

Study on the Supply Chain Collaboration of Construction Enterprises Based on Value Net Theory

【作者】 姜阵剑

【导师】 沈荣芳;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和信息网络化的发展,为了应对越来越激烈的市场竞争环境,供应链管理被制造业所广泛采用,成为当代制造业企业的主流运作模式之一。作为国民经济支柱产业的建筑业,其产品的特殊性和生产过程的复杂性给建筑施工企业的运作模式提出了特殊的挑战。目前,建筑施工企业的经营存在着高成本和低效益的普遍现象。作者认为改变这种状况的关键是在建筑施工企业实施供应链的协同管理。本文综合运用价值网理论、协同论、集成管理理论、现代统计学、数据包络分析、流通经济学等多个领域的理论与方法,对建筑施工企业供应链协同的构建及评价进行深入研究,试图建立适合建筑施工产业可持续发展的基于价值网的供应链协同运作模式。本文包括7章,主要的研究内容如下:(1)引论。简述论文的研究背景和选题意义。首先,对国内外有关供应链协同理论和价值网理论研究现状进行综述,并从中得到启示。其次,在分析我国建筑施工企业供应链发展现状的基础上,提出实施供应链协同的必要性和需要深入研究的问题。最后,阐述了论文的研究方法和基本研究框架,并提出论文研究的创新点。(2)建筑施工企业价值网与供应链协同分析。价值网创造价值的过程是由各成员企业联合实现的,它强调价值网成员资源的优化整合,发挥成员之间的协同效应,进而更加有效地实现客户价值。价值网模式在一定程度上克服了传统供应链价值流存在的缺陷,是对供应链形态的重新塑造。本章分析了建筑施工企业价值网构成与协调机制,并对基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同进行分析。(3)基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同模型构建。本章在分析建筑施工企业供应链协同驱动力和模型构成要素的基础上,应用价值网理论与供应链协同理论,构建基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同模型,并设计供应链协同所必需的信息系统模型。(4)基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同实施策略研究。本章在构建建筑施工企业供应链协同的基础上,对建筑施工企业供应链协同采购管理和供应链协同仓储管理体系进行研究,提出建筑施工企业供应链协同采购管理策略、供应链协同仓储管理策略和实施保障策略。(5)建筑施工企业供应链协同评价指标体系与评价方法研究。科学地评价建筑施工企业供应链协同,可以对各个节点企业进行实时监控,以便及时发现问题并进行调整,使整个供应链在协同的模式下协调、高效地运行,及时响应客户需求。本章构建了建筑施工企业供应链协同评价指标体系和基于数据包络分析(DEA)法的评价方法。同时,阐明了输入输出数据的模糊数学和层次分析法等具体处理方法,使评价方法具有可操作性。(6)基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同实证分析。本章选取某大型土木工程公司,应用前几章研究的成果,建立了以该企业为核心的基于价值网的供应链协同模型和信息系统模型,给出了其供应链协同的实施策略和效果分析,并对该供应链的协同优化指明了方向。(7)结论与展望。对本文的研究结论及主要观点进行回顾与展望,并提出未来进一步研究的方向及有待解决的问题。本文主要有以下4个方面研究成果:(1)在对国内外供应链协同和价值网研究成果综述的基础上,结合建筑施工企业供应链发展的实际情况,对建筑施工企业价值网和供应链协同管理进行比较系统的分析。(2)将价值网理论引入建筑施工企业供应链管理,构建基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同模型并提出构建其集成信息系统的框架性思路和步骤,以期改变建筑施工企业普遍存在的高成本、低效益和信息化水平低的现象。(3)研究基于价值网的建筑施工企业供应链协同管理的三项实施策略。即:协同采购策略、协同仓储策略和协同实施的保障策略,以期降低占供应链经营管理成本比例较大的采购费用和库存费用,并且确保供应链协同的顺利实施。(4)构建一个建筑施工企业供应链协同评价指标体系,以及一种计算比较简便、有效、定量的综合评价方法。通过对评价结果的分析,可以深入地揭示供应链协同过程中的运营成本、基础投入、信任度等微观问题,为供应链的协同优化指明方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization and informationinternetization, in order to deal with more and more drastic market environment,supply chain management (SCM) have been adopted by manufacturing industry,which is one of its main operation modes. Construction industry has already becomepillar sector in the national economy. The particularity of its product and thecomplexity of its production process have challenged the operation mode of buildingconstruction enterprises, in which, at present, there exist high cost and low benefit.To cope with the situation, in author’s opinion, supply chain collaboration must beintroduced. By using value net theory, collaboration theory, integrated theory, DEA,AHP, circulation economics, and some other theories or methods, a deep andcomprehensive study on construction and evaluation of building constructionenterprise’s supply chain collaboration is conducted in this research, so as toconstruct collaborative supply chain model based on value net for sustainabledevelopment of building construction industry.Seven chapters are included with their main contents as follows:1. Introduction. The background and meaning of the research is given. First, theinspirations are drawn on form the review of the previous study on supply chaincollaboration and value net theory home and abroad. Then, based on analysis of thepresent condition of our country’s building construction enterprise’s supply chaindevelopment, the necessity to implement supply chain collaboration and furtherresearch fields are put forward. The research methods are finally stated with basicresearch frame and the innovations of this paper.2. Analysis on building construction enterprise’s value net and supply chaincollaboration. The process for the value net to create value is by consociation of eachmember enterprise. It emphasizes the value net member’s resources optimization andintegration, brings the inter-member collaborative effect into play, therefore carriesout customer’s value more effectively. The value net mode can, to some extent, overcome the limitations of traditional supply chain value flow and can remoldsupply chain mode. According to value net theory in this chapter, buildingconstruction enterprise’s value net structure and coordinated mechanism areanalyzed, building construction enterprise’s supply chain is collaborated and relevantsolution is given to building construction enterprise supply chain collaboration.3. Construction of building construction enterprise’s supply Chain collaborationmodel based on value net. After the analysis of driving forces for supply chaincollaboration of building construction enterprises in this chapter, the supply chaincollaboration model based on value net is constructed by applying value net theoryand supply chain collaboration theory. And the information system modelindispensable for the collaboration is designed.4. Research on implementation tactics for building construction enterprise’ssupply chain collaboration. Based on building construction enterprise’s supply chaincollaboration model that has been constructed, supply chain collaboration purchasemanagement and collaboration storage model are Studied in the chapter, the relevanttactics and implementation tactics to guarantee the collaboration are put forward.5. Evaluation index system and method for building construction enterprise’ssupply chain collaboration. To evaluate building construction enterprise’s supplychain collaboration scientifically is critical to monitor the member enterprise at realtime so as to find problems and adjust in time. Therefore, the supply chain canoperate coordinatively and effectively under collaboration to respond to customer’sneed timely. The evaluation index system and the evaluation method based on dataenvelopment analysis (DEA) are pointed out in this chapter. To make the methodworkable, fuzzy mathematics and AHP methods are introduced for processing the input andthe output data.6. Demonstration analysis on building construction enterprise’s supply chaincollaboration. A civil engineering corporation is chosen. Its supply chaincollaboration model and information model are constructed by using theachievements made in this research. The implementation tactics and results areanalyzed, the collaboration is evaluated and the directions to optimize the SC aregiven. 7. Conclusion and outlook. The research conclusions and the main standpointsare reviewed, and the direction for further study in the future is put forward.The following four innovations have been achieved:1. After reviewing the research achievements in the fields of supply chaincollaboration and value net home and abroad, taking into account the current statusof our country’s building construction enterprise’s supply chain development, thevalue net structure and the supply chain collaboration of building constructionenterprises are analyzed.2. The value net theory is introduced into building construction enterprise’ssupply chain management and building construction enterprise’s supply chaincollaboration model and information model based on value net are constructed, so asto change the phenomena such as high cost, low efficiency and low-degreeinformationization exiting in building construction enterprises.3. Implementation tactics for the supply chain collaboration are studied, whichinclude collaborative purchase, collaborative storage and implementation guaranteetactics, so as to lower purchase cost and storage cost, and to guarantee theimplementation of the supply chain collaboration.4. Evaluation index system and evaluation method are constructed for buildingconstruction enterprise’s supply chain collaboration. The simple, effective andquantitative evaluation method can help to analyze the micro-problems, such asoperation cost, infrastructure inputs and faith in building construction enterprise’ssupply chain collaboration and optimization can be conducted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期