

Investigation on the 3-Stage Electromagnetic Propulsion Model and System

【作者】 高俊山

【导师】 杨嘉祥;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 电磁发射技术的出现是近年来推进技术领域的一次飞跃,它为解决人们对超高速、大质量的推进要求开辟了一条新途径,尤其它较低的推进成本更是引起了各国的注意。电磁发射是将电磁能转化成动能,借助电磁力做功,把抛体(电枢)发射出去,从而完成对抛体的推进。而线圈型电磁发射技术,实质上是由于变化的磁场在抛体内产生涡流,涡流又与变化的磁场相互作用,产生电磁力,从而推动抛体运动的技术。电磁发射技术是以电磁能取代传统化学能来发射物体的新技术。在国防和民用工业领域,电磁发射技术已经应用于飞行器弹射系统、电磁炮、交流电磁泵和打夯机等行业。今天,传统的发射技术已经很难满足人们对动力系统速度、安全等方面的需求,而近年来刚刚复兴的电磁发射技术却为解决这一问题提供了新的研究方向。在相关应用技术领域,电磁发射技术是今天最有潜力、极具优势的技术,但是相对于传统技术,电磁发射技术要复杂得多。电磁发射过程是一个瞬变过程,定子线圈与抛体间的相互作用随时间的变化而改变。因而依据电磁发射理论建立数值仿真模型进行仿真,然后进行实验验证,并以此作为实际应用中设计具有良好工作状态的电磁发射系统的依据是十分必要的。电磁发射器在其发展过程中出现了三大基本类型:轨道炮、线圈炮及重接炮。线圈炮(也称线圈型电磁发射器)可以理解为圆筒型的直线电动机,其有如下特点:抛体在被加速过程中,由于存在磁悬浮效应,因而不存在与筒线圈的摩擦;结构简单;抛体质量范围大;抛体可采用不同形状;能源简易;具有高初速度;受控性好;工作性能优良。鉴于线圈型电磁发射器的上述特点,因此本文对这种发射器进行研究。本文在分析了驱动线圈电路特征和系统运动特性后,建立了三级电磁发射系统方程,系统方程为非线性常微分方程。由于采用了抛体分片技术,使得自感、互感、互感梯度的计算结果更加接近于实际情况。根据参数的对称性,采用赋值表的方法,减少了计算时间。选择了有较好稳定性的Treanor算法求解非线性常微分方程组,得到稳定解。编写了计算机仿真程序,仿真的运算结果可以较好地逼近实际三级电磁发射系统,仿真结果与实际实验观测结果基本吻合。利用获得的最佳参数,设计并制作了三级线圈发射系统试验模型。并进行了大量的试验验证。为进一步提高系统的发射效率,本文对放电回路进行了改进。实验结果表明,在相同能量条件下,改进后的发射器发射效率要比改进前的发射器的发射效率高。为提高系统的单位时间内的抛体发射次数,设计并制作了采用DSP控制的串联谐振式恒流充电电源,并用PSPICE硬件仿真软件对电路进行了仿真,同时给出实测曲线。提高了储能电容器的充电速度,改善了充电性能。理论分析和实验研究表明,本文提出的模型和分析方法具有合理性,为以后的进一步研究打下了基础。

【Abstract】 The technology of electromagnetic launch is a leap in the fields of the propulsion technology in recent years. It has opened up a new avenue to meet the special requirements of propulsion, such as ultra high speed and big mass. Its merit of low propulsion cost has especially attracted the attention of all countries. The electromagnetic launch is that when the electromagnetic force works, the electromagnetic energy is transformed into kinetic energy which is used to launch projectile (armature). The coil-type electromagnetic propulsion technology in essence is that the varied magnetic field produces eddy-current in projectile, and then the eddy-current and the varied magnetic field interact to generate the electromagnetic force to promote projectile motion. The technology of electromagnetic launch is a kind of new technology that objects are launched by the electromagnetic energy instead of the conventional chemical energy. The technology of electromagnetic launch is applied in the field of the national defense and civilian industries, such as aircraft launch system, electromagnetic gun, linear electromagnetic induction pumping units, ramming machine and so on.Nowadays traditional launch technologies can hardly meet people’s special demands towards driving apparatus in the aspect of velocity and safety, while the EML technology, which has been revived only in recent years, casts a new light on solving the above-mentioned problems. Potential and advantageous as it is, EML technology is relatively more complex to be applied than traditional launching technologies. The process of the electromagnetic launch is a transient process, so the interaction between the stator windings and projectile changes with the change of time. Consequently, to design an electromagnetic launch system which has good working conditions, it is rather necessary to build a numerical simulation model. In the course of the electromagnetic launch development, there are three basic types of the electromagnetic launcher: the track gun, the coil gun and the reconnection gun. The coil gun, also named coil electromagnetic launcher, can be interpreted as a cylindrical linear motor. Its characters are as follows: Because of the magnetic suspension effect, there is no fiction between tube and projectile in acceleration process; simple structure; wide range of launch quality; different shapes of the projectile; simple energy source; high initial velocity; good controllability and excellent performance. Therefore, only the coil electromagnetic launcher is researched in this paper.After analyzing the characteristics of driving coil circuit and kinematics, the system equation of the multistage electromagnetic launcher is built. The system equation is a nonlinear differential equation. The projectile is equivalent to some slices, which make the self-inductances, mutual inductances and mutual inductance gradient closer to the actual situation. According to the symmetry of the parameters, the assignment table is used to decrease the calculation time. The Treanor algorithm, which has better stability, is used to solve the nonlinear constant differential equations, and a stable solution is obtained. A computer simulation program which is especially appropriate to the multistage coil gun is designed, and the simulation results satisfactorily agree with the experimental data.The obtained parameters are used to design the 3-stage coil launch system model. Many experiments have been done to validate the results. To improve the projectile launch times per unit time, a series resonant constant current charge power is designed, and the work circuits are simulated with the PSPICE software. According to the simulation results, the charge power is manufactured, which raises the capacitor charge speed and improves the battery charge performance.Both theoretical analysis and experimental study show that the proposed model and the analysis method are reasonable and have laid a foundation for further research.
