

The Growth and Cultivation of Chinese Outstanding Basketball Players

【作者】 陈兰波

【导师】 王家宏;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪世界各国之间的竞争,其核心是优秀人才竞争,不但是数量上的竞争,更重要的是质量上的竞争。世界各国竞技体育的竞争同样也是优秀人才的竞争,相对于一个体育项目来说,优秀运动员的数量和质量至关重要。因此,优秀运动员的培养一直是各国竞技体育发展的一项重要工作。21世纪是中国竞技体育发展的新时期,也是一个大力开发体育人才资源,促进我国竞技体育可持续发展的历史时期。几十年来,我国篮坛也涌现出一大批优秀的篮球运动员,他们为中国篮球事业做出了丰功伟绩。篮球运动的发展与优秀运动员的成长、成才是紧密联系在一起的。没有运动员的成长、成才也就根本谈不上篮球运动的发展。对篮球优秀竞技人才培养来讲,了解优秀运动员的成长的过程和规律是制定人才培养计划的前提。本文对我国部分优秀篮球运动员的成长过程进行了多角度、整体性系统的研究,分析影响我国优秀篮球运动员成才的各种因素,总结他们成长的经验,探讨优秀篮球运动员成才的规律,为篮球运动员的培养提供启示与借鉴。本篇论文就是基于这种背景,并以哲学、心理学、社会学、运动训练学、人才学作为课题研究的理论基础,运用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法、系统科学方法、逻辑方法、数理统计的方法,通过对我国部分具有代表性优秀篮球运动员的调查分析,对影响我国优秀篮球运动员的成才的内外部因素进行分析,并对我国优秀篮球运动员的成长与培养的一般规律性进行了科学而认真的研究。研究结果显示:社会环境影响我国体育人才的成长与培养。我国开明的社会主义民主制度、不断增强的综合国力、安定的社会秩序、人民群众对体育的喜爱以及政府对体育事业的大力支持和投入为优秀篮球运动员的成长提供了良好的大环境和历史机遇。举国体制下的“三级训练网”是我国目前优秀篮球运动员成长与培养的主要途径。家庭环境对优秀篮球运动员的成长有非常重要的作用,从我国优秀篮球运动员的家庭背景来看,城市户口或经济条件好的家庭在客观上有利于体育人才的成长,家庭环境中尊重体育的气氛和传统对孩子的运动员之路会产生良好的影响在被调查的40多位我国的优秀篮球运动员中,出自体育世家占到了60%。不光在篮球项目中,在我国及世界许多国家中都出现了体育世家现象。从儿童抓起,系统训练,全面打好基础是一条早就被人们所认识培养篮球人才的基本规律,我国优秀篮球运动员的篮球启蒙年龄最早的从4、5岁开始,平均年龄分别是男10.7岁,女11.1岁。运动训练是一个多年的过程。运动员生理、心理机能发育的自然规律,以及在训练负荷影响下的生物适应状态发展变化的规律,决定了大多数优秀运动员完整的多年训练过程具有明显的年龄特征。优秀运动员都具有强烈的内部动力因素,动力因素指能发动、引起、维持、强化主体的活动,并将活动引向某一目标的力量。(1)对篮球强烈的兴趣是我国优秀篮球运动员一个共性特征。(2)我国优秀篮球运动员的动机既有直接动机,也有间接动机,既有内部动机,也有外部动机,它们共同作用,使运动员保持了一种较高的从事篮球运动的动机水平。正规篮球训练前的各种项目的体育训练,对日后成长为优秀篮球运动员是极为有利的。优秀篮球运动员的成长、成才的发展过程是受外部和内部因素影响和制约的。从影响的权重来看依次是训练学因素,遗传学因素,社会学因素和心理学因素。影响优秀篮球运动员的成长的既有先天遗传因素,也有后天训练因素,后天训练因素是主要的;优秀篮球运动员的成长既有客观因素,也有主观因素,主观因素是主要的。我国篮球科学选材研究工作十几年来虽然取得较为突出的成绩,但是在理论与实践结合上还存在一些问题。缺少对优秀篮球运动员成才规律的研究较少,对科学选材的基础理论研究较少,选育结合的理论研究不足。针对我国篮球科学选材的理论研究较弱的情况,本章重点从遗传学、生理学、心理学,选材学的角度对篮球科学选材的基础理论进行了研究,并在前人研究的基础上,提出了篮球科学选材指标体系的设想。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, the competition between the countries all over the world ismore and more severe, and its core is the competition of the outstanding talents. Thecompetition is not only on the quantity, but the more important thing is the competitionon quality. The elite cultivation has been an important job for sports development ofvarious countries. The 21st century is a new developing period for China’s athleticsports, and it is also a historical period when China develops sports talent resources in amore cost-effective manner to promote the sustainable development of athletics sportsof our country. The elite cultivation has always been an important job of athletic sportsdevelopment in various countries all the time. The technical level of the basketballmovement of our country is striving for the highest level of the world, striding into thegolden age of the development over 100 years. A group of outstanding basketballathletes emerge at the same time, and they have made great achievements for theChinese basketball history. The development of basketball sports and the athletes’growth, cultivation are linked to closely. The development of basketball sports isnothing at all without athletes’ growth. I do some research on the growth process of theoutstanding athletes in our country from various angels, analyze the factors thatdetermines the development of the outstanding basketball athletes of our country,summarize the experience from their growth, and probe into the law of becomingoutstanding basketball athletes, thus offering enlightenment and using for references forcultivation of the basketball athletes.This thesis is based on the theories of philosophy, psychology, sociology, thetheory of the sports training, the theory of making talent, and takes literature, expertinterview, questionnaire, investigation method, scientific system method, logic method,the methods of mathematical statistics. Through the investigation and analysis of the outstanding basketball athletes of our country, this essay mainly deals with the growthand cultivation of the outstanaing basketball athletes of our country. This thesis alsoanalyzes the inner and out factors that influence the outstanding basketball athletes ofour country.The result of study shows: family’s environment plays a very important role in thegrowth of the outstanding basketball athletes. According to the family background ofthe outstanding basketball athletes of our country, urban family and wealthy family aregood for the growth of sports talents objectively, and the family that has the atmosphereof respecting sports tradition will exert a good influence on the child’s athletic way.Among the more than 40 outstanding basketball athletes in our countries investigated,60% of the athletes come from the old and well-known family of sports. Not only in thebasketball event, the phenomenon of old and well-known family of sports has appearedin our country and a lot of other countries in the world.In our country some outstanding basketball athletes begin to have basketballtraining early from 4 to 5 years old. The men athletes’ average age is 10.7 years andwoman is 11.1 years old. The age period of outstanding athletes’ basic training is mainlyfrom I0 to 15years old. The sportsman is 12.2 years old on average, while thesportswoman is 12.6 years old on average. The special age when athletes improve theirspecial events concentrates on 16-21 years old mainly. The man is 18.5 years old onaverage, and the woman is 17.4 years old on average. In our country outstandingbasketball athletes who can join the national team usually range from 20 years old to 24years old. The man is 22.8 years old on average, and the woman is 21 years old onaverage. As for the elites’ basic training to the peak level, it usually takes 10.6 years forthe sportsmen while it takes women 8.4 years on average.The elites all have strong inside motive force factors, the motive force factorsrefers to those that can launch, cause, maintain, strengthen the activities of the subject,and will move about and guide into the strength of a certain goal. (1) The stronginterest in the basketball is a general characteristic of outstanding basketball athletes ofour country. (2) The outstanding basketball athletes have direct motives and indirectmotives. They also have both inside motives and external motives. These factors act on together, making the athletes keep a higher motive level which is engaged in thebasketball movement.The sports training of different projects before the regular basketball training isextremely favorable for athletes to grow into the outstanding basketball athletes in thefuture. The whole academic credentials of the outstanding basketball athletes of ourcountry are not high. There are obvious region characteristics in the province where theoutstanding basketball athletes of our country come from. More athletes are from thenorthern provinces not from the southern provinces. The number of basketball playersfrom the east is bigger than that from the west. The majority of the athletes are from theurban area while few athletes are from the rural area.The growth and the development of the outstanding basketball athletes areinfluenced and restricted by outside and inside factors. Thus to analyze and research onthe inside and external factors which can influence the growth of the outstandingbasketball athletes of our country not only can promote the research of the rules ofbecoming a useful person, but also can offer the essential objective bases for trainingthe athletes. The inside factors that influence the outstanding basketball athletes of ourcountry are mainly as follows: hereditary and physiological factors, physique,psychological factors, intelligence level, knowledge structures, morality. The externalfactors mainly refers to the amateur training level, the level of the sports team whereone stays, social economy, education, scientific and technological levels, familyfactors, national political systems, idea consciousness. Among the factors that affect thegrowth of the outstanding athletes, there are both congenital inherent factors andacquired factors, ana the latter is more important. The growth of the outstandingbasketball athletes is influenced by objective factors and subjective factors. Thesubjective factors are the main factors.Our country has obtained comparatively outstanding achievements for over tenyears in basketball scientific selection research work, but there still exits some questions,which are about the combination of theory and practice. There is less research which isabout the law of becoming the outstanding basketball athletes. There is less basictheoretical research to scientific selection, and the theoretical research combined in seed selection is insufficient. Directing against the situation with weaker theoretical researchof basketball scientific selection of our country, this thesis mainly do research on thebasic theories of selecting basketball athletes scientifically from the aspects of scienceof heredity, physiology, psychology, the angle of selecting suitable materials. On thebasis of the predecessors’ studies, the guiding sys;em of basketball scientific selection isproposed.

【关键词】 优秀篮球运动员成长培养
【Key words】 Outstanding basketball athleteGrowthTraining
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期