

【作者】 谢协昌

【导师】 何秉松;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 拥有一个完善的被害人保护体系,才称的上是一个充分尊重人性尊严及落实人权保障的现代国家。而被害人保护体系的建构,在现今乃具体表现在诉讼制度以及社会制度之上。在诉讼制度的权利保护乃奠基在被害人在刑事诉讼的地位重新定位以及权利架构的重建之上。而社会制度方面则以给与被害人金钱补偿之被害人补偿制度为代表。本论文乃系从宪法学、刑法学、刑事诉讼法学、社会学、犯罪学、被害人学、心理学等各学术领域的研究全面尝试建构一更能符合犯罪被害人需要的权利保护体系。于第一章中乃就本论文的研究动机、目的、方法、范围为一概要介绍。于第二章中乃系从犯罪被害人保护的诉讼制度之具体内涵的国际发展之观察。第三章中则系由人性尊严及宪法上权利保护的基础所提出被害人权利保护的理论基础,此系在既有被害人刑事诉讼程序权利保护领域稍嫌不足的理论论述中,所提出一较为完善理论分析。于第三章中并同时提出犯罪被害人补偿制度之理论基础,认为犯罪被害人补偿制度应系基于社会福利之观点,辅之以刑事政策、犯罪防制等方面之考量,对于遭受生命、身体上损害之重大犯罪被害给予相当金额之补偿,期能回复或缓和其因犯罪被害所受到之经济上、生理上、精神上之损害。此外于第四章中乃系就被害人的角色、地位以及权利保护内容加以了解、探讨,以作为建构被害人权利保护之基础。此乃系鉴于现行制度除了提出告诉外,被害人并未有特定的地位,即令作为证人,亦仅系消极的犯罪侦查的协助工具,也因此对于被害人的保障显然不足,为了确保被害人在刑事诉讼程序保护的考量,便大胆地尝试寻求被害人在刑事诉讼程序的新的定位,除了传统的告诉人、证人等角色等消极的协助追诉犯罪的角色之外,提出赋予被害人在刑事诉讼程序当事人或“准当事人”的地位,大幅提升被害人在刑事诉讼程序的地位,藉以重新调整被害人在刑事诉讼制度的被害人功能、角色,并以此新的地位分别从侦查中、审判中乃至于执行中全方位地检讨现行刑事诉讼制度被害人之权能,于第五、六、七章中分别提出被害人的信息获得权、程序参与权以及程序权利保护等各方面权利以作为建构落实被害人权利保护的刑事诉讼制度,虽然此一做法无可避免将对于现行刑事诉讼架构及刑事司法实务造成一定程度的冲击,然而由本论文所列载被害人之各项权利以及针对各项权利探讨、分析之论述,除就理论上的必要性加以说明及阐述外,并已就相关实务运作并予考量之,认为赋予被害人此一地位以及相关权利的主张不但是理论上有其必要性,在实务运作上亦应是可行。因此本论文以为于理论基础充实后,应可全盘检讨刑事诉讼制度而赋予被害人一定地位并建构符合被害人权利保护的刑事诉讼制度,让被害人不再视刑事诉讼程序为畏途,让被害人的尊严及权益得以在刑事诉讼程序中获得充分的尊重及保护。此外因犯罪而遭受被害之不幸犯罪被害人在过去之各项制度设计中均受到忽略,其所遭受之损害虽有民事求偿及保险制度可堪利用,但是却往往由于犯罪者行方不明、无资力、或犯罪者不明等种种原因以及现行保险制度尚不健全,亦不普及的情形下,致使被害人面对犯罪所造成之不幸仅得独自饮泣、黯然神伤,别无其它救济途径,在强调人权保障的今日,实有保护未周之嫌。在重视人民生存权之保障以及社会基本权利保护之今日,因犯罪而遭受被害人绝对有受国家保护、救助之权利,而近日经济高度成长,国家亦有能力负担此项支出,实有建立犯罪被害补偿制度之必要。因此本论文第八章即着墨于犯罪被害人补偿制度的内容,乃就补偿制度的内容包括补偿范围的界定、补偿对象、补偿不适格的情形、补偿金以及补偿机关、补偿程序的具体内容加以探讨,第九章即系本论文总结及对未来的具体建议。本论文期待由政府建构的补偿制度及被害人保护的诉讼制度,以此二制度为开端进而发展成完善的犯罪被害人保护体系,再鼓励并协助民间扶助机构对于犯罪被害人辅助和关怀,期能真正落实对于犯罪被害人之人权保障,使其人性尊严受到最大尊重,实现社会正义。

【Abstract】 Only with the possession of a comprehensive victim’s protection system, can any modern country justify the claim to fully respect human rights and human dignity. The victim’s protection system can be specifically built on the twin foundations of the litigation procedures and social structures– the former provides for the protection of the victim on basis of his redefined role in juridical procedures and the resulting realignment in power relationships; the latter is represented by the financial compensation system for victims.This thesis will draw upon research from constitution law, criminal law, criminal litigation studies, sociology, criminology, victim studies and psychology to attempt to construct a comprehensive victims’protection system that takes into account the victim’s rights and needs. Chapter One will introduce the research motives, objectives, method and parameter of this thesis. Chapter two will examine and introduce the specific and essential features and the litigation-related aspects related international development of a victim protection system. Chapter three explores the theoretical foundation for the victim’s protection, which is based on his human and constitutional rights. Inadequacies in current criminal procedures and provisions for the protection of victims are addressed and analyzed. Furthermore, Chapter three will discuss the theoretical underpinning for the system, with additional inputs from the fields of social, criminal strategy and crime prevention policies. The victims of crime should be compensated in measures commiserate with the enormity of the crime suffered, in order to mitigate and to mollify the suffering of victim financially, physically and psychologically. Chapter four seeks to further explore and understand the basis for the victim’s protection in the context of his role, position and rights and the relation of these in existing legislation. Apart from initiating the criminal proceedings, the victim plays no other specific functional roles throughout. Even as a witness, the victim is essentially just an accessory in the investigation process. And because of this, the protection and privileges afforded to the victim are manifestly inadequate.In order that the victim is accorded the necessary protection, it is boldly proposed that a new role be assigned specifically for the victim. Apart from assuming traditional passive roles such as litigants and witnesses, it is further proposed that the victims take on“plaintiff”role or a more proactive“acting-plaintiff”role, thereby raising the victim’s profile in the process. This will also serve to rebalance in a new light, the powers accorded to victims during the investigative, trial and even implementation processes. Chapters five, six and seven will discuss the victims’right to information, involvement in criminal proceedings, and the victims’rights during criminal proceedings and basis for utilizing all these to construct judicial processes with considerations for victim’s protection. Although in doing so, it is unavoidable that this may sometimes conflict with the existing legal framework and operational procedures. However, after the various victim’s rights are explored, explained and analyzed in this thesis and the practicality of the proposed measures given due consideration, the proposed redefinition of the victim’s role and the realignment of victim’s powers in the judicial process is not only theoretically necessary but operationally viable as well. Hence it is the conclusion of this thesis that with a firm theoretical foundation, there is a case for reevaluating the existing judicial processes with an eye to implementing the above mentioned changes such that victim’s rights and dignity will be adequately guaranteed.Victims of crime, have in the past, been largely neglected as far as the various measures designed for the protection of victim are concerned. While theoretically, they have recourse through compensation via civil litigation or through insurance claims, in practice; few pursue these avenues due to ignorance or limitation of resources. In light of the emphasis on human rights these days, this is a glaring omission. That“the right to live, the right to work, and the right to own property shall be guaranteed to the people.”are the basic intentions of the social insurance system. Victims of crime are entitled absolutely to the protection and assistance of the state. And given the level of economic development today, the state is able to assume and shoulder this financial responsibility. Hence there is a pressing need to establish a system to compensate the victims of crime.Therefore, Chapter eight will focus on the contents of a compensation system for the victims of crime and will discuss the parameters, subject, suitability and circumstances for compensation, as well as the compensation amount and the implementation. Chapter nine will contain the conclusions of this thesis as well as specific suggestions for areas of further studies.This thesis anticipates the government’s establishment of a victim’s compensation system and its renewed emphasis of the victim’s interest during criminal proceedings. Hopefully this two measures will act in tandem as the precursors leading to the eventual development of a comprehensive victim’s protection system that can be further supplemented by civil bodies and welfare organizations so that future victims of crime can receive the necessary care, assistance and support that is in accordance with their rights as human beings and in doing so, ensure that social justice prevails.

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1150