

The Influence of Language Contact on the Phonetic Evolution of the Dialects in Shanghai Urban Districts

【作者】 顾钦

【导师】 潘悟云;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 方言语音演变来自两方面动力:一是方言自身的内部矛盾引起语音的演变;二是与不同语言接触促使语音的演变。后者是外部动力,但也通过内部矛盾起作用。以往对于方言语音研究,主要放在语音的共时描写和历时演变上,而关于语言接触引起的语音变化现象研究较少。本文从语言接触的角度,对上海市区的方言语音演变状况进行研究。随着上海城市的发展,上海的外地移民数量远远超过上海本地居民,来自不同地区人们的交往日渐频繁,贸易往来、文化交流、移民杂居等各种形态的接触必然会引起各种方言接触。虽然外地移民的母语可能会影响到上海话,他们会把口音、个别词语或句式带进上海话,但作为强势方言的上海话总体格局却没有因此发生改变,因此这类语言接触对上海市区方言语音系统的影响甚微。而随着普通话的推广和普及,作为国家法定的标准语在各种方言接触中与其他方言相比处于绝对强势地位,对上海话的语音演变产生最主要的影响,使得上海方言的语音演变已进入与普通话逐步趋同的状态。因此,本文的研究从上海市区方言和普通话的语言接触入手,以词汇语音调查为基础,分别从由普通话导致的上海市区年轻人的语音变化、上海腔普通话以及上海市区外来人员所用方言情况三个方面,研究这类语言接触对上海市区的方言语音演变的影响。本文运用社会语言学的方式进行广泛采样,通过田野调查法记录发音人的语音情况,对调查所得的语音演变结果加以实验语音学的证明。然后通过大量的词汇调查,统计研究语音演变的规律。与以往的上海方言语音研究相比,本文有如下特点:第一,以上海市区方言个案为例,通过语言接触与语音演变关系展开分析,上海作为一个大城市,人口众多,语言接触影响大,是我国城市语言接触的一种类型,因此研究结果有一定的理论价值与应用价值;第二,本文以词汇调查为基础,词汇作为语音的载体,音变在词汇中逐步扩散,研究词汇扩散中词的使用频率与音变次序之间的关系;第三,材料丰富,利用社会语言学的方法研究上海方言的语音演变规律,广泛采样,更为科学可靠;第四,本文结合实验语音学的方法,用语音分析软件对发生变化的音分析比较,验证听觉上的差异;第五,研究上海人说普通话时出现错误的频率高低序列与受普通话影响上海话语音变化比较。第六,本文以词汇为基础研究了上海外来人口的一些语言现象,包括来自不同地区使用不同母语方言的人在上海的普通话语音情况,以及外来人口学习上海方言的情况。本文共分八章,第一章绪论阐述和总结前人的研究语言接触中上海话语音演变的思考和成果,介绍本文的研究目的和理论依据;第二章介绍年轻一代受普通话上海话语音的社会调查如何开展,结合调查结果,简要阐述受普通话影响的各种音变情况,并用实验语音学的方法加以证明;第三、四、五章,通过词汇调查,统计语音变化的程度,讨论普通话对上海话声韵调三方面语音演变影响以及变化原因;第六章,上海腔普通话的调查分析,研究上海人说普通话时出现的错误趋向;第七章,研究上海市区的外来人口的语音演变状况;第八章,结论和启示即本文的结语部分,主要阐述上海方言语音变化的趋向和原因,这一趋向将带给方言研究一个怎样的启示。本文通过上海话受普通话影响发生的语音演变状况的调查分析,发现在普通话权威方言的影响下,上海市区方言的一些特征处于消失的过程中,而且各种特征的消失速度不一样。受普通话影响,上海话的一些读音会产生系统的变化,属于内部音变;另外,年轻一代不知如何用上海话念比较生僻的字,就采用普通话的音,或者经过一番折合,造成读音的异类。这种读音借用现象很多,但都属于个别词语性质,并不改变上海话的字音系统。通过词汇语音变化的统计,本文还发现,开放类词比封闭类词更容易发生变化,使用频率越高的词越不容易发生语音演变,而使用频率越低的词则越容易变化。最核心的词汇是最稳固的,其次是非区别性的语音特征。普通话之所以对上海话语音发生较大程度的影响是因为普通话占据了我们日常生活中的信息渠道,上海人说普通话的情况更近似于第二语言习得。此外,本文通过研究上海外来人口的语音演变状况发现,尽管外来人口在数量上远超过上海本地居民,但对上海话的语音影响一般在词汇层,而没有达到音系层。在不同地区外来人口聚集区的交流主要采用普通话,但他们要在上海立脚,与上海人进行日常交流就必须学会上海话。本文最后根据与普通话接触中出现的上海市区的方言语音演变情况,总结规律。语音演变的过程是复杂的,通过语言接触来研究历时的变化无疑是了解音变机制的可靠途径。本文的主要用意是:通过从语言接触角度研究上海市区方言的语音演变状况,试图发现受外部影响,上海话音变的规律。语言接触领域的研究对于深入揭示汉语方言如何形成以及方言语音变化规律具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 There are two kinds of motivation causing the phonetic evolution. One is from the language internal conflict. The other is from the language contact. The latter is an external motivation. And it also works via internal conflicts. Most of the linguists focused on the current phonetic description and the evolution of taking a period of time but rarely researched phonetic evolution caused by the language contact in the former phonetics researches of dialects. This thesis focuses on the phonetic evolution of Shanghai urban dialect from the aspect of language contact.With the development of Shanghai, the population of immigrants is much more than the local. The increasing communication among the people from the different regions such as trading affairs, culture exchange and immigrant residents etc. will definitely cause all kinds of the dialects contact. Although the mother languages of the immigrants may influence Shanghai dialect and they may bring their accents or specific vocabularies or structures into Shanghai dialect. But as a strong dialect the main structure of Shanghai dialect isn’t changed. So this kind of the dialects contact has very small influence on the phonetic system of Shanghai dialect. With the expanding and popularization of mandarin as a governmental legal language mandarin has an absolute strong position in all kinds of the dialects contact comparing with other dialects. It has the main influence on the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect and makes the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect tend towards the same as mandarin step by step. So this thesis starts with the language contact between Shanghai dialect and mandarin based on the phonetic lexical investigation from the phonetic evolution caused by mandarin among young shanghai people, Shanghai accent mandarin and the situation how immigrant use their dialects these three aspects to research how the language contacts influence the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect.This dissertation use the method of social linguistics to get extensive samples and then use the method of field investigation to record the phonetic situation of the speakers and then use the method of experimental phonetics to verify the result of the investigation. Then this thesis tries to get the phonetic truth via the statistic of the result of the investigation. Comparing with the former research of Shanghai dialect this thesis has these features as below. Firstly the research is based on Shanghai dialect to analyze the language contact and the phonetic evolution. Shanghai as a big city has a large population and a big impact of language contact. And it is a type of the urban language contacts of our country. So the result of the research has a certain theoretical value and applicable value. Secondly this thesis is based on the lexical investigation. Lexical words are the carriers of phonetics and phonetic evolution diffuses gradually among lexical words. This thesis focuses on the relationship between using frequency and the order of the phonetic evolution in the lexical diffusion. Thirdly this thesis gathers a lot of materials via the method of social linguistics to research the truth of the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect. It is more scientific and reliable to have extensive samples. Fourthly combining the method of experimental phonetics this thesis uses the phonetic programs to analyze the changing sounds to verify the difference of hearing. Fifthly this thesis researches the order of the mistakes frequency when Shanghai people speak mandarin and compares it with the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect influenced by mandarin. Sixthly this thesis also researches some phonetic phenomena of immigrants based on lexical words. It includes how the immigrants with different mother tongues use mandarin in Shanghai and how they learn to speak shanghai dialect.This thesis has eight chapters. Chapter one introduces and concludes the situation of the linguists researched the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect via the language contact and introduces the researching targets and the theoretical basis. Chapter two introduces how the social investigation of Shanghai dialects spoken by the young people impacted by mandarin. According to the results of the investigation it describes all the phonetic changes impacted by mandarin. And all these results are verified by the phonetic analyze software. Chapter three four and five individually discusses the situation and the reasons of the phonetic evolution on initials vowels and tones. And I try to find the truth of the phonetic evolution impacted by mandarin via the investigation of the lexical words. Chapter six is the analysis of Shanghai accent mandarin。Try to research the mistakes frequency tendency when Shanghai people speak mandarin. Chapter seven researches the situation of the phonetic evolution of the immigrants who live in Shanghai urban area. The last chapter introduces the conclusion and the prospect of researches. It describes the tendency and the reasons of the phonetic changes of shanghai dialect and the tendency will bring what kind of enlightenment to the dialects research.This thesis via the investigation of the phonetic changes of Shanghai dialect impacted by mandarin finds under the influence of the authoritative dialect mandarin some characters of Shanghai dialect are in the process of disappearance and the speed of disappearance of all these characters are not same. Influenced by mandarin the phonetic system will change. This belongs to the internal phonetic change. In addition the young people don’t know to read some uncommon words in correct Shanghai dialect. They use the pronunciation of mandarin to match the words which cause a different pronunciation of Shanghai dialect. This kind of phenomena is very normal but it only happens in some individual words and doesn’t change the phonetic system of Shanghai dialect. According the statistics of the lexical phonetic change this thesis also finds that it is easier for the opening words to change than the closing words. It is the more the words used by people the more difficult to have the phonetic changes. Otherwise the fewer the words used by people the easier to have the phonetic changes. The core words are the most stable. Then the indiscriminative phonetic characters are the second stable. The reason why Mandarin has a great influence on the phonetic revolution of Shanghai urban dialect is because Mandarin has occupied most of the information channels in our daily life. The situation how Shanghai people speak Mandarin is almost like the bilingual education.Furthermore this thesis also finds that although the population of the immigrants is much more than the local people but the impact on Shanghai dialect normally reaches the lexical layer not the phonological layer through the research of the situation of the phonetic evolution of Shanghai immigrants. The communication of the resident areas among the immigrants from different area is via mandarin. But if the immigrants want to exist in Shanghai they have to learn Shanghai dialect to communicate with Shanghai people in their daily life.In the end this thesis concludes the truth according to the contact between Shanghai dialect and mandarin. The process of the phonetic evolution is complex but it is no doubt a reliable way to get the information of the phonetic changing system via researching the language contact. The main target of this thesis is trying to find the external factors which influence the phonetic evolution of Shanghai dialect via researching the phonetic situation of Shanghai urban dialects in the aspect of the language contact. It is really meaningful to find how Chinese dialects came into being and the truth of the phonetic evolution of Chinese dialects via researching the language contact.

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