

Study on Theories of Forest Vegetation Recovery and Construction in Yanshan Mountain Area

【作者】 赵良平

【导师】 姜志林;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 退化的森林生态系统严重影响其多种生态功能的发挥,植被恢复与重建是提高森林生态系统结构与功能的有效途径,对植物群落的演替规律、种群动态、植被恢复与重建技术及模式的研究可为植被恢复与重建提供科学依据,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文以燕山山地为研究对象,通过野外永久样地、临时样地调查与数量分析相结合的方法,研究了燕山山地植物群落排序与数量分类、森林植物群落演替动态典型特征、立地条件类型划分、植被恢复与重建技术及模式。研究结果表明:DCA排序和TWINSPAN分类表明,燕山山地植物群落在空间地理分布上很有规律,与生态梯度具有十分密切的关系。生态梯度中起主导作用的是温度和水分。在水分梯度上,由冷湿至干旱,燕山山地植物群落大致排列有硕桦林→山杨林→蒙古栎林→油松林→三裂绣线菊→酸枣灌丛→荆条灌丛→以蒿+苔草为优势种的草甸;在热量梯度上,从冷至暖,大致排列有:草甸→硕桦林→华北落叶松林→白桦林→蒙古栎林→以山杏为优势种的中低山带杂木林→三裂绣线菊、榛灌丛。运用DCA非等级分类方法,燕山植被分布呈现出1个中心和4个极点。1个中心是以蒙古栎、山杨等落叶阔叶树及油松为优势种的分布中心区,中心区的植被是暖温带典型的植被类型,也是燕山山地典型的植被类型;4个极点是沿此中心,因湿热因子不同的自然组合,存在4个不同环境梯度的植被演替方向。沿温度递减湿度递增方向,向以白桦、硕桦为优势种、且有华北落叶松、云杉林分布的森林群落发展;沿温度递增湿润递减(暖干)的梯度方向,向以酸枣、荆条为优势种的灌丛发展;沿温度递增湿度增大(暖湿)的梯度方向,向辽东栎林和以榛为优势种的灌丛发展,并有核桃楸林出现;沿湿度递减的梯度(冷干)方向,向以蒿+苔草为优势种的杂草丛发展。低山灌丛具有进展演替的条件,中心是其发展的归宿。植物群落排序值与环境因子及地理坐标显著相关,建立了气候因子与地理坐标、DCA排序值与环境因子2个数学模型,运用数学模型可预测和判断植物群落类型和分布。天然蒙古栎、人工山杨与华北落叶松林分皆伐后,在次生演替头15年内,次生植物群落物种消长变化过程相似,都经历了物种总数由少到多的变化过程,但天然林和人工林皆伐迹地上的物种消长动态存在差异。天然林皆伐迹地上,次生演替初期物种替代频繁,中后期趋于平稳;人工林皆伐迹地上,次生演替后期物种替代明显。乔、灌、草植物种在各演替阶段的表现不同。不同皆伐迹地上,各类植物密度变化都经历了由小变大,增长到一定程度后再逐渐降低的过程。灌木、草本植物重要值受乔木郁闭度影响及灌木植物之间相互作用,一直处于较明显的变化波动过程中。灌木重要值呈现出两极分化特征,竞争力弱的灌木重要值逐步降低,生态幅较广、竞争力较强的灌木植物重要值逐渐升高。阳性草本植物重要值呈现出先增大后减小的态势,阴性草本植物在演替后期表现出绝对优势,重要值逐渐增大。不同皆伐迹地次生演替植物群落多样性指数变化不同。天然蒙古栎林皆伐迹地上,次生演替群落乔、灌、草多样性指数值较高,生物多样性丰富,并随演替推进呈增加趋势;人工林皆伐迹地上,次生演替群落多样性指数值相对较低,呈波动变化,并随演替推进呈现出中期升高、后期略有下降;皆伐后,乔木多样性指数值增大,较皆伐前有所增加,在演替进程中保持稳定的状态;阳性灌、草物种在演替阶段初期多样性指数值增大,随后降低;阴性灌、草物种生物多样性指数逐渐增大。群落综合物种多样性指数的动态特征更接近于草本植物的动态规律。不同群落均匀度指数和物种多样性指数的动态规律基本一致。在此生演替开始后的15年内,大部分草本、灌木、乔木物种的聚集度指数随演替进程的推进呈现出先增大后减小的变化趋势,即各物种空间分布格局由聚集向随机分布状态演变。影响燕山山地森林植物生长的主要立地因子为土层厚度、海拔高度、坡向、砾石含量、坡度和腐殖质层厚度等6个因子。依据分层聚类法,将燕山山地分为9个立地类型22个立地亚型。针对不同的立地条件类型提出了不同的植被恢复与重建思路。研究分析了燕山山地植物群落演替规律、趋势和现状,提出了恢复与重建燕山山地退化森林生态系统应遵循6项基本原理和4个基本要求,采取3条基本途径;提出了燕山山地残次天然森林植被恢复与重建思路、技术及模式;总结出了天然灌丛重建森林植被的典型模式;研究提出了燕山山地人工植被重建技术体系,筛选出120种适宜造林树种。根据不同立地条件类型和区域经济特点,总结出水土保持型、困难立地型、中低山飞播型、水源涵养型、生态经济型等5种成功的人工植被重建模式。

【Abstract】 Normal ecological functions of a degraded forest ecology system areseriously affected. Vegetation recovery and construction are effective means toenhance its structure and function, then studies on succession regulation, populationdynamics of plant communities, technologies and models of vegetation recovery andconstruction have important theoretical significance and realistic significance, asthey are the scientific basis in the process of vegetation recovery and construction.Taking Yanshan mountainous areas as study object, both permanent andtemperate sites are investigated. On the basis, ordination and quality classificationof plant communities, the population dynamics of forest plant communities, thedivision of site conditions, the technologies and models of vegetation recovery andconstruction were studied. The results are as follow:Based on the detrended corespendence analysis (DCA) and two-way indicativespecies analysis (TWINSPAN), it showed that there was certain regulation in thedistribution of plant communities in Yanshan Mountain, which was affected byecology gradients, and they were mainly determined by thermal and moisturegradients. In moisture gradients, from wetter to drier, the prevailing sequence wasBetula costata forest, Populus davidiana forest, Mongolian oak forest,Spiraeatrilobata L., Zizyphus jujuba Mill. Shrubs, Fitex negundo shrubs-meadowwith Warmwood and Carex as the dominant species. In thermal gradients, from coldto warm, the prevailing sequence was meadow-Betula costata forest, Larix principis,ruppechtii, Betula platyphylla forest, Mongolian oak forest, Broad-leavedcommunity with Prunus sibirica as the dominant species in mid-low mountain,Spiraeatrilobata L.-Corylus shrubs. The DCA nonhierachical ordination showed thevegetation succession of Yanshan Mountain exits 4 polar points and 1 centre. The 1center was an area in which Quercus mongolica, Populus davidiana and Pinustabulaeformis were dominant species. Four polar points were 4 succession trends indifferent ecology gradients. Form hot and dry to cold and wit, the successionadvanced toward Betula platyphylla and Betula costata as dominant species withLarix principi-rupprechtii and Picea asperata as associated plant. Form cold and wit tohot and dry, the succession advanced toward shrub which dominated by Zixyphus jujbavar spinosus and Vitex negundo var. heterophylla. Form cold and dry to hot and wit, thesuccession advanced toward shrub which dominated by Quercus wutaishanica and Corylusmandshurica associated by Juglans mandshurica. Form hot and wit to cold and dry, the succession advanced toward weed which dominated by Artemisia sieversiana and Carexsubpediformis. Low-mountain shrubs can grow well in the center. The DCA value washighly relative to environment factors and geographic mathematical model. Themathematical models of climate factors with geography coordinate and the value ofDCA ordination with environment factors had been established. Applying thesemodels, the types and distribution community could be forecasted and judged.During the early 15 years in secondary succession began after clear felling, inclear felling vegetation of natural Mongolian oak community, manmade Populusdavidiana community and Larix principis-ruppechtii community, the secondarysuccession had a similar growth and decline process in the aspect of species numbergetting bigger, but there were differences in clear felling vegetation between naturalforests and manmade forests. In the clear felling vegetation of natural forest, therewere frequent species substitution at the beginning, and then being slower, In theclear felling vegetation of manmade forests, there was a frequent speciessubstitution in the evening of 15 years. In different succession phase, the dynamicsof arbor, shrubbery and herbs were different, but their population densities weresame in the process of being larger first and then being smaller. The important valuesof shrub and herbs were fluctuant because of the impacted by the crown density ofarbor and mutual effects between shrubs. The important values of shrubs werepolarized. The important value of shrubs that had weaker competitive power fellgradually. By contraries, the important value of shrubs that had stronger competitivepower and bigger niche breadth rose gradually. The important value of lightherbaceous was climbing early and falling later. Shade-requiring herbaceous wasdominant in the evening of succession and their importance value rose gradually.In different clear felling vegetation, diversity index fluctuated differently. Inclear felling vegetation of natural Mongolian oak community, diversity index ofarbors, shrubs and herbs were high, and they keep on getting higher as successionwas going on. In clear felling vegetation of manmade Populus davidiana communityand Larix principis-ruppechtii community, their diversity indexes were lower, withfluctuations of being higher in the middle and decline afterwards. After clear felling,the diversity index of arbor rose and kept on. The diversity indexes of light shrubsand light herbs rose early and felling later. The diversity indexes of shade-requiringshrubs and herbs rose gradually. Community species diversity index dynamics andits fluctuation extend of arbors, shrubs and herbs were similar to those of singleherbs. Pielou evenness index of all communities shared the same dynamics withspecies diversity index. During the early 15 years in secondary succession, theaggregate index of arbor, shrubs and herbs plants were in the process of gettinghigher and then declined as the succession development. The distribution pattern of all species developed form accumulation to random.Soil thickness, altitude, slope aspect, gravel content, gradient and humusthickness were the 6 main site factors in Yanshan Mountain. According to the 6factors, there were 9 types and 22 sub-types of site condition. As to different siteconditions, the thoughts of vegetations recovery and construction were put forward.In this paper, the succession rule, trend and status quo were analyzed, 6principles, 4 demands and 3 means of vegetation recover and construction were putforwards. It pointed out that in Yanshan Mountain areas, for degraded naturalsecondary forest, the thoughts, technique and models had been put forward. Thetypical reconstruction models of forest vegetation from natural shrubs had beensummarized. The reconstruction technique system of manmade forest vegetation hadbeen put forward and 120 species plants that can grow well in Yanshan Mountainareas had been selected. Based on the site conditions and economic status, 5successful manmade vegetation construction models had been built, which were soiland water conservation type, difficult site condition type, aerial seeding in mid-lowmountain type, water sources conservation type and eco-economy type.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
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