

The Establishment of the Morden Academic Research on the Yi Nationality: 1928-49

【作者】 李列

【导师】 刘铁梁;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 民俗学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要是对1928-1949年彝族研究学术史的梳理和总结,选择了一些具有代表性的学者和学术成果突出的团体对彝族研究进行学理思路和学术方法的讨论和反思,审视现代彝族研究的学术渊源和视角特点,呈现学术传统的生动图景。除绪论外,本文主要包括以下几个部分。第一章“现代民族主义背景下的彝族研究”。本章主要探讨彝族研究的社会背景。体现国家意志的民族主义学术话语大背景,是现代学术的一般中国特色的背景。纳入民族主义背景下的彝族研究,开阔的视野所带来的是新的视角和问题。20世纪前半期的彝族研究,是中国社会历史、民族文化研究的重要组成部分。第二章“杨成志的彝族研究:转型与开拓”。本章对杨成志彝族调查田野工作进行总结。杨成志的学术实践,在彝族研究的学术史上具有里程碑式的意义。既推动了中国彝族研究从古代向现代的转型,又开辟富有学术建设的彝族研究之路,这并不是一个简单的批判态度和立场,而是彝族研究一个积极活跃的学术建设的开端。第三章“彝族研究的国家行为:宣慰教化”:在众多考察彝区学术团体中选择“四川省政府边区施教团”为重点研究对象,达到的目的主要是:1、分析代表政府行为的考察团考察彝区的立场和意义;2、施教团考察彝区对确立彝族研究学术地位的推动作用。第四章“林耀华的彝族研究:学术与方法”。本章以林耀华彝族研究学术历程为考察中心。从彝族研究学术史的角度来看,林耀华一方面身体力行的体验凉山、体验彝族;一方面用“结构-功能论”和“均衡论”透视彝族社会,使彝族研究和现代学术视野结合,为彝族研究确定一种新的理论构架,把彝族研究推进到了一个既有科学学术理论又有田野实践的新阶段,开启了一个彝族研究的新时代。第五章“抗战时期的彝族研究:民族与救亡”。抗战全面爆发,中国民族学、民俗学以新的方式和较为集中的成果形式表现出更加鲜明的民族和地域特色。彝族研究也因时局的急进和突变,在这一时期被推进到新的阶段和取得丰硕的成果。彝族地位得到了空前的强调和重视,彝族研究成为抗战时期民族学、民俗学、语言学等多种学科理论和实践丰富发展的重要内容。第六章“马学良的彝语研究:以俗释经”。作为彝语研究的拓荒者,马学良是第一个在精通彝语的基础上从语言学的角度,以科学的方法和学术研究的态度来对彝语进行全面系统调查研究的学者。马学良一方面用现代语言学的理论与方法调查研究彝语,另一方面又把彝族典籍研究和彝族的社会文化背景结合起来,“经俗互释”,既为彝语语言学研究开辟了一条新的途径,也进一步确立了彝族研究学术的专门化和学术研究的自觉意识。第七章“本土学者的彝族研究:自观位的视角”。本章研究彝族本土学者岭光电和曲木藏尧。他们一方面用作品来描写、呈现自己本民族的真实状态;另一方面又用自己的改革实践来向外界证实彝区发展进程和彝民族的求变要求。彝族研究推进过程因为有他们的加入,汉族学者对彝族研究逼进的真实程度得到检视,同时也增加了彝族研究的丰富性和生动性。结束语:“问题与思考”。本部分是对20世纪前半期彝族研究的总结评述,强调彝族研究是人类学、民俗学、民族学等相关学科并行而又互相纠缠迸发的生动景观。彝族研究学术史的基本资料和基本问题也大体清楚,并形成了自己的理论体系和研究方法。半世纪彝族研究的学术积累已经清楚的表明:彝族研究的学术地位已经确立。附录:为更好的理解本文而提供的部分参考资料。

【Abstract】 The present dissertation is mainly to comb and summarize the academic history of the research on the Yi ethnic groups during the years from 1928 to 1949.The author chooses some scholars and groups with typical characteristic and prominent research products to probe into the doctrinal thoughts and academic methods of the research on the Yi ethnic groups, traces the academic origin and characteristic of viewpoint of the modern research on the Yi ethnic groups and presents a vivid view of the academic tradition.Besides the introduction, the present dissertation includes the following several parts:Chapter one“The research on the Yi ethnic groups under the background of modern nationalism”:This chapter mainly probes into the social background of Yi studies. The great background of academic terms of nationalism which reflects the national will is the background of general Chinese characteristic of modern study. The research on the Yi ethnic groups is brought into the nationalism background. What the open vision brought are new visual angles and questions. The first study of the 20th century the research on the Yi ethnic groups is an important component of the study of social, historical and ethnic groups culture.Chapter two“Yang Chengzhi’s research on the Yi ethnic groups: transition and deploitation”:This chapter summarizes Yang’s field investigation work of Yi ethnic groups. Yang’s academic practices have milestone meanings in the academic history of the research on the Yi ethnic groups. It not only promoted the research on Chinese Yi ethnic groups from ancient times to modern times, but also discovers the way of Yi studies which is rich in academic construction. It is not a simple criticism attitude and standpoint, but a positive and active beginning of academic construction of the research on the Yi ethnic groups.Chapter three“The national behavior of the research on the Yi ethnic groups: education with propagandize and comfort”:The author chooses the governmental border area implemental education group of Sichuan Province as a key research object among numerous academic groups of Yi district, in order to reach two purposes: one is to analyses the indagating standpoint and sense of the indagation group that on behalf of the government behaviors; the other one is to study the impetus of establishing the academic status of Yi studies which put by the implemental education group.Chapter four“Lin Yaohua’s research on the Yi ethnic groups: learning and method”:This chapter focuses on the process of Lin’s academic research on the Yi race. From the viewpoint of studying academic history in Yi ethnic groups, on the one hand Lin earnestly practiced what one advocates in the observation of Liangshan Mountain and Yi race; on the other hand he penetrated the Yi society with the theory of equilibrium and the theory of structural function, so that he combined the research on the Yi ethnic groups with the modern academic vision, fixed on a new theory framework for the research on the Yi ethnic groups, and advanced Yi study to a new stage which both have academic theory of science and field practices. He has opened a new era of the research on the Yi ethnic groups.Chapter five“The research on the Yi ethnic groups of period of the war of resistance against Japan: ethnic groups and saving the nation from extinction”:The war of resistance breaks out in an all-round way, China’s ethnology and folklore showed much more vivid national and regional characteristics in the new ways and the forms of achievements with flourishing manner. The research on the Yi ethnic groups Yi study was also advanced to a new stage and had got the rich achievement, since the radical and sudden change of academia and political situation in that period. Yi’s status had got the unprecedented emphasis and attention. At the period of resistant, the research on the Yi ethnic groups became a such important content of the development of theory and practice of many kinds of studies as ethnology, folklore, linguistic, etc..Chapter six“Ma Xueliang’s study in Yi language: explaining the sutra with the vulgar tongue”:As the pioneer of the study in Yi language, Ma is the first person, on the basis of master Yi language, did the overall indagation of Yi language systematically with the scientific method and academic study attitude in terms of linguistic. On the one hand Ma indagates Yi language with the modern linguistic theory and method; on the other hand he combines the research on Yi’s sutras and the background of Yi’s social culture.“sutra and vulgar tongue elucidating each other”not only opens up a new way for the linguistic research on Yi language, but also establishes the academic specialization and conscientious consciousness of academic study of the research on the Yi ethnic groups on further step.Chapter seven“Native scholars’the research on the Yi ethnic groups: the visual angle of self-observation”:This chapter studies the two native scholars---Ling Guangdian and Qu Muzangyao. On the one hand, they describe and present the real situation of their own nation with their works; on the other hand they use their reform practice to the external world to prove the developing process of Yi district and the demand of change of Yi race. Since their joining to the research course of advancing of the Yi ethnic groups, the real degree of the Han scholars’approaching to the research on the Yi ethnic groups can be judged. At the same time it also increased the liveliness and richness of the research on the Yi ethnic groups.Ending words:“problems and thinking”:This part is mainly about the summary and comments to the study in Yi race in the first half of the 20th century. It emphasizes a vivid view that the research on the Yi ethnic groups develops in a neck-and-neck way with the development of the interrelated subjects as ethnology, folklore, ethnography, etc.. The research on the Yi ethnic groups and these subjects are also stick like a limpet, they promote mutually. The basic material and problems of the research history of Yi ethnic groups are clear general the main, and I have formed my own theory system and research methods. Half a century’s academic accumulation of the research on the Yi ethnic groups clearly shows that the academic status of the research on the Yi ethnic groups has already been established.Appendix:The author pyovides some reference datum for better comprehension to the dissertation.

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