

Stud on Carbonate Petro;ogy, Sedimentology and Sedimentational Synchrony of Late Cambrian in the North Part of North China Platform

【作者】 马永生

【导师】 孟祥化; 葛铭;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 岩石学, 1990, 博士

【摘要】 在大量野外和室内工作的基础上,笔者运用现代沉积学理论和方法,结合现代气象学和气候学及沉积物理学等理论,按如下技术路线完成本论文。一、首先从岩石学研究入手,详细分析了各种岩石类型、结构组分、沉积构造和各类岩石的化学组分,特别是对一些特征性的沉积构造现象进行了认真的分析和解释,并提出一些相应的成因模式;二、在沉积相分析的基础上,建立了四个地区性的相模式,并归纳出一个综合性的沉积相模式;三、结合元素地球化学特征,论证了华北地区北部晚寒武世风暴作用为主的浅海碳酸盐岩沉积相模式的合理性;四、最后在上述工作的基础上,对本区上寒武统划分出5个大的沉积旋回,并对沉积旋回的基本特征及其控制因素进行了分析和评述。在各剖面沉积旋回分析的基础上,特别是基于如下认识:即控制本区晚寒武世沉积旋回的主要因素以海平面变化和气候因素(风暴作用)为主,而在构造相对稳定的前提下,海平面变化趋势在整个盆地内是一致的,反映这种变化的沉积旋回是可比的,相应的旋回具有等时性意义。而风暴作用周期短而影响范围广,风暴沉积特征明显,分布范围广又易于对比,因此可以在旋回对比的基础上,在某一旋回中对风暴作用形成的一级旋回或单个风暴层作对比,最后实现风暴等时面的对比;五、最后利用旋回及风暴层的这些等时性关系,在区域对比的基础上,对编制精度较高的等时性岩相古地理图作了探索。

【Abstract】 The north part of North China Platform is roughly the same as that of central to north Shanxi province,north Hebei province,BeiJing and Tianjin areas.Thls paper mainly deals with the upper Cambrian of this region.The upper Cambrian contains three formations(from bottom to top): Gushanzu Formation, Changshanzu Formation and Fengshanzu Formation.Dis- tributing evenly or changing homogeneously in the whole North China, these three formations are made up of stable carbonate SDS (Sedimentary Suits).The tectonic geological setting was quite stable.1, the main typies of carbonate rock contain:fragmental limestone, skeletal limeston,oolitic limestone,pellet limestone,micrite limestone, Calcisitite,stromatolithic limestone,bioherm limestone,dolomite and fragmental dolomite.2,the texture components are grains (intraclasts, oolites, skelets), nicrite matrix, sparite cement, remannent texture and crystallized texture3,there are many different kinds of sedimentary structures in thisregion, such as below, ripple marks, erosional structures, beddings (include horizontal lamination,palallel bedding,hummocky cross stra- tification and grain graded sequence),the structures displayed by di- fferent fragments arrangment (e. g".ridge-like" structure,imbricate structure, inverted" "structure et al), cutted bioherm structure, every kind of bio-generated structures and chemi-generated structures (include bird-eyes structure,stylolitic structure and hard,round struc- ture ).4,The calci-fragments and the cement’s contents of CaO and Na20+K20+ A1203+Si02 are nagtive interrelated , i.e.,fragments and cement have high Na20+K20+A1203+Si02 velum and low CaO velum in proximality areas, while in distal area the Na20+K20+A1203+Si02 valums are much higher than the CaO .We cam also use those volums to distinguis the fragments’ souce rocks from one another or generaly identify calcilutite’s deposi- tional environments.Limeston contains higher Mn and Ba than dolomite. (?)ecause in limestone which riches in Ca,Ca is easy to be replaced by Mn, while dolomite contains more Ti than limestone.5,hased on a large amount of detail field and lab research works, (?) sedimentary facies have been divided, they are:a, basin (distal basin, proximal basin);b, basin temple,platform ramp;d,pletform edge sands; e,tidal fiat.Distinct depositional, patterns in these facies have been discussed respectively during fair weather arid storm weather conditions.6,four local sedimentary models have been established .They are: Hebei Qinhuangdao Shimenzhai Late Cambrian Sedimentary Model;Bei- jing Xishan Late Cambrian Sedimentary Model;Shanxi Linqiu Late Cambrian Sedimentary Model: Shanxi Kelan Late Cambrian Sedimentary Model.Finally a synthesized model have been got from these four local models-Late Cambring General Sedimentary Model in North Part of the North China Platform.7,after analying the four factors (tectonic activity, sediments supply, sea-level changes and climate condition),which control sedimentary cycles,and considering the (?)acts that sea-level changes and climate are the main factors in the research region, the author have divided five 3rd order sedimentary cycles in his 17 measured prufiles .Under the condition of stable tectonic geological setting and no sediments supply influence, corresponding cycle is or should be synchronous because the sea-level or depo- sitional water depth change(?),i.e. the cycles are consistent, espe- cially the linking lines of every cycles’ apexes of maximum trans- gression, and the linking lines of every cycles’ apexes of regresion. Three types of acurate lithofacies and paleogeographic maps have been drawn up .8,on the base of eyeles comparing, the author identified some conrresponding storm layers and have tried to draw another kind of lithofacies and paleogeographic map using one of the stom layers in almost all the research region.

  • 【分类号】P588.245
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】718