

Design and Implementation of Dexterous Hand Teleoperation System Based on VR

【作者】 周思跃

【导师】 龚振邦;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 人类绝大多数的劳动是靠一双手来完成的。机器人手臂已经在工业界取得了令人瞩目的成就,如果能配上一双灵巧的“手”,那么离开真正的机器人操作就为期不远了。从目前国内外研究出的机器人灵巧手来看,它们已具有很高的灵活性。通过手指间的协调控制、对空间位置的把握、目标形状与手形的匹配,可以完成一些模拟人手精细的操作。因而灵巧手作为机器人的末端执行装置,具有被广泛应用在核能、太空和深海等危险环境的前景。在危险的环境下工作似乎是机器人与生俱来的“职责”,然而机器人尚未“成年”。在目前的技术成熟度情况下,与其让它在复杂的工作环境中困难地独立自主地执行任务,还不如选择人-机合作更为现实。所谓人-机合作,即利用人的智能,以遥操作的方式参与机器人灵巧手的编程规划。也就是本地的操作者利用遥操作设备实现对远端的灵巧手系统的遥操作,使其完成各种各样的任务。虚拟现实技术作为一种可视化工具有助于改善遥操作系统中的人机接口。将虚拟现实技术与遥控技术和机器人灵巧手技术结合起来,形成一个虚拟现实机器人灵巧手遥操作平台。特别是应用虚拟现实技术研究开发具有“临场感”的虚拟操作界面,即人机交互接口系统,使操作人员可以更精确的操作远端的目标物,对提高遥操作机器人灵巧手的抓取效率和可靠性都具有重要意义。本研究以基于虚拟现实技术的机器人灵巧手操作平台的设计和实现为目标。基于虚拟现实技术的机器人灵巧手操作平台从控制角度来看,是一种主从式的遥控机器人系统,由三大部分组成,即主手、从手和机器人灵巧手操作平台,本研究特点是:尝试将虚拟手作为主动手,实际灵巧手作为从动手。操作人员使用鼠标点击操作平台中的控制面板,直接操控虚拟环境里的三维图形虚拟手,从而同步带动实际灵巧手完成各种各样的操作。希望用这种方法来减少控制环节,降低系统的硬件和软件成本。本系统具有以下控制方式和相关功能:●采用直接控制的方式:操作人员使用鼠标点击操作平台中的控制面板,直接操控虚拟环境里的三维图形虚拟手,从而同步带动实际灵巧手完成各种各样的操作。实现操作人员对实际灵巧手的直接遥操作。●采用示教再现的方式:首先由操作人员“教”灵巧手完成某一抓取任务,然后由灵巧手自动完成同类的任务。实现示教再现灵巧手遥操作。●采用自动的方式:使虚拟灵巧手根据被抓物体的几何特征与位姿,自动产生抓取方案,进行抓取过程的预演。实现虚拟灵巧手自动生成抓取规划。本论文首先在灵巧手运动学分析的基础上,采用OpenGL和VC的开发工具在计算机中构造出一个虚拟作业场景,使操作者更加有效地直观地了解机器人灵巧手在操作过程中的位姿,碰撞等信息。其次,从理论上讨论了机器人灵巧手抓取操作规划的方法。在分析了灵巧手抓取操作任务后,拟定了手掌的运动规划和手的抓取规划。然后针对灵巧手抓取方式选择的问题,提出了平行抓取、聚中抓取和捏式抓取这三种最典型的抓取方式,并采用模糊控制的方法对机器人灵巧手的抓取方式进行智能选择。再次,根据对AABB和OBB两种碰撞检测算法的分析对比,设计出了一套在机器人灵巧手操作平台中可行的、有效的和精确的碰撞检测算法。最后对本论文涉及的实验作系统地阐述。实验证明,基于虚拟现实技术的机器人灵巧手操作平台的设计理念是切实可行。这不仅为机器人灵巧手的控制探索了一条途径,而且为机器人灵巧手运动学和动力学的研究建立了一个实验平台。

【Abstract】 The most of labor for human is completed by hands. The achievement on application of robot arm has been focused people’s attention upon in industry. If a dexterous "hand" had been fitted up a robot arm, maybe it would have not been further to a time of real robot operation. Surveyed the dexterous hand from the nation to abroad, they have a high dexterity. From the reports, the dexterous hand can imitate human being to accomplish some refined manipulations through corresponding the fingers and holding the positions in space and fitting the shapes between a hand and an object. So the dexterous hand, as an end manipulator, has a prospect for the applications working in some hazardous environment, such as nuclear energy, out space and blue water.It is seem that robot has an inherent "responsibility" to work in dangerous environment. However, the robot is not an "adult". In the condition of present maturity of robot, the human-machine cooperation would rather be a more realizable selection than the robot performs a task independently and difficaltly in a complicated environment. That is human participates in programming the plan of robot hand with telemanipulation, using human’s intelligence. That means a local operator uses a telemanipulation device to realize the remote for robot hand, helping robot to accomplish various tasks.The virtual reality technology, as one kind of visual tool, is helping to improve the interface of remote control system. The robot dexterous hand technology and the remote technology are integrated with the virtual reality technology, in order to build a remote control platform of a virtual reality robot dexterous hand. Particularly the virtual reality technology has been applied to research and develop a " presence " virtual operation interface that is a human-machine interactive system, so as to control the remote object more accurately. It is significance for improving the grasp efficiency and reliability for telemanipulations of robot dexterous hand.The project is to research the design and implement of a robot dexterous hand teleomanipulation platform based on virtual reality technology, using a lab robot dexterous hand. From the view of control, it is a master- slaver remote robot system and consists of 3 parts - master hand, slave hand and robot dexterous hand operation platform. The characteristic is that the virtual hand acts as a master hand and real hand acts a slave hand. An operation personnel manipulates the 3D-virtual hand directly in a virtual enviroment by clicking a control penal via mouse, then driving a real dexterous hand synchronously to complete all kinds of operations. It is expected that the costs of the system will be cut down due to reduce the control taches.There are some control modes and functions as follows in the system.·Adopting direct control mode: An operation personnel manipulates the 3D-virtual hand directly in a virtual enviroment by clicking a control penal via mouse, then drives a robot dexterous hand synchronously to complete all kinds of grasp tasks. It is realized that human can telemanipulate the robot hand directly.·Adopting T/P mode: At first an operation personnel show robot dexterous hand how to implement a grasp task, and then robot dexterous hand will fulfill automatically the similar tasks itself. The T/P for the remote dexterous hand can be realized.·Adopting automatic mode: The virtual hand makes grasp modes automatically as per the object characteristics (geometry and position and gesture of object), previewing the grasp process. It is realized that the virtual hand can create a grasp plan automatically.At first the thesis is on the basis of kinematics analysis of robot dexterous hand to construct a virtual operate scene in computer through the Development Tool of OpenGL and VC++, and the operation personnel know more directly and effectively the position and gesture of robot dexterous hand and collision information. Secondly, it is discussed in theory the ways to grasp object by robot dexterous hand. After analyzing the grasping tasks of robot dexterous hand, the palm movement plan and hand grasp plan are studying out. Then with reference to the issue of select which kind of grasp modes, 3 typical grasp ways - Parallel Grasp, Center Grasp and Nipper Grasp are presented, and the fuzzy logic is adopted for intelligent selection of grasp modes. Thirdly, after analyze and comparison AABB and OBB’s collision detection algorithmics, a set of collision detection algorithmic is designed, and it is feasible and effective and precise for the operation platform of robot dexterous hand. In the end, the experiments for the thesis will be expatiated systemically.Testifying as experiment, it is feasible about the design conception of operation platform for robot dexterous hand based on virtual reality technology. It not only explores a way to control robot dexterous hand, but also builds a lab platform for further research of kinematics and kinetic of robot dexterous hand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 06期