

Study on Corporate Philanthropy

【作者】 徐雪松

【导师】 任浩;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着经济力量的增强,公司对全球经济、政治、社会生活、科学技术、教育、文化艺术等领域构成了深刻的影响,这种变化给企业带来了新的要求和新的挑战。社会公众对公司社会责任的期望值升高,期望公司对社会肩负更大的责任,而不只是做到政府和法律要求的。于是,从上个世纪70年代开始,“企业社会责任运动”逐渐兴起,倡导将经济责任、社会责任融为一体,建立企业与社会之间的相互依赖、相互促进关系。做为企业承担社会责任的主要方式,企业慈善行为得到了越来越多企业的关注。西方一些大的跨国公司成立了“基金会”来专门负责企业慈善事务,并形成了一套完整的企业慈善管理理念和制度。从客观上讲,这些经过精心组织与策划的慈善行为部分弥补了政府功能的缺失,解决了一些亟待解决的公共危机和社会问题。但是从另一方面来看,慈善行为也给企业带来了意想不到的好处。首先,慈善行为满足了公众对企业社会责任的期望,减轻了这方面的压力;其次,改善了企业外部的经营环境,给企业的可持续发展奠定了基础;最后,慈善行为还帮助企业改善了诸如市场营销、人力资源等方面的管理。反过来,这种“互利”结果又强化了企业的慈善行为。然而,相对于西方企业的慈善行为来讲,我国的企业慈善行为还处于无意识的发展阶段,参与度不高,捐赠水平低,没有主动性与计划性。究其原因,一方面与社会的文化环境、相关的政府管理体制和慈善组织的公信力有关,另一方面与企业自身的理念与管理有很大的关系。因此,本文将从企业内部管理的角度,循着“动因——方式——管理——评估”这样一条主线展开对我国企业慈善行为的研究。全文共分九章。第一章:导论。论述了本文的研究背景、研究目的、研究思路、研究方法以及论文的主要观点与创新。第二章:概念界定与文献综述。界定了三个相关概念“企业社会责任”、“企业公民”、“企业慈善行为”,对西方有关企业慈善行为的动因、策略、影响因素、评估等方面的研究文献进行了梳理;对我国现有的有关企业慈善行为的研究文献进行了总结。第三章:企业慈善捐赠行为的沿革。本章详细介绍了美国企业慈善行为的历史沿革,同时对日本等国家企业慈善行为的历史沿革做了一些简单的叙述;另外,本章还对我国企业慈善行为的历史沿革做了详细的说明,并对我国企业慈善行为的现状、原因与对策进行了详细的阐述;最后,本章还对中外企业慈善行为进行了比较。第四章:企业慈善行为的动因。在本章中,首先从来源、内容和指向性对对企业慈善行为的动机进行了分类;然后通过问卷调查找出了我国企业慈善行为的动因,按重要性排序分别是:提升企业形象、帮助弱势群体、响应政府号召、解决社会危机、塑造产品品牌、融洽社区关系、贯彻领导者的慈善意识、提高员工的凝聚力、进行产品促销、吸引优秀人才、免除部分税收和受竞争对手捐赠的影响。最后通过对数据的分析验证了企业发展阶段与企业慈善行为动因的相关性。第五章:企业慈善行为的方式。首先对企业慈善行为方式进行了界定,认为企业慈善行为的方式包括三个方面:企业慈善领域、企业慈善资源、企业慈善途径。通过实证分析,发现我国企业慈善捐赠的领域主要是扶贫、教育和救灾,影响我国企业慈善捐赠选择的因素主要是政府关注度、与经营业务的相关度和企业领导的关注度;我国企业慈善捐赠的资源主要是现金、本公司产品和志愿者,影响我国企业慈善捐赠资源选择的因素主要是受阻对象的需求、捐赠的方便性和慈善组织的建议;我国企业慈善捐赠的途径主要是自己做、与慈善组织或者政府部门合作、委托给慈善组织去做,影响我国企业慈善捐赠途径的因素主要是企业的慈善理念、慈善项目的特性和公司领导的意见。第六章:企业慈善行为的过程管理。本章主要介绍了企业如何从项目前、项目中和项目后三个阶段对企业慈善行为进行管理。第七章:企业慈善行为对企业内部管理职能的创新。在本章中,分别从战略管理、市场营销、人力资源管理、利益相关者管理的角度对企业慈善行为的管理进行了探讨。首先,在探讨企业慈善行为与企业的竞争优势关系的基础上,提出了企业慈善行为的三种战略形式——工具性慈善行为、战略性慈善行为和内在性慈善行为;其次,探讨了成功善因营销的实施策略;再次,构建了基于慈善行为的员工招聘模型、人才开发模型和员工激励模型;最后,论证了如何基于慈善行为对利益相关者进行管理。第八章:企业慈善行为评估。本章主要建立了基于企业慈善文化、慈善方式、慈善管理和慈善效果的慈善行为评价模型;设计了企业慈善行为评估的指标体系;并且对企业慈善行为评估指标进行权重设计。第九章:总结与展望。

【Abstract】 Recently, with the growing economic power, corporations are bringing greatinfluences to the global economy, politics, society, science and technology, educationand art. Such changes means new requirements and new challenge for corporations,for The Public are raising their expectations of Corporate Social Responsibilities(CSR), and they hope corporations shoulder more responsibilities for the societyinstead of meeting the requirements of government and law. So, in nineteenseventies, "Corporate Social Responsibilities Movement" is becoming popularamong the corporations of capitalism world. The CSR Movement advocatecorporations should mix economic responsibility and social responsibility togetherand rebuild the rely-on-each-other relationship between corporation and society. Asthe main way of shouldering social responsibilities, corporate philanthropy getsmore and more corporations’ attention. In many big Multinational Corporations,foundation is set up to be in charge of corporate philanthropy affairs, and a set ofcorporate philanthropy belief and system is established as well.To be objective, Such meticulously-planned and well-organized charitableactivities make up for the neglect of government functions and settle a lot of publiccrisis and social problems. But in another point, corporate philanthropy also bringslots of benefits to corporations. First, it relieves the pressure form the Public bymeeting the expectations of Corporate Social Responsibilities; second, it lays a solidfoundation of sustainable development by improving the outer running environment;the last, it serves the inner management such as marketing, human resourcemanagement. In return, this kind of benefit-each-other results strengthens corporatephilanthropy.But, compared with the corporate philanthropy in the western countries,corporate philanthropy is in the unconscious stage. The rate of donation is not high;the level of donation is low; the corporations are lack of initiative and plan. To lookfor the causes, we find the status is related to social cultural environment,government administrative system and the credit of charity organization, but most ofall, the belief and management of corporation is also related to the status. So, thethesis will study the motivation, way, management and appraisal of corporatephilanthropy in our country from the view of inner management.The whole paper falls into nine part. Chapter One introduces the background,purpose, thinking, method, viewpoints and innovations of the paper. Chapter Two includes three contents. First, it defines three related concepts"Corporate Social Responsibilities", "Corporate Citizen" and "CorporatePhilanthropy"; Second, it sorts out the research documents of motivations, strategy,influencing factors and appraisal of corporate philanthropy in western countries;Third, it sums up the research documents of corporate philanthropy in our country.Chapter Three can be divided into four parts. Part One introduces the historicdevelopment of corporate philanthropy in America; Part Two explains the historicdevelopment of corporate philanthropy in others western countries; Part Threeintroduces the historic development of corporate philanthropy in China and makesconcrete analysis of the status, causes and countermeasures of corporatephilanthropy in our country, Part Four compares corporate philanthropy in westerncountries and China.Chapter Four is about the motivations of corporate philanthropy. First, it makesa classification of motivation on the basis of origin, contents and aim of motivation.Then, it finds out the motivations of corporate philanthropy of our country throughquestionnaire and arranges them according to their importance, including enhancingcorporation image, helping the poor, responding to the call of government, solvingsocial crisis, molding the product brand, getting along well with community,carrying out the CEO’s thought, improving the clerk’s faithfulness, promoting theproduct, attracting the person with ability, exempting the taxes and imitating thebehavior of competitors. Finally, it proves the relativity between the phrase ofdevelopment and the motivations of corporate philanthropy.Chapter Five talks about the way of corporate philanthropy. In the paper, theway of corporate philanthropy is defined as the exterior behaving form and isdivided into three aspects: the field of corporate philanthropy, the resource ofcorporate philanthropy and the pass of corporate philanthropy. Through analyzingthe data, we find that: the main fields of corporate donation are assisting the poor,education and supporting the disaster area in our country and the influencing factorsof choosing the donation field are the attention of government, the relativity with thecorporation’s business and the attention of CEO; the main resources of corporatedonation are cash, the products of the corporation itself and volunteers and theinfluencing factors of choosing the donation resources are the need of the suffering,the convenience of donation and the suggest of charitable organization; the mainpasses of corporate donation are doing it itself, cooperating with charitableorganizations and entrusting to charitable organizations and the influencing factors of choosing the donation passes are the corporation’s philanthropy belief,characteristics of charitable program and the ideas of CEO.Chapter Six discusses of the process management of corporate philanthropy. Itmainly explains what to do before the charitable project, during the project and afterthe project.Chapter Seven illustrates the innovative function to strategy management,marketing, human resource management and stakeholder management. In the first, itputs forward three strategic form of corporate philanthropy after narrating therelationships between the competitive advantage and corporate philanthropy. Second,it introduces the tactics of how to putting cause-related marketing program intoeffects. Third, it sets up employees recruiting model, skills cultivating model andemployees inspiriting model on the basis of corporate philanthropy. At last, itdiscusses of how to manage the stakeholders through corporate philanthropy.Chapter Eight is about the appraisal of corporate philanthropy. Based on theanalysis of the shortcomings of a couple of appraisal model, we establish theintegrated appraisal model from four aspects: donation culture, donation form,donation management and donation effect, design the index system of the appraisalmodel and endow each index with different mark according to their importance.Chapter Nine sums up the whole paper and point out what should to do nextbased on the shortage in this paper.

【关键词】 企业慈善行为动因方式管理评价
【Key words】 corporate philanthropymotivationwaymanagement and appraisal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 05期
  • 【分类号】F270;D632.9
  • 【被引频次】66
  • 【下载频次】4902
  • 攻读期成果