

Study on Evolution of Slope Deformation and Typical Landslides in Shuiyin River, Longxian County, Shanxi Province

【作者】 李东林

【导师】 吴树仁; 王连捷;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 地质工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文结合中国地质调查局项目“陕西宝鸡地区地质灾害详细调查”,在搜集整理前人研究成果的基础上,通过遥感解译、野外调查、室内分析测试和有限元数值模拟,运用多学科的理论和方法,在综合分析区域工程地质背景、陇县地质灾害分布特征的基础上,以典型变形斜坡(郭家庄斜坡)及典型水系(银子河)的斜坡变形及滑坡发育作为重点研究对象,对陕西陇县的斜坡变形特征及其与滑坡灾害之间的演化关系进行探索研究,初步取得下列新进展和成果:1、初步分析了陇县地质灾害类型及分布特征,结合陇县地质灾害形成条件及影响因素分析,将陇县斜坡结构类型划分为黄土斜坡、基岩斜坡、阶地斜坡和黄土基岩混合型斜坡等四大类共计十二种斜坡结构,其中,易于发生滑坡灾害的斜坡是黄土与下覆基岩的混合型斜坡;易于发生崩塌变形的是高陡黄土斜坡。2、在野外斜坡纵剖面实测基础上,对典型滑坡和斜坡上发育的“醉汉林”进行了研究。根据“醉汉林”中树木提供的角度信息,对“醉汉林”的发育规律作出了总结,初步揭示:“醉汉林”不仅大量发育在滑坡体上,也广泛存在于变形斜坡上。“醉汉林”中样式(形态)各异的树木按几何特征可以分为顺向倾倒树、逆向倾倒树、顺向弯曲树、逆向弯曲树、复合成因树和不规则树六大类。不同类树木成因不同,因此也提供了不同的变形信息。顺向倾倒树、逆向倾倒树能准确反映斜坡倾角的变化,复合成因树则完整记录了斜坡多次变形的历史。3陇县斜坡变形主要有两种方式:一种是纵向(顺坡向)变形,形成各级陡坎和阶梯状坡面;一种是横向(环切坡向)变形,坡面形成一系列波状起伏的背形和向形地形。4、在对陇县银子河水系、郭家庄斜坡和李家下滑坡群的基本特征及变形演化过程调查分析的基础上,初步揭示:冲沟对斜坡变形有明显控制作用,同时斜坡变形反过来又影响了次一级冲沟的发育,两者为复杂的耦合关系。斜坡变形与冲沟的发育极大地改变了斜坡的地貌,使斜坡从稳定状态逐渐向不稳定状态改变,从而利于滑坡等斜坡灾害的发生,而滑坡和崩塌灾害的发生则是斜坡从不稳定状态通过剧烈变形达到新的稳定状态的一种途径。5、利用Ansys有限元软件对郭家庄斜坡和典型(李家下)滑坡进行了数值模拟,探索斜坡原始状态、一次变形、二次变形及未来变形预测等几种情况下,斜坡变形演化过程及斜坡变形与冲沟发育之间的演化关系,初步揭示:(1)坡面向形的枢纽线方向是下一级冲沟发育的优势方位,基本控制了下一级冲沟的发育。斜坡陡坎的方向与下一级冲沟的方向是近于正交的。(2)下一级冲沟的发育发展反过来又影响了斜坡变形,新的斜坡变形都是围绕新的冲沟进行的。

【Abstract】 This article is connected to geological investigating project ,Detailed Investigation of Geological Hazards In Baoji Region,Shanxi Province ,which is sponsored by China Geological Survy (CGS), and is finished under the instruction of instructing adviser. On the basis of collecting predecessor’s studying results, by ways of field research, indoor examination analysis and FEM numerical simulative calculation, the author use multidisciplinary theories and methods, focusing on mutual evolution among slope deformation,gully and landslides. Such preliminary results and new principal progress is made as follows:1. Preliminarily analyzed types and distributing characters of geohazards in Longxian County.Considering occurring conditions and affecting factors of geohazards,the author divided slopes into four main types:loess slope,rock slope,terrace slope and loess-rock slope,counting on twelve minor types.Of all above,slipe type prone to landslides is loess slope and loess-rock slope,and slipe type prone to landslip is high and steep loess slope.2. Based on field surveying of slope portrait section ,the author studied“drunk men woods”on representative landslides and deforming slopes.“Drunk men woods”is usually considered as a kind of symbol of landslide. Mapping geological hazards in BaoJi,ShanXi province,we found“drunk men woods”exist in deforming slopes at large extent.By way of measuring sloping angle of wood in guojiazhuang deforming slope in Longxian county and slope angle ,and analyzing geometricly ,we think sloping angle of wood reflect variation of slope angle,and drew the conclusion that enlargement of slope angle is the main type of slope deforming.Research show that“drunk men woods”have multiple concreat indications,and have important role in research of landslide and deforming slope.3. Slope deformation in Longxian County has two main types: one is portrait deformation of slope, which form crag cliff and stepping slope surface; the other is landscape deformation of slope, which form a series of anticline and syncline like waves in slope surface.4. On the basis of studies on Shuiyin river, Guojiazhuang slope and Lijiaxia slide group, the author made such preliminary conclusions: gully has extinct control on slope deformation, on the other hand, slope deformation affect growth of subgully. Two sides have complicated coupling relation. Slope deformation and growth of gully change physiognomy of slope at a large extent, make slope from state of stability to state of unstability, which is prone to landslides.5. FEM numerical simulative calculation was made to study Guojiazhuang slope and Lijiaxia landslide, original state , firstly deformation, secondly deformation and forcast of future are considered. Simulative results showed that firstly, direction of hinge line of surface syncline is the predominant direction of subgully, basicly control the growth of subgully, and direction of slope cliff and subgully intersect at degree of about 90; secondly, growth of subgully affect slope deformation, and new slope deformation occur around new gully.
