

Research on Test System-Oriented Virtual Instrument Design and Its Application

【作者】 崔红梅

【导师】 麻硕士;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业电气化与自动化, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 虚拟仪器是由计算机硬件资源、模块化仪器硬件和用于数据分析、过程通讯及图形用户界面显示的软件组成的测控系统,是一种由计算机操纵的模块化仪器系统。本文通过对虚拟仪器的国内外发展概况及发展水平进行深入细致的研究,针对目前在虚拟仪器应用软件开发过程中存在的一些问题和机械工程虚拟测试仪器的发展需求,设计了一种面向测试系统的虚拟仪器应用软件设计模型,并将其应用到实际工程测试的虚拟仪器应用软件的设计与开发过程中。具体工作如下:(1)将软件工程的设计思想引入到虚拟仪器应用软件的设计中,设计了一种面向测试系统的虚拟仪器应用软件设计模型,包括针对单个测试仪器的状态机-事件模型,针对整个测试系统的通告-仪器-队列模型;(2)在研究瞬态机械阻抗法进行桩基完整性及承载力检测的基本理论和方法的基础上,采用Rational Rose环境下的用例图、活动图,设计了基于低应变瞬态机械阻抗法的桩基检测仪器的系统功能模型及活动构架;应用各个桩基检测应用软件的状态机-事件模型在LabVIEW平台上开发了相应的桩基检测虚拟仪器应用软件;(3)采用Rational Rose环境下的用例图、活动图对应变测试系统的整体功能及活动构架进行了设计,应用其状态机-事件模型在LabVIEW平台上从底层对应变测试应用软件进行了开发,使得该软件能够对SCXI-1520应变测试调理模块进行有效管理和控制,并能够完成常规应变测试任务;(4)采用Rational Rose环境下的用例图设计了虚拟测试实验室的系统功能模型;根据该功能模型,在LabVIEW平台上开发了一个真正的面向用户的零编程虚拟测试实验室;应用面向测试系统虚拟仪器应用软件设计中的状态机-事件模型开发了虚拟测试实验室仪器库中的各种成品仪器;应用面向测试系统的虚拟仪器应用软件设计中的通告-仪器-队列模型实现了虚拟测试实验室中的各种测试系统;(5)针对已经记录在磁带记录仪上的标准桩基检测信号,分别用已经设计好的桩基检测仪器和B&K2034双通道信号分析仪对其进行了分析和结果比对,证明该桩基检测仪器的检测性能可靠、功能丰富,能够满足桩基检测人员的实际需求;从实际需求出发,程序的执行性能、程序内存使用以及程序结构方面分别对应变测试仪器以及虚拟测试实验室进行了软件测试,并在此基础上对其进行了程序优化设计。

【Abstract】 A virtual instrument consists of an industry-standard computer or workstation equipped with powerful application software, modularization hardware such as plug-in boards, and driver software, which together perform the functions of traditional instruments. Through deeply studying the state of the art of virtual instrument at home and abroad, a virtual-instrument application model of test system-oriented design was designed and proposed in this paper for the existing problems found in the process of developing virtual instrument and the developing request of the conners in the mechanical engineering test field. Furthermore, the pile test system, strain test system and virtual test laboratory were designed and developed respectively by applying their own design model. The main work is listed as follows.First, an application model of test system-oriented design including state-machine model for single instrument development and notification-instrument-queue model for test system development was designed and proposed by introducing the related design principle of software engineering into the application design of virtual instrument.Second, the use case and activity diagrams of pile test system based on low-strain instant mechanical impedance method were protracted in Rational Rose through learning about the fundamental theory and applying the instant mechanical impedance method to test the integrity and bearing capacity of pile foundation. At the same time, each application software was wrote in LabVIEW applying its own state-machine model.Third, the use case and activity diagrams of strain test system were protracted in Rational Rose. A stain test application was developed in LabVIEW according to its own state-machine model, which is capable of managing and controlling the input module of SCXI-1520 universal strain gauge effectively. The conventional strain test can be done by applying this strain test system.Fourth, the use case diagram of virtual test laboratory was protracted in Rational Rose. According to the use case diagram, a virtual test laboratory comes into being.The instruments included in the virtual test laboratory were developed in LabVIEW by applying their own state-machine models in test system-oriented design, and the test systems were realized in LabVIEW by applying the notification-instrument-queue model in test system-oriented design. Finally, the pile test analyzer and B&K2034 analyzer were used to acquire and analyze the normal signal of the integral pile outputed from the cassette data recorder respectively. Via comparing their both test results, it is found that the virtual pile test analyzer can be competent to test the integrity and bearing capacity of pile foundation with credible test performance, plentiful analysis function and high efficiency on the spot. Meanwhile, the software test was carried out respectively from the program’s practice request, program’s implementation performance, program’s memory usage and program structure to the strain test instrument and the virtual test laboratory. The applications were further improved.
