

A Study of Special Model and Mechanisms to Prevent and Punish Absconding Corrupt Officials in China

【作者】 王明高

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 预防和惩治贪官外逃,是当前我国乃至世界反腐败领域共同关注的焦点之一。随着经济全球化进程的加快,特别是中国反腐败力度的加大,贪官外逃已成为国内职务犯罪活动的新动向。对于贪官外逃,必须着力构建与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的教育、制度、监督并重的预防和惩治机制。本文旨在对中国(特指中国大陆)贪官外逃现象进行分析,借鉴国外打击贪官外逃的经验,力图为党和政府预防与惩治贪官外逃提供切实可行的对策建议。贪官外逃在政治上败坏党和政府的形象,在经济上造成巨额国有资产流失,同时严重扰乱正常的社会秩序,影响社会稳定。当今国际社会,为遏制贪官外逃现象,许多国家采取了加强廉政立法和反腐败立法、实施“透明”制度和“阳光法案”、实行财务审计监督制度,设立专门的反腐败机构、加强国际合作等多种措施,取得了一定成效,值得我国借鉴。我国外逃贪官多为金融机构、国有企业和党政机关的主要或重要负责人。通过综合分析我国贪官外逃的现状及特征,特别是从经济学、管理学、法学角度,理论推绎贪官外逃成本-收益、贪官外逃委托-代理、非法资金外逃博弈模型,深入剖析了中国贪官外逃的原因及危害。本文认为,我国预防和惩治贪官外逃,必须加强以下几个方面的制度建设:一是从源头上建立健全预防和惩治贪官外逃机制。从构建国有企业反腐防腐机制、建立健全家庭财产申报制、完善金融实名制、设立遗产税和赠与税制度等方面采取措施。二是从经济上建立健全预防和惩治贪官外逃机制。切实抓好遏制资金外逃、加大反洗钱力度、利用民法追缴外逃赃款等重要环节的机制建设。跳出刑法追缴赃款的固定思维,构建民法追缴赃款机制,建立独立的民事追诉机制。三是从出境上建立健全预防和惩治贪官外逃机制。创立公民信用保障号码体系、完善护照管理制度,建立官员出国审查、官员亲属出国备案制度、完善电子出入境管理系统、推行“证纹一致”制度、实施“黑名单”制度等措施。四是从法制上建立健全预防和惩治贪官外逃机制。降低贪贿罪的起刑点,废除贪贿罪的死刑设置,增设贪污受贿罪的资格刑和罚金刑;适应国际惯例和我国加入《联合国反腐败公约》的需要,建立对外逃贪官的刑事缺席审判制度;加强国际司法合作,协同打击外逃贪官;制定专门的《反腐败法》。在研究方法上,本文敢于突破传统,大胆引入经济学、管理学、法学等研究方法,对预防和惩治贪官外逃进行深入系统的研究,力争实现经济学、管理学与法学等学科的有机结合。全文论证在兼顾一般的同时,注意突出重点,对反洗钱问题、引渡问题、追缴外逃资金等问题进行了重点研究。

【Abstract】 Currently, preventing and punishing the absconding corrupt officials is one of the focuses in the field of anti-corruption to which our country and even the whole world should together pay close attention. With the constant acceleration of economic globalization process, and especially with the increasing strength in fighting corruption, to abscond abroad is a new trend for those corrupt officials who constitute duty crime in China. To prevent and fight absconding corrupt officials, we should construct systems on education, regulation and surveillance which proper to socialism market economic system. By analyzing the situation of absconding corrupt officials in China(here we only refer to China Mainland) and introduction of advanced experience abroad, the purpose of this dissertation is to provide some feasible strategies to prevent and punish absconding corrupt officials for CCP and Chinese government.Absconding of corrupt officials, will in politics ruin the image of our party and government, lead to loss of large amount of state asset, and at the same time bring serious harassment of normal social order as well as social stability. In order to fight absconding corrupt officials, many countries took a lot of measures on it, such as: strengthening legislation on integrity and establishing anti-corruption law, carrying out "transparent system" and "sunlight bill", implementing finance audit surveillance system, setting up special anti-corruption organizations, and strengthening international cooperation, etc, some measures of which are efficient and worth learning for Our country.Most absconding corrupt officials are head or important person in financial field, the state-owned enterprise, or the party and government organizations. This dissertation deeply analyzes the reasons for their absconding and harm caused by them, through not only general analysis of current situation and features of absconding corrupt officials in our country, but also deducing a cost - income model, a trust-surrogate model and an illegal fund flight model. In our point of view, to prevent and punish absconding corrupt officials, China should do as follows: First, establish perfect mechanism to prevent and punish absconding corrupt officials from the source. Such as constructing state-owned anti-corruption and prevent-corruption mechanism, setting up family property reporting system, perfecting financial real name system, creating inheritance tax and donation tax; Second, establish perfect mechanism on economy to prevent and punish absconding corrupt officials. Such as strengthening force on combating money laundering, and retrieving flight capital by civil law. Third, establish perfect mechanism on entry and exit frontier to prevent corrupt officials from absconding and punish absconding corrupt officials. Such as establishing citizens’ credit insurances system, perfecting the management of passports, setting up checkup system for officials and their relatives going abroad, perfecting electronic system on entry and exit frontier, and carrying out "unanimous card and fingerprint", and carrying out "blacklist" system. Fourth, establish perfect mechanism on legislation to prevent and punish absconding corrupt officials. Such as reducing the starting point in constitute of corruption and bribery, abolishing death penalty of corruption and bribery, establishing absent trial for absconding corrupt officials, and stabling a special "anti-corruption law".On the research methods, this dissertation breaks through the traditional way. It analyzes absconding corrupt officials deeply and systematically by introducing the methods in the field of economics, management and law. At last, it realizes the combination of economics, management and law. The whole dissertation proofs general topic, meanwhile, key researches are conducted on combating money laundering, extradition as well as flight capital retrieving.

【关键词】 贪官外逃预防惩治机制
【Key words】 absconding of corrupt officialspreventionpunishmentmechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期