

Head for Effective Multilateralism

【作者】 王云芳

【导师】 蔡拓;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 什么样的多边主义是有效的多边主义?如何增强多边主义的有效性?这是国际政治学界一直非常关注的问题。本研究从权力和价值规范的视角对多边主义有效性问题进行了研究,对多边主义有效性的含义、多边主义有效性影响因素以及如何建立有效的多边主义制度等问题进行了回答。本研究包括绪论和五章。绪论阐述了多边主义制度有效性研究的背景、研究意义、研究方法、研究路径,并对研究的基本假定和创新性进行了介绍。第一章回答了什么样的多边主义是有效多边主义的问题,并为全文尤其是第二章和第三章从权力和价值规范视角分析多边主义制度有效性提供了理论依据和分析框架。该章主要对多边主义及国际制度有效性理论进行了回顾和评价,阐述了多边主义的本质涵义,并以此为基点,论述了有效多边主义的含义和影响因素,分析了以联合国为案例进行研究的可行性。第二章从权力视角分析了权力和多边主义制度有效性的关系。主要考察了多边主义制度中国家权力的作用,并对领导权、霸权、制度霸权等进行了学理解析,凸现出多边主义制度有效性与权力间的相互关系,这一结论在联合国框架下从美国霸权的角度得以考察。该章提出了实现有效多边主义的权力障碍,认为在当前的多边主义制度体系中,多边主义制度有效性和权力间的矛盾问题仍然显著,在国际民主化要求上升的情况下,霸权国推行单边主义,逃避责任和义务,使原有霸权在制度外扩展和延续,因此要实现多边主义制度有效性,就需要对霸权国的霸权进行制衡。第三章从价值规范视角分析了价值规范因素和多边主义制度有效性的关系。主要考察了国际关系中价值规范的研究,提出了制度价值规范意义评价的合法性和合理性标准,并从这两个标准出发,解析了制度价值规范因素与多边主义制度有效性的关系,认为价值规范因素虽是促进多边主义制度有效性的因素,但价值规范因素自身也存在着诸多困境,使制度合法性和合理性要求难以实现。以联合国为例,联合国自身就存在着合法性和合理性的缺陷。第四章回答了如何促进多边主义制度有效性的问题。主要针对权力和价值规范因素所引发的一系列问题,提出从加强制度权威、促进多主体认同和交流等途径提升多边主义制度的有效性。第五章从中国视角出发,分析了有效多边主义对中国外交的重要意义,并从权力和价值规范的角度分析了中国促进有效多边主义实现的途径,认为“和谐世界”的外交战略是促进有效多边主义实现的重要战略模式。结论部分对全文进行了总结,并提出了对下一步研究的展望,分析了未来理论研究方向和未来多边主义制度模式等问题。

【Abstract】 What kind of the multilateralism is just regarded as effective multilateralism and how promotes the realization of effective multilateralism? This is the problem that the international political researchers have been paying attention to. The existing theories cant answer the essence of effectiveness, and can’t put forward persuasive conclusion and method. This paper carries on a research to the multilateralism effectiveness from the power and value angles. It includs the meaning of effective multilateralism, impact factors and how build up an effective multilateral organization etc.This paper includes introduction and 5 chapters. The introduction elaborats the background of the effective multilateralism research, research meaning, research method, research path, and carries on introduction to basic assumption and innovation of research. Chapter 1 investigates the research background of effective multilateralism, and carries on review and evaluation to the effectiveness theories, analyzes the essence of multilateralism, discusses the meaning and impact factors of effective multilateralism, and elaborates the possibility of research to take United Nations as a case. Chapter 2 investigates the power in the multilateralism, and carries on academic theories resolution to the power, hegemony, institutions hegemony. etc, analyzes the relation between multilateralism effectiveness and power, this conclusion can investigate from the angle of American hegemony under United Nations frame. Chapter 3 puts forward rationality and legitimacy, and sets out from these two angles, takes the rationality and the legitimacy as basic standard to evaluate the multilateralism. On this foundation, analyses the relation of effective multilateralism and value factor. Take United Nations as an example, rationality and legitimacy of United Nations are not perfect and also exist legitimacy and rationality predicament. Chapter 4 answeres how to promote multilateralism effectiveness and puts forward paths to strengthen the effectiveness of multilateralism, such as strengthening authority, many actors participation etc. Chapter 5 sets out from the Chinese angle, investigates the realization of effective multilateralism to the important meaning of Chinese diplomacy, and carries out the path of "harmonious world", thinks "harmonious world" is the important and strategic mode to the realization effective multilateralism. Finally this paper carries on summary to the conclusion of this research, and put forward to next study.

【关键词】 有效多边主义联合国权力价值规范中国
【Key words】 effective multilateralismUNpowervalueChina
  • 【分类号】D815
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】440