

A Study of Modern Chinese Concept of Human Rights

【作者】 张丽清

【导师】 刘金国;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法学理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 人权是人之为人的必要保障,人权的核心意义是尊重人的尊严与自由。同时人权与文化相连,文化是构成人权特殊性的重要原因之一。基于中国文化传统与现实情境的近代国人如何接纳、理解生成于西方文化脉络中的人权概念?如何体认人权与个人尊严、自由之间的关系?本文主要以人权与个人尊严、自由的关系为线索,以近代法学刊物为主要资料来源,对以知识者为主体的近代国人人权观念进行考察、分析。恰如黑格尔所言,哲学史昭示的乃是我们自身的生成。同样,法哲学思想史也从一定意义上揭示一个民族法律变迁的历程。思想史不是发黄了的文本的堆积,而就是人类生活在时间中的展开。对近代国人人权观念的研究具有重要的理论与现实意义:从理论角度而言,对进一步认识人权普遍与特殊关系的基础理论,具有借鉴与启发意义;从现实角度而言,探讨近代国人人权观念是理解当下中国人权观念的基础,有助于认识、反思中国人权观念发展脉络,最终推进中国人权乃至法治文化事业的发展。全文分为六章。第一章概括描述近代人权观念形成的思想背景。对人的认识是人权产生的思想前提。晚清时期中国人观发生重要转折,自然人性、私己观念、政治主体性得到初步肯定,但道德人观念与道德形而上思维方式并没有被彻底解构,人被视为真理性道德意义的存在。如此对人存在方式与价值观念的认识影响、制约人权观念的生成与发展。第二章至第五章以典型人物、文本、事件为个案具体考察分析近代中国人权观念特性。第二章以康有为《实理公法全书》为例,剖析中国人权隐现时期的思想特性。在人权概念清晰出现于国人语汇之前,“人人有自主之权”较早表达了国人人权思想。国人已经在自然人性基础上论证“人人有自主之权”,但对自然人性的理解有微妙之处:一方面自然人性是要求个人权利、论证人的自由平等、反对君主专制的思想武器;另一方面自然人性与道德性相连,“自主”内涵道德自主和人格自主。“人人有自主之权”指向个人但并非以保障个人为唯一目的,社会状态是其最终价值取向。第三章通过分析梁启超新民思想中的权利观念,探讨人权工具价值与目的价值之间的逻辑关系。梁启超权利观念有追求国家富强的目的,但富强并没有使个人权利完全演变为工具价值,权利的个人意义也得到明确体现。梁启超权利思想指向个人但并不支持一个脱离道德标准的个人,人权是新道德的重要内容之一。第四章通过两条进路探讨新文化时期的人权观念:一是通过考察《新青年》刊物探讨激进知识者的人权观;二是通过分析法律权利概念探讨法律学人的人权思考。即使在较彻底反传统的《新青年》刊物中,道德形而上思维方式影响依然存在,对个人尊严与自由的理解与道德标准密切相连。法律权利“界限说”目的在于约束个人行为进而保持共同生活,“界”的认定并非基于契约合意而是隐含着道德标准的正负倾向。第五章通过对法律文本的个案考察,探讨法律社会化思潮中的人权观念。在“社会利益”、“社会本位”的叫嚣声中,以个人为价值取向的权利观遭受普遍批判,但是国人并没有抛弃个人权利概念,而是更重视从社会学角度论证个人权利,对个人尊严与自由的道德限制转化为社会限制,强调与社会利益相协调的个人尊严与自由才能获得保障。第六章以罗隆基与章渊若关于“人权—民权”概念论争为线索,探讨人权运动时期不同人权观念的交锋。20世纪20、30年代人权运动将人权发展推向高峰。本章力求通过人权运动时期不同人权观念的冲突以及人权观念主流趋向的考察,探讨近代中国人权观念的发展脉络。最后一章对近代国人权利观念特性进行总结描述,并结合现实提出了自己的认识和判断。近代国人人权观念经历了一个不断深化的变迁过程,在不同历史时期内容不尽一致。但总体而言,在历史发展中具有相对一致的某种取向:近代国人对人权与人的尊严、自由之间的关系有所体认,但不受限制的人的尊严与自由始终没有成为近代人权观念的核心,知识者多力求在观念逻辑中以理论推演、说教的方式(而非如西方在行为实践中以契约合意的方式)进行限制。新文化运动前主要表现为道德限制,新文化运动后主要表现为社会限制,无论道德限制还是社会限制,最深层原因是国人对人存在方式与价值意义的认识,其中真理性道德观念与道德形而上思维方式起支配作用。中国人权观念的推进和人权保障制度的实现,还有漫长的路要走。对近代人权思想史中人权观念的考察、分析,不仅吸取了思想碰撞的智慧,而且对推进中国人权乃至法治文化发展具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 How do modern Chinese interpret the concept of human rights originating from the West based on western culture? How do modern Chinese see the relationship between human rights and personal dignity? This is what the dissertation mainly intends to discuss.By way of methodology of historical and philosophical analysis, the dissertation makes a study of modern Chinese concept of human rights taking the relationship between human rights and personal dignity as the core clue and modern legal publications as the main source of information.The dissertation is made up of six chapters. Chapter one has a general description of how Late-Qing Dynasty scholars perceive a person from a perspective of philosophy, on which background of thought modern concept of human rights comes into being. Chapter two expounds ideological characteristics of Chinese human rights at its emerging phase with a research of“Complete Writings on Implementing Universal”by Kang Youwei. Chapter three tries to explore logical relationship between tool value of human rights and purpose value of human rights with an analysis of“New People’s Miscellany”by Liang Qichao. Chapter four has a study of concept of human rights in the period of New Culture Movement in China by examining articles from“New Youth”from a legal standpoint; Chapter five deals with concept of human rights in the trend of thought of legal socialization through case study in legal texts. Chapter six analyzes the debate on concepts of human rights by Luo-Longji and Zhang-Yuanruo on the background of human rights movement and tries to present a way of how modern Chinese human rights develop.Modern Chinese concept of human rights sees a process of gradual deepening and incessant change with slight differing content in different periods. But all in all, something relatively unified is embodied in the thought of modern Chinese throughout ever-changing historical trend, that is, limitless personal dignity and freedom doesn’t become the mainstream of intellectuals in modern China. Modern Chinese come to realize that human rights are realized through an individual person, meanwhile human rights are confined to some limits in a moral and social manner. The key reason that modern concept of human rights comes into being is driven by modern Chinese’s theory of human nature. In conclusion the dissertation has a summarization and analysis concept of modern Chinese human rights and has a brief review of the ongoing legal construction.A study of the concept of modern Chinese human rights has its great significance in theory and in reality. It can serve as a reference and inspiration for an academic understanding of the concept of human rights in theory and a basis for a comprehension of current Chinese legal culture much to the benefit of advancing China’s human rights development and legal culture construction at large at present.

  • 【分类号】D909.2
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