

The Study on Anti-poverty Collimation in Chinese Country

【作者】 许源源

【导师】 陈瑞莲;

【作者基本信息】 中山大学 , 行政管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 扶贫是政府的重要职能。在我国扶贫过程中,部分扶贫资金和资源未能瞄准贫困地区和贫困人口,未能瞄准贫困地区和贫困人口的需要。本文运用制度分析方法和案例分析方法对我国扶贫瞄准问题进行了剖析,以期找出扶贫瞄不准的原因,并寻求解决办法。该项研究对提高扶贫瞄准准确度和缩小贫富差距有一定的意义,并且能够在一定程度上推动社会主义新农村建设和和谐社会的实现。扶贫瞄准是指农村扶贫工作中选择扶贫对象和因扶贫对象的确定而实施的资金和资源投放过程。它包括区域瞄准和人口瞄准两种类型。衡量扶贫是否瞄准的指标包括精度指标和时序指标两个方面。用这两个指标来衡量,我国当前的扶贫瞄准存在大量的漏出现象和时序误差。漏出有“规则导致的漏出”和“不合规则的漏出”两种。“规则导致的漏出”是指现有的贫困识别规则导致有些实际上很贫困的地区和人口不能得到扶贫资金和资源的扶持。“不合规则的漏出”则是指既定贫困地区和贫困人口没有得到或没有完全得到拟定投向他们的扶贫资金和资源。时序误差主要表现在扶贫资金和资源的到位率低,扶贫资金和资源的投入方向不符合贫困地区和贫困农民脱贫的需要。另外,在扶贫实践中,区域瞄准和人口瞄准也存在着一定程度的冲突。扶贫瞄不准的原因需要从扶贫政策、扶贫瞄准制度环境、观念与利益三个方面探讨。就扶贫政策而言,在政策内容、政策的推行和对政策执行的监管等三个方面都有导致扶贫瞄不准的因素;就扶贫瞄准制度环境而言,主要是扶贫权力体系不健全、压力型体制两个方面的原因影响了扶贫瞄准的准确性。另外,贫困地区财政的贫困、以经济指标为中心的政绩考核制度和廉政约束机制不力等制度环境也影响了扶贫资金和资源的投放;就观念和利益而言,观念上的片面性和逐利行为影响了扶贫资金的有效投放以及对扶贫瞄准对象的尊重程度。规范扶贫瞄准,可以从完善扶贫瞄准过程和变革扶贫瞄准制度环境两个方面着手。就完善扶贫瞄准过程而言,当前需要完善贫困识别制度,改革扶贫投入制度以及完善扶贫资金的管理和评估;就变革扶贫瞄准环境而言,首先要从政府层面开始变革,其次要改革和完善联结贫困农民与政府之间的通道,最后是提高贫困农民参与扶贫瞄准的能力。笔者认为,扶贫得以瞄准的条件和表现是:职能清晰的扶贫权力体系,即通过构建多元治理的扶贫组织来推行扶贫职能,同时组织内部各组成部分的职能任务一定要分工明晰;持续有效的贫困识别系统,它包括识别贫困人口和识别贫困地区的组织体系和方法体系;健全完善的扶贫投入制度,从法律、法规和各种政策制度方面规范扶贫投入;持续健全的扶贫监督评估,要构建一个治理型的组织框架,使监督和评估相对独立并贯穿于每一次扶贫行动,贯穿于每一笔扶贫资金的投放和利用。全文还包括导论和结语。导论对文章的研究背景、研究问题、研究意义、核心概念进行了阐述,并通过评估相关文献对已有研究进行回顾,最后从整体上介绍了文章的研究方法、写作思路和研究框架。结语部分对全文论述的问题以及最后的结论进行了归纳,并对文章的创新点和不足作了说明。

【Abstract】 Anti-poverty is a very important function of government. But in fact, a lot of capitals and resources can’t aim at poor regions and poor persons,and the needs they want. In this dissertation, institutional approach and case analysis are used to analyze why the capitals and resources used in anti-poverty seep the regions, persons and some fields their must aim at. By these methods, we want to find the reasons, and look after the measures to settle these problems. This research make sense to advance efficiency of the behavior of anti-poverty collimation, shorten the gap between poor and wealthy, building a socialist new countryside and can promote harmonious society come true.Anti-poverty collimation is a dynamic system that composed chooses poor persons and regions, and gives the capitals and resources to the poor persons and regions been chosen. Anti-poverty collimation can be differentiated for two types: regional collimation and populational collimation. And there are two standards for measuring anti-poverty collimation: precision index and scheduling index. By these indexes, there are a lot of leakage and error in schedule. And the leakage includes conduced by rules and leakage without regard to rules.“Leakage conduced by rules”means that the regions and persons are poor in fact but they can’t get the capitals and resources of anti-poverty. And“leakage without regard to rules”means they can’t get or get less capitals and resources that they must get by rules. And error in schedule of anti-poverty collimation manifests that the capitals and resources can’t arrival on time or arrival in less amount, and the capitals and resources can’t meet the requires of the regions and persons.We can find the reasons in three sides for those questions: anti-poverty policies, institutional environments of anti-poverty collimation and notions and interests. On the anti-poverty policies side, the content of policies, policies’implement and the supervision and evaluation to the policies, all have factors inducing to the departures of anti-poverty. On the institutional environments side, anti-poverty power system and the stress administrational system can reflect on anti-poverty collimation’s definition. On the other side, some interrelated institutional environments, such as the poor of poor regions, administrational achievement examine focus on economic index and lack of obligation system to corruption, can influence the devotion of capitals and resources. On the notions and interests side, the unilateralism of notions and the behaviors of chasing interests can result in effective in-put and less respect to the poor persons.There are two approaches to perfect anti-poverty collimation: perfecting the course of anti-poverty collimation and changing the institutional environments of anti-poverty collimation. On the first, we must perfect identifying system of poor, and reform in-put system and perfect capital’s management and evaluation. On the second, we must reform the government, reform the channels between poor persons and government, and enhance the in-participate abilities of poor persons. In my opinions, if the capitals and resources can aim at the poor regions and persons, there must have some terms: clear difference of functions of anti-poverty power system, persistent effective poor identifying system, perfect anti-poverty in-put system and persistent perfect anti-poverty’s supervision and evaluation.And there are introduction and epilogue in the dissertation. In introduction, we explain the problem, value, methods, path and frame of this research, and summarize the interrelated literature. And the epilogue gives a brief account of the whole article, and points out limitation of the research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F320
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2053