

The Study about Multiparameter Spectrum Pseudo-random IP Method

【作者】 刘春明

【导师】 何继善;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 由何继善院士发明并命名的伪随机多频信号带宽可控,其能量集中在数个对数坐标上呈等间距分布的频率上,是电法勘探的理想场源。以此为激励信号的伪随机多频激电法勘探,不仅具有时间域激电法的激电异常形态明显、在单次测量中获取丰富信息等特点,而且具有频率域激电法的抗干扰能力强、仪器轻便等优点。笔者基于对各种激电法充分认识的基础上,分析研究了各种激电参数的作用与特性,并对前人在研究频率域激电法中特别是在研究影响岩矿石激电相位或时间常数的因素上存在的问题,提出了自己的见解。认为比较岩矿石中导电矿物的含量、成分、结构构造对时间常数或绝对相位的影响程度是不合理的,因这种影响因素的划分是重叠的,从而使测试结果不具备可比性。笔者借鉴时间域激电法对充电率的定义,提出了频率域激电法中的充电率的概念,并对其具体含义作了简单的分析。基于对双频激电法的认识,笔者借鉴幅频率的定义,提出了频率域激电法的另一个激电参数:相频率,并详细分析了时间常数、充电率、频率相关系数对相频率的影响情况,从而得出相频率在识别不同极化体的时间常数方面有其独特的优势,从而有助于激电异常源性质的区分。在对激电法的综合分析的基础上,在对幅频率、激电相位、激电相对相位等参数频谱特性的详细剖析上,特别是在频率域激电法充电率与相频率激电参数的研究上,笔者提出了伪随机激电多参数谱法的概念,并对其基本作用与意义作了有益的概括与分析。基于对双频激电法与相位激电法的综合分析基础上,提出了双频激电相位法,运用该方法既能测量激电异常体的激电效应强弱,还能反映异常源的时间常数大小,进而区分激电异常源性质,而工作量与双频激电法一样。首次详细研究了伪随机多频激电相对相位法在区分激电异常源性质上的基本原理,为伪随机多频激电相对相位法区分激电异常源提供理论上的支持。基于对伪随机激电多参数谱法的定义,笔者对均匀介质中的三维立方极化体进行了多参数谱(相位谱、相对相位谱、相频率谱、幅频率谱、电阻率谱)的数值模拟,并分析了各种参数谱对区分激电异常源性质的作用。针对伪随机激电法原始数据存在着数据格式不统一、电磁耦合、数据拼接、数据插值、人文干扰等问题或要求,为剔除各种人文干扰引起的数据畸变,作者研究了伪随机激电法数据处理。为提高解释系统开发的效率,还探讨了VB与FORTRAN混合语言编程在系统开发方面的应用。为使解释结果更直接、更形象地反映处理结果,笔者在分析各种绘图软件的基础上,对采用VB与OpenGL相结合的方法编写更方便解释系统应用的绘图功能模块作了尝试。上述对激电法多参数谱、数据处理、绘图功能的研究是为将来对电阻率法、激电法、电磁法等进行联合反演所作的前期研究与尝试,也是将来伪随机多功能电法系统的数据解释系统的一部分。最后笔者对在研究中未能解决的问题与下一步计划研究的问题作了总结。如COLE-COLE模型的修改问题、混合矿体的区分问题、激电法专家解释系统开发问题、激电法中电极效应校正问题、伪随机多参数谱数据解释研究问题等。

【Abstract】 The controlled multi-frequency data bandwidth pseudorandomequipment, invented by and named after academician He Jishan, caninduce an ideal field source of electrical survey, whose energy wascentralized on several equal-spacing dispersed frequency on the logcoordinate. The pseudorandom multi-frequency detection based on theexited signal, not only has the properties of obvious anomaly, as in thetime domain IP method, and rich information in the single survey, butalso has the properties of strong anti-interruption ability as the frequencydomain IP method and portability. Based on the IP method study history,This essay mainly compared the merits and shortcomings among thevariable-frequency method, phase IP method, frequency spectrum methodand dual-frequency IP, all which belong to frequency domain IP.Throuth the thorough recognization of different IP methods, thevarious IP parameter function and property was studied and the proposalwas promoted on the existed problems in the frequency domain IPmethod, especially about the lithology IP phase and the time constant.The comparison of the conductive mineral content, component andstructure influence degree in the ore on the time constant and absolutephase is unreasonable, because the devision is overlapped.The frequency domain IP charge ratio was put forward depended onthe definition of time domain IP charge ratio, then the concrete meaningwas analyzed.Depended on the dual-frequency IP recognition and the definition ofM-frequency, the another IP parameter phase frequency of the frequencydomain IP method was put forward. The influence of time constant,charge ratio and frequency correlation parameter on the phase frequencewas analyzed detailedly. Then the unique advantage on recognition ofdifferent polarization body time constant was concluded, which facilitatedthe property distiction of IP anomaly resouce.From the analysis on frequency spectrum property of magnitudefrequency, IP phase and IP relative phase, especially the research of thefrequency domain IP method charge ratio and phase-frequency IP parameters, the notion of pseudorandom IP multi-parameters spectrummethod was put forward as well as the fuction and meaning.In the article, the author advanced and studied the dual-frequency IPphase method, on the basis of dual-frequency IP and phase IP method.The method can measure the IP effect, also reflect the time constant value,so it can distinguish the source of anomaly.It is the first time to research the keystone of pseudo-randommulti-frequency relative phase method on the division source of anomaly,and the conclusions can supply the method in property distinguish intheory.In order to analyze the effect of different parameter spectrum on theproperty distiction of IP anomaly resouce, the 3D cubic polarization bodywas simulated numerically and physically by multi-parameter spectrumsuch as: phase spectrum, relative phase spectrum, phase frequencyspectrum and magnitude frequency spectrum, depended on the definitionof pseudorandom IP multi-parameters spectrum method.Depended on the problems, such as: un-union data format,electromagnetic coupling, data linkage, data interpolation and humaninterruption, the author studyed Pseudorandom IP method datainterpretation system in order to eliminate the mal-data caused bydifferent human interruption. In order to promote the interpretationsystem exploitation effective, the synthesized language program of VBand FORTRAN was discussed. Depend on the analysis of variousdrawing software, some try has done on the drawing module compiled bythe VB and OpenGL method, in order to make the interpretation resultmore direct and visualized.The study of data processing and drawing is mainly about someex-research and trials on the united inversion of the resistivity method, IPmethod, electromagnetic method and so on for future. Also it will becomethe part of the processing and interpretation system of the pseudorandommulti-function electrical system.Finally the unsolved and further study problem was concluded. Suchas the COLE-COLE model modification problem, mixture ore-bodydiscrimination problem, IP expert interpretation exploitation problem, electrode effect correction problem and multi-parameter spectruminterpretation problem of the Pseudorandom.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期