体妇女,主要包括婢女、娼妓、瞽女和被溺之女婴。本章分析了从制度上废除婢女和娼妓的必要性,阐明了当时社会所采取的一系列诸如劝告、解放、救济和处罚措施来为废除奴婢服务;营造巨大的声势来反对娼妓的合法化;也分析了当时社会为了救助瞽女和禁止溺女,民间和政府所作的努力,指出其严谨的程序显然有利于对特殊群体女性权利的保护。结论部分则对全文作了总结。首先,指出20世纪20-30年代广东妇女同以前相比所取得的法律上的成就,并着重强调了实际权利与法律权利相比还相去甚远并影响至今;其次,也阐明了近代广东妇女争取权利的斗争缺乏统一的组织和领导;再次,揭示近代广东妇女权利运动从属于民族民主革命,具有明显的工具性价值并最终服务于政党政治利益的需要;最后,指出尽管近代广东妇女权利的争取仍然有“男性特色”,但是已经受到相当的削弱。

【Abstract】 In the 1920-1930s, the movement of Canton women seeking rights was one of important parts of seeking“human rights”in China. It brought about profound influence to Canton women’s political, economic, cultural rights and social status. To make clear the relevant condition of Canton women’s rights is beneficial for us to master the change of women’s rights and basic characteristics and we can also see its defects clearly. At last we can learn much from Canton women’s rights history and make the best use of it to serve the contemporary construction of human rights.The author discussed the condition of Canton women’s seeking rights movement and reflected the characteristics of Canton women’s rights. The paper can be divided into seven parts.In chapter one the author probed into the background of women‘s rights, pointed out that on the one hand, it was the result of modern Chinese economy development, on the other hand, it was the product of modern Chinese trend of thought of“human rights”influenced by western countries and at the same time, the author tried to find the internal factors of Chinese traditional society and think the anti-traditional factors provide the native resources for the producing of women’s rights.In chapter two the author expounded Canton women’s educational rights, traced back the relevant condition of women’s educational rights, analyzed the background of Canton women’s educational rights, pointed out that in Guangdong there was a relatively good media and political environment under which different kinds of women schools arose. However the women’s education in cities is more concerned than the condition in country and that public power tried to infiltrate women’s education.In chapter three the author clarified the efforts to get the economic rights. The author expounded the possibility and necessity of Canton women getting economic rights, analyzed“the women combing by themselves”from the point of view of economy, probed into the pursuit of labor, the right of equal work, property right and the economic rights contained in“Women Movement Draft Resolution”,”Factory Law”and“Law of Succession”in Civil Code gotten by Canton women through the leading of Guomindang Party; however the Chinese Communist Party propagated women’s economic rights, strengthened uniting women in work and led the women to striking for economic interests.In chapter four the author analyzed the condition of Canton women striving for marriage freedom and equality, pointed out that it occurred under the whole national background. The author analyzed the corrupt customs in traditional Canton marriage, pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party adopted relatively radical policy in order to get the support from women, clarified that Guomindang Party maintained the freedom of marriage and divorce and pointed out the practical change against marriage freedom and equality in Canton to yield to the social practical necessity. At last the author clarified the standard marriage ceremony was advocated to get the marriage freedom and equality.In chapter five the author focused on discussing the situation Canton women took part in the politics, pointed out that the situation Canton women participated in politics is sophisticated, clarified the Canton women’s active attitude of support to“Guomin Revolution”and active participation in National Conference and the running for deputies of National Congress, analyzed the change of women association rights from being supported to being limited by Guomindang in order to maintain its interests. At last the author clarified that Chinese Communist Party mobilized the women to participate in politics, organized Red Union and encouraged women to take part in political power..In chapter six, the author analyzed the rights the special women group should have. There are many special group women in modern Canton, including servant-girls, prostitutes, blind women and the drowned girls etc. The author analyzed the necessity abolishing the institutions of servant-girls and prostitutes, clarified the lists of measures such as persuading, liberating, making a remedy and penalizing adopted by the government to serve the abolishing of servant-girls, construct a great momentum to be against legal prostitue and analyzed the efforts taken to save blind women and forbid drowning girls and pointed out the strict process is beneficial to guaranteeing special group women’s rights.In the ending part, the author made a summary. Firstly the author pointed out that Canton women in 1920s-1930s made more legal success compared with before and emphasized that there was a big distance between practical rights and legal rights and the influence exists until now; secondly the author pointed out that the movement for Canton women’s rights lacked of unitary organization and leading; thirdly the author emphasized the movement for modern Canton women’s rights was subordinate to national revolution and democratic revolution, had instrumental value and at last served the necessity for political party’s interests; at last the author pointed out although the movement for Canton women’s rights had the characteristics of male as had in other places in China, it was to some extent weakened .

  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】815