

Study on Organization-self-organizing Double Model of Timber Logistics System in China

【作者】 丁胜

【导师】 张智光;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林产化学加工工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 林业作为国民经济中的一个特殊产业,一方面其特殊性主要体现在其生产周期较长、对土地依赖性强、受自然力的影响较大。另一方面该产业提供的木材产品具有经济、自然生态和社会多重属性。生产过程和产品本身的特殊性决定了林业的可持续发展面临着很大的阻碍。受生产决定消费的传统观念的影响,多年来林业工作者一直将解决问题的重点放在林业的生产阶段。其实对于木材产品多重属性矛盾的本质,首先就是木材资源利用效率的问题,其次才是生产过程中的合理安排问题。木材资源的有效利用体现在林业生产、流通、消费及分配的各个环节上,所以本文尝试从木材的流通领域着手,提高木材资源的培置与利用效率,从而实现中国林业产业体系的持续发展。中国对于木材流通领域的系统研究还是在上个世纪的九十年代,一是以蒋祖辉和陈国梁1994年主持编写的《中国木材流通论》,此项研究设计了中国木材流通宏观调控的操作系统;提出木材流通宏观调控的目标是承担社会职能与实现经济职能之间的平衡与协调;重点论述了调控主体、市场主体及其关系;首创性地进行了木材流通宏观调控专家决策支持系统的研究。二是《中国木材流通问题研究》课题组在《中国木材流通问题研究》报告(1997)中对我国当时的木材供需状况及木材流通体制进行了系统的分析,并以其研究成果“双轨制”的实践结束了国家对木材严格的指令性计划管理,但作为由计划经济向市场经济体制转变的一个过渡阶段,它并不是理想的木材流通模式,所以,我国木材流通领域还存在很多急待解决的矛盾。论文首先研究了国内外木材流通以及物流理论的发展及实践,指出由于我国木材物流系统构成的有限理性和信息不对称而导致机会主义。这就为建立木材物流系统不同发展模式下各利益主体的契约关系和相对应的治理结构提供了研究的前提。其次论文总结了中国木材物流发展的历史沿革,分析了现有的木材流通过程中引入木材物流系统的模式仍然需要解决的问题。针对木材物流系统面临的四种市场状态,又将其分为四种不同的类型作进一步实证研究。也为论文运用制度经济学中的交易成本理论作为模式构建的基准提供了研究的视角。然后论文以交易成本理论为基准,通过案例研究对基于不同市场交易方式的物流系统交易成本进行计算并比较,为组织一自组织双层模式的设计提供了思路。为了使木材物流系统组织-自组织双层模式能够有效实施,论文最后对模式实施的信息流管理体系和制度进行了系统设计和合理安排。

【Abstract】 Forestry as a special industry in the national economy, on the one hand, itsuniqueness is mainly reflected in its production cycles longer, dependence on theland, subject to the forces of nature influenced. And while the timber industry toprovide products multiple attributes with economic, ecological and social. Theforestry sustainable development is faced a lot of obstacles because of productionprocesses and the uniqueness of product. By traditional values of consumptiondecision the production, forestry researchers over the years to focus the problem onforestry production stage. In fact, for the wood products multiple attributescontradictory nature, it is first timber resources use efficiency; second, theproduction process is a reasonable arrangement. Wood effective use of resourcesreflected in forestry production, distribution, consumption and distribution of thevarious segments, Therefore, this paper from wood to the flow fields in order toenhance the training of timber resources and the efficiency of home, so as to realizeChina’s forestry industry system of sustainable development.China Timber Circulation for the field or the systematic study of the lastcentury, in the 1990s, First, Chen Guoliang, Jiangjiehui (1994), prepared under theauspices of the "China Timber Circulation," The study of the Chinese timber designflow of the macro-control system; proposed timber circulation macro-control goalsis to perform social functions and achieving economic balance between the functionsand coordination; focuses on the main control, and its main market; creative way ofthe timber flow of macro-control expert decision support systems. Second, "ChinaTimber Circulation Research" Taskforce "China Timber Circulation Study" (1997),right At that time, China’s timber supply and demand situation and the flow of timberstructure of the system, With his research results in the "dual track" practice to endthe country’s strict mandatory timber management plan. However, as from theplanned economy to a market economic system in a transitional phase, it is not idealtimber circulation patterns, Therefore, our timber circulation there are still a lot ofpressing problems. Therefore, this issue will change perspectives; InstitutionalEconomics will use the theory of market transactions from the point of view of costtimber logistics management development model of governance structure problems.First the paper study on the development and practice of the timber circulation, as well as the theory of logistics of domestic and foreign, and pointed out that asChina’s wood logistics system consisting of bounded rationality and asymmetricinformation, which led to opportunism, the establishment of woods logistics systemunder different development model of the main interests of the contractualrelationships and the corresponding structures of governance the premise.Secondly paper summed up the timber development of the logistics industryhistory, Analysis of the existing timber circulation process introduced timberlogistics management models still need to resolve problems.Wood logistics system against the four state market again divided into fourdifferent types for further empirical research. Papers also use the system economicstransaction cost theory as a model of the building provided a benchmark studyperspective.Then papers to the transaction cost theory as a benchmark, through case studiesbased on different market transactions of the logistics system transaction costs arecalculated and compared, for the organization-double self-organizing model of thedesign ideas.In order to make the logistics system to organize wood-double self-organizingmodel to be effectively implemented, Finally, the paper on the model of informationflow management system and system of systems design and reasonable arrangement.

  • 【分类号】F426.88;F252
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】556