

Poem-monks in the Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 高慎涛

【导师】 吴言生;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 佛教文学是相对新兴的一个研究领域,诗僧研究是其中的重要部分,涉及到佛教文化与古代文学两个领域。目前学术界对唐代诗僧的研究较为关注,而对唐以后的诗僧研究却殊为忽略。有鉴于此,本文选取了北宋诗僧作为研究对象,试图弥补研究之不足。论文由绪论、正文和附录三大部分组成,约二十五万字。绪论部分首先对本课题的国内外研究现状进行了简单回顾,认为北宋虽不乏诗僧及僧诗等文学作品,但对北宋诗僧的研究却相对薄弱,除一两位著名诗僧及九僧群体被提及外,其余诗僧多不被人知晓。因此对北宋诗僧生平等基本资料的整理、对僧诗的研究是本文的主要内容。其次说明了本文选题的重点及意义、所运用之方法。最后对文中要用到的几个相关概念提前作了解释说明。第一章从整体上对北宋诗僧的分布及文学创作情况予以考察。首先采取定量分析的方法对北宋诗僧的地域、宗门分布进行分析,发现在地域、宗派分布上呈现不平衡,造成不平衡的原因主要有文化状况、发展基础、民风民俗等原因造成。其次是对北宋诗僧创作情况的梳理,主要对通过别集、词作的考据,再现昔日诗僧辈出、僧诗繁荣的局面。第二章主要就北宋诗僧辈出的原因作以分析。主要从以下四方面入手:一是宋代的佛教政策;二是佛门内部的戒律松严及世俗化程度;三是僧人与士大夫的关系;四是对待禅与诗兼容性的认可程度。一般说来:良性佛教政策有利于佛教发展,僧众愈多则产生诗僧的可能越大;佛门戒律松驰、诗僧世俗化严重,则僧徒务外学、作诗者愈众;僧徒与文人士大夫交往频繁,则容易提高文学修养,接受士大夫作诗传统的影响;僧人对禅与诗兼容性的认可程度越高,则越容易促成学诗风气。第三章是北宋诗僧与儒学的交涉。北宋初期佛教呈迅速恢复之势,但信佛队伍并不是很壮大,庆历、熙宁间还形成了一股反佛浪潮,但这股排佛高潮最终被熙宁后的禅悦倾象所取代。诗僧在此转变中起了重大作用,他们在与辟佛之士大夫的交往中,以高洁的品行、精深的佛法吸引了士大夫对佛教的重新审识,改变了他们激烈的辟佛态度。同时北宋诗僧在与文士的交往中也受到儒学影响,广泛接受外学尤其是儒家经典的熏陶,儒学修养普遍提高,儒家思想植根于他们心中,以至于他们往往站在儒家立场上论诗作文,表现出“文以载道”的思想和“诗骚”精神的回归。第四章论述的是北宋僧诗与佛禅的交涉。首先从诗对禅的影响来说表现有三:一是自中唐起,由偈颂体到诗意化的过程愈来愈明显,禅偈越来越具有诗的韵致,出现了以清丽诗句入禅的现象;二是北宋中叶,出现了大量引用现成诗句(主要集中在引用唐人诗句)证禅的现象,及引用成句对示法之句进行再解释的现象:三是出现了诗僧以艳诗丽词入禅的现象。其次从禅对诗的影响来说:佛禅对北宋僧诗影响的重要意义有二:一是题材的山林化,二是意象的哲理化;并分别以僧诗中的山居诗来说明题材的山林化,以僧诗中的春、花喻来说明意象的哲理化。第五章和第六章是北宋诗僧个案研究,分上下两篇。上篇先以善昭的《颂古百则》为研究对象,从言诠罔及与绕路说禅、本源佛性与本心论、日用即道与触目菩提三方面论之。次以道潜及《参寥子诗集》为研究对象,对道潜诗歌的内容、诗歌风格、诗歌艺术特点详加剖析。下篇先以惠洪为个案,对《石门文字禅》中好用绮语的现象进行揭示,并对惠洪“浪子和尚”之称解析;后以廓庵为个案,对廓庵《十牛图颂》中的十牛颂一一阐析,并对《十牛图颂》的诗学、禅学渊源、佛学底蕴予以阐释。第七章对北宋僧诗僧诗风格作以总括。本节对僧诗风格的讨论,主要侧重于宋代文人对北宋僧诗的评价。通过对比文人对唐、宋僧诗的评价,导出“清”这一评价术语,并相应引出“蔬笋气”、“烟霞气"、“酸馅气”等常用评价话语。并对其中一些术语的错误用法予以纠正,对僧诗评价存在的问题进行了反思和总结。

【Abstract】 The research on Buddhism literature is an emerging discipline, the studies on poem-monks is an important part of it, which involves to two domains-the Buddhism culture and the classical literature. At present, Researchers pays attention to the Tang Dynasty poem-monks’ research, but neglects the poem-monks after the Tang Dynasty. In view of this, this article selects the poem-monks in Northern Song Dynasty to take the research object, attempting to make up insufficiency of the research.Firstly, the introduction has carried on the simple review to both domestic and foreign research present situation. The Northern Song Dynasty does not lack poem-monks’ literary work and monk’s poem, but the research on Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks actually is relatively weak, besides 12 renowned poem-monks, many other poem-monks are not known. Therefore, the reorganization of the Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks’ basic documents and the monk’s poem research are the main content of this article. Next, the introduction part shows the key point and the significance of this article. Last, explains the several related concepts which had to be used in the main text.The first chapter is about the inspection of the Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks’ distribution and the literature creation situation. First, the method of the quantitative analysis is adopted to the Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks’ region and the ancestor gate distribution, and proved by the particular data. Next combs the Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks’ creation situation, mainly through the collected works of an individual author and the examination of the work, to reappear former days in which poem-monks poured forth the time and the monk’s poem prospered.The second chapter is mainly about the reason of the reappearance of the many poem-monks. Mainly through the following four aspects: first, the Song Dynasty’s Buddhism policy; second, the strict Buddhism interior discipline and the degree of the common customs; third, the relationship of Buddhist priest and the literary intelligentsia; fourth, the compatible approval of secular condition and poem. In general, The benign Buddhism policy is good to Buddhism development, the monk are, the more poem-monks will be produced; The looser Buddhism discipline, the secular poem-monks, the more monks write; the frequent monk’s association with the writer, the more influence of intelligentsia are acceptable; the literature tutelage is easy to enhance; the higher degree of compatible approval of Buddhist and the poem, then the easier to facilitate studying poem.The third chapter is the mutual influence of Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks and the Confucianism. In the initial period of Northern Song Dynasty, Buddhism restores the development rapidly, but the number of believers is not very large, for many writers at that time, there be little Buddhist influence in their literary work. During the period, people ward off Buddha intensely, even a counter-Buddhism tide has formed, but this tide finally be replaced by the pleasure of Buddha. The poem-monks played the significant role in this transformation. During the contact with literary intelligentsia, some noble monks reexamined the knowledge of Buddhism, changed their former manner to Buddhism. Simultaneously, the Northern Song Dynasty poem-monks also came under the Confucianism influence, they widely accepted other classics, especially the Confucianist classics. The Confucianist thought deeply takes root in theirs heart so that they often stand in the Confucianist standpoint discuss the poem and create the poem.The fourth chapter is the mutual influence of Northern Song Dynasty monk’s poem and the Buddhism. First, the influence from the poem to Buddhism is discussed. From the middle Tang Dynasty, the process from Ye Song style to poetic sentiment become more and more obvious, Ye Song style is more like the charming poem, even appearing the phenomenon of the simple and beautiful verse in Buddhism; During the development to the Middle Northern Song Dynasty, appeared the massive quotations from ready-made verse (mainly about is quoting Tang Dynasty’s writer verse), and the phenomenon of quotation from the sentence of the law to explain again; Even appeared the poem-monks to create Buddhism with Magnificent words. Next part is about the influence from Northern Song Dynasty Buddhism to the poem, which has two vital significance: First, the theme about woods and mountain; second, the image philosophy; and respectively to explain the theme about woods and mountain by the living in seclusion in monk’s poem, explain the image philosophy by the metaphor of spring flower in monk’s poem.The fifth chapter r and the sixth chapter is about poem-monks’ case study in Northern Song Dynasty. It divides into two parts. Previous one takes Shan Zhao’s work One Hundred Pieces to Praises Ancient Times as the research object. The reexamination is made from three aspects. The second research object is Can Liao Zi Poetry Anthology by Dao Qian. It will be Analyzed by three aspects: the poetry content, the poetry style and the poetry art characteristic. The third one takes Hui Hong’s The Character on Stone Gate as the research object, and reveal the nature of his nickname "prodigal Buddhist priest"; The last one is Guo An’s drawing Praises for Ten Cows. The explanation is made from poem study, the Buddhist study origin and the Buddhist studies inside story.The seventh introduces the monk’s poem literary works in Northern Song Dynasty. This chapter is to elaborate the total collection of monk’s poem, the collected works of an individual author, the monk’s literary work and the corresponding reference book. Next discusses to the style of monk’s poem. To introduce the critical term "Qing", mainly through the contrasts of comment both from Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty. And draws out other common comment terms, such as "the vegetables bamboo shoots gas", "the smoke rosy cloud gas" and "the sour stuffing gas" and so on. Moreover, investigates and corrects some mistakes of some terminology usages. Finally, reconsideration and the summary to the monk’s poem appraisal are carried on.
