

The Illustration of Nature’s Essential Meaning

【作者】 华章琳

【导师】 金延;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本文通过生态学马克思主义对马克思生态思想的解读这一国内学界尚未充分注意到的视域,阐述马克思的生态思想。生态学马克思主义是怎样解读马克思的生态思想?马克思有哪些生态思想?马克思自然观的本质意义是什么?文章主要从以下几个方面进行了研究。第一章主要研究了生态学马克思主义的理论在场和学科性质问题。生态学马克思主义经过三十多年的发展已日臻完善。人与自然的和谐是生态学马克思主义追求的价值目标。生态学马克思主义不属于西方马克思主义,而是马克思主义在西方的最新发展理论形态。生态学马克思主义与生态社会主义属于广义的生态学马克思主义,因此生态学马克思主义发展经历了政治实践环节、理论建构环节和理论与政治实践相结合的阶段。第二章主要研究了生态学马克思主义否定观思想。早期的生态学马克思主义者阿格尔等人否认马克思理论具有生态思想,其实这是对马克思生态思想的一个误解。马克思具有丰富的社会生态思想。马克思的生态思想和生态学马克思主义之间既具有内在的相通性,又具有相异性。在相通和相异之间导致了生态学马克思主义对马克思生态思想的不同解读。第三章主要研究了生态学马克思主义的辩护理论。以后现代主义为理论基础的生态主义批判马克思理论并没有生态学的内涵。而帕森斯等生态学马克思主义者认为马克思并没有忽视自然,并为马克思作了自然主义的的辩护。佩珀等生态学马克思主义者认为马克思着眼于人类的长远利益和整体利益,因此为马克思作了人道主义的辩护。生态学马克思主义辩护理论一方面张扬了马克思的生命力,证明了马克思理论中蕴涵着生态思想,但另一方面又割裂了马克思自然主义与人道主义统一的思想。同时走出与进入人类中心主义本身是一个虚假的命题,因为理论深处都是对人类利益的关注,理论实质既是生态正义问题,更是社会公正问题第四章主要研究了生态学马克思主义的建构理论。奥康纳认为传统历史唯物主义存在着“自然缺席”的理论缺陷。而环境的书写方式是资本主义的最高书写方式。因此马克思主义要继续保持对资本主义的批判的张力。就必须进行“重建”,即赋予自然、文化应有地位。而福斯特试图建构生态学的唯物主义方法。福斯特从唯物主义的发展过程和自然科学发展的成果证明马克思具有丰富的生态思想,是一个社会生态学家。奥康纳与福斯特对马克思生态思想的建构理论为我们研究和发展马克思主义提供了一种理论示范。第五章主要研究了马克思自然观的本质意义和生态学马克思主义理论分歧的主要原因。马克思的“自然——社会”辩证关系的有机整体自然观既肯定了自然存在的优先性,又超越自然的本体性,是自在的自然与自为的自然的统一。是物质自然观、人化自然观、社会自然观、生态自然观的高度统一性。而自然的问题其实就是人、社会的问题,自然的异化在于劳动异化,只有在联合起来劳动的社会才能实现自然主义与人道主义的统一。自然的内在价值论无论在理论上还是在实践都有其自身的困境,只有马克思的价值主体与价值客体相统一的“关系价值论”才能解决自然内在价值论的理论和实践中的困境,才能正确处理人与人之间的关系和人与自然之间的关系。在对待马克思有没有生态思想上,生态学马克思主义得出了不同结论的主要原因是没有完整地看待马克思的自然观。第六章主要研究了生态学马克思主义对当代的理论启示——生态教育的理性追求。奥纳康和佩珀都认社会主义国家的生态环境问题不是社会主义的本质问题,是一个价值观的问题。文明的人必须是具有生态意识和生态伦理的人。因此加强生态教育是培育公民的生态意识、行使生态伦理和具有生态美感的重要途径。生态教育既是传授生态知识的教育,更是陶冶情操和培养人格的教育。而更新生态认识与生态教育方法是生态教育有效性的保证。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this paper is to interpret the ecological ideas of Marx in the way that to illustrate the ecological ideas of Marx in ecological Marxism perspective. How ecological ideas of Marx be illustrated by ecological Marxism? What are the ecological ideas of Marx? What’s the essential meaning of Marx’s ideas about Nature? These issues would be discussed in several aspects as follows:The standpoints and attributions of ecological Marxism will be studied in the first chapter. The development of this subject is more nurtured than before after almost 30 years. Because the harmony of human being and Nature is the ethical goal of ecological Marxism which is lasted development of Marxism in western, ecological Marxism and ecological socialism are belong to ecological Marxism in broad sense. Additionally, the developing stages of ecological Marxism could be classified into three sections: political practice, theoretical construction and integration of theory and practice.The ideas about negation of ecological Marxism will be discussed in the chapter 2. Some ecological Marxist in early time, like Agger, denied that the theory of Marx contained ecological ideas, which is a misunderstanding of ecological thought of Marx. It is the fact that Marx does really create abundant ideas about social ecology. Admittedly, there is not only similarity, but also difference between the ecological Marxism and ecological ideas of Marx, that make people hold various pinions about the study of ecological ideas of Marx in ecological Marxism perspective.The justifications of ecological Marxism by some scholars will be illustrated in the third chapter. In the base of post-modernism, some ecologists criticize that Marxism totally has no ideas about ecology, while some ecological Marxists, like Parsons, defend Marx’s naturalism by considering that Marx does not ignore the ecological balance of Nature. Some other ecological Marxist, for instance, Pepper hold that Marx always pondered the interests of all human beings. Consequently, he defends Marx against the criticism in humanistic way. The defense of ecological Marxists, on the one hand, prove the power of Marxism and justify that there are ecological ideas belong to Marx’s theory. On the other hand, it is raised a gap between Marx’s naturalism and his humanitarianism. By the way, supporting or objecting the view of human-centralism is a fake proposition, because both of them are concerning the welfare about the human beings. The essence of this issue is justice of ecology or justice of society.The theoretical construction of ecological will be interpreted in chapter 4. O’connor who disagreed with the theory of Marx held that the drawback of traditional historical materialism is that it has no ideas about ecology. As a result, Marxism must be reconstructed if it could be used continuously as a weapon to criticize the injustice of capitalism. That means Marxism should be reformed especially its ideas about Nature. So, Foster tried to construct the methodology of ecological Marxism. He proved that Marx is a social ecologist who has abundant ecological thought by using the evidences of the development of materialism and natural sciences. The construction of ecological Marxism that took on by O’connor and Foster sent a model that could help us to study and develop Marxism further.The essential meanings of Marx’s ideas about Nature would be analyzed in chapter 5. In order to illustrate the meanings clearly, the reasons of the disagreements of various versions of ecological Marxism will also be discussed. Marx thought that Nature is an organic whole in the relation of Nature and society, that not only admit the priority of the existence of Nature, but also accept that it transcend the existence of Nature. The relation of Nature and society is the unity of in and for itself. In other words, the relation of them is the unity of material view of Nature, humanistic view of Nature, social view of Nature and ecological view of Nature. However, the problem of Nature is the problem of human beings or society essentially. The alienation of Nature consist in the alienation of labor, so only in this way that the workers all over the world united in a Consociation, could the society be realize the unity of naturalism and Humanitarianism. Internality axiology of Nature no matter in theory or in practice would sink into the predicament if without the help of theory that being thought only combine the value of subject and object, can we solve the conflict between human beings and Nature and keeping the balance of natural ecology. Considering how to deal with the idea that Marx has no thought about ecology, ecological Marxists draw a different conclusion that they just contemplate the Marx’s ideas about Nature unilaterally.The inspiration of ecological Marxism is the pursuit of ecological education in nowadays. This issue will be talked in chapter 6. O’connor and Pepper think that the ecological problem of socialism countries is not caused by the definition of socialism, while the real problem is that what values about Nature the people hold in these countries. Civilized people must be equipped by ecological ideas especially the people in socialism countries. So, it is safe to arrive at the conclusion that emphasizing the ecological education is the way to cultivate the ecological ideas and values of the citizens. Ecological education could be used to transfer the knowledge of ecology. Additionally, it could also be used to sharp one’s personality. So according to the reasons the author provided, the conclusion of this thesis is that reforming the ideas and methods of ecological education is the way to solve the problem of ecology.

【关键词】 生态学马克思主义马克思生态学自然
【Key words】 Ecological MarxismMarxEcologyNature