

On the Administrative Law Question under Privatization Context

【作者】 敖双红

【导师】 漆多俊; 周佑勇;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 民营化是一个热词。公共行政民营化是把国家任务交由民间运营,即由一切私人、私部门参与履行行政任务的现象,对于当今中国来说,公共行政民营化确实是一件新鲜的事情,但在西方各国却极为常见。欧美国家风起云涌的民营化改革不仅与其规范有序的市场竞争态势、完善的法律体系有关,而且也与国家和社会、公民相互合作参与的行政模式密不可分。在我国由于市场经济转轨还未真正完成,法律体系尚未完善,对于20多年来刚刚获得正名的民营化实践来说,理论上还存在很多盲区。因此,行政法学者需要回应社会,积极探讨公私部门合作的基础以及行政权力合理分配与正当行使的问题。研究欧美的民营化模式非常重要,其经验教训也是我国民营化改革的宝贵财富,但由于我国与欧美在法律制度操作系统方面目前还存在较大差距,在我们加入WTO、融入世界民营化大潮之际,更要特别注意保证航向——既要参考别人走过的路,也要结合本身的实际,不宜盲目移植别国民营化模式。随着公共行政民营化的实施,公共部门与私人部门之间合作、互信和协商的可能将日益扩大,一种以平等参与、互惠合作为核心的新行政法人文精神正在形成。本文主要围绕民营化、公共行政民营化的概念、公共行政与民营化的关系、公共行政民营化的正当性基础、公共行政民营化的模式以及行政法在公共行政民营化中的困境进行了论述,最后对我国新行政法学构建的若干问题进行了建设性思考。全文除导论外,共分5章,大约22万字。导论,主要是就本文研究的缘起、选择公共行政民营化课题研究的目的以及在理论和现实方面研究可能产生的意义与价值,关于该问题的研究现状及其评述,还有研究的思路、方法以及论文可能创新等几方面进行概要的阐述。第1章,民营化与公共行政改革。本章主要是对民营化的相关理论进行介绍与总结,为文章后面的论述作准备。阐述了民营化的概念、种类与意义、影响民营化的各种因素,介绍了民营化在各国的运用情况,并对公共行政民营化的内涵及民营化与公共行政关系等进行了较系统的探析。第2章,公共行政民营化的正当性基础。首先阐述了与公共行政民营化法理基础相关的几个基本概念,如国家权力、国家任务、公共利益问题,并探讨了法律保留与法律优先的适用问题;其次,考察了公共行政民营化的宪法依据,主要是关于民营化的宪法理论依据分析以及民营化在我国宪法上的现实分析;再次,论述了公共行政民营化的行政法依据,主要是对民营化的行政法理论进行探讨以及关于我国行政法依据的现实分析;最后,也简要分析了民营化的其他部门法依据,如行政组织民营化后的私法问题、行政任务民营化的私法问题等。第3章,公共行政民营化的模式。首先是对公共行政民营化模式进行比较,如采用英美模式的主要国家、采用大陆法系模式的主要国家以及社会主义国家的民营化运作模式及经验与教训等;再对公共行政民营化归类问题进行探讨,如公共行政民营化类型化涉及的基础概念以及公共行政民营化的归类等;最后,对民营化模式进行了分析与归纳,并对我国公共行政民营化的模式选择进行了探索。第4章,行政法在公共行政民营化中的困境。首先是论述了行政法的理论危机,如行政法理论与新公共行政理论冲突、行政法有偏向行政化发展的趋势、行政法的分散化趋势、行政法体系的合法性危机、行政法有遁入私法的危险以及公私法理论难以回应现实等;然后,分析了行政法的制度危机,如行政组织法的滞后、行政行为法的迷茫、行政程序法的僵化以及行政救济法的被动等问题;最后,揭示了民营化后重新规制的难题,即如何解决民营化中规制缓和、民营化后重新规制以及转型期规制解除与重新管制同步进行的复杂问题等。第5章,新行政法学的构建。在围绕构建新行政法学的问题上,本章主要探讨了三个方面的内容:一是行政法理论创新,如对行政正当化理论、行政主体与程序理论、行政手段与方式理论、行政法律关系理论等进行反思与更新;二是行政法研究方法创新,如采用系统研究、多学科交叉研究、实证研究以及后现代主义等方法来回应民营化实践;三是行政法制度的重构,如以行政主体扩张为中心的行政组织法转型、以非权力行政、私人行政以及混合行政行为为对象更新行政行为法、非正式与正式行政程序并存带动行政程序法发展以及对救济制度的创新等。

【Abstract】 The privatization is a hot word. The privatization of public administration is a task for the national civil operation from all private, private sector involvement perform administrative tasks, As far as China is concerned, the privatization of public administration is really a new thing, but in the Western countries are very common. Europe and the United States surging privatization reform not only with standardized and orderly market competition system, sound legal system, but also with the state and society, citizens of mutual cooperation in the administration inseparable. China’s market economic transition has not yet been completed, the legal system is not yet perfect, regarding just obtained more than 20 year privatization practices which rectified names, in theory there are still a lot of blind spots. Therefore, as the administrative law scholars need to respond to social, actively exploring public-private sector cooperation and as a basis for rational allocation of administrative powers with the proper exercise of the problem.The research in Europe and the United States is very important mode of privatization, as well as their experience and lessons of China’s reform and privatization of the precious wealth. However, as China and Europe and the United States in the legal system currently operating system there is still a wide gap in our accession to the WTO into the world’s privatization trend, but also special attention to ensuring that the course--it is necessary to make reference to others down the road, light of the actual, not be blindly transplanted privatization model of other countries.With the implementation of the privatization of public administration, public sector and private sector cooperation, mutual trust and consultation may be growing, with an equal participation mutual cooperation as the core of the new administrative law humanistic spirit is making.This paper focuses on the concept of privatization and privatization of public administration, the relations of privatization and public administration, legal basis of privatization of public administration, model of privatization of public administration in the privatization of public administration plight of the paper. Finally, this paper has carried on the constructive ponder to our country new administrative jurisprudence construction certain questions.The full text besides the introductory remarks, altogether divides five chapters, about 220,000 characters.The introductory remarks, mainly are the origin, the choice public administration privatization topic research goal as well as the significance and the value which studies on this article which studies in the theory and the practical aspect possibly produces, about this question research present situation and narration, but also has the research mentality, the method as well as the paper possibly innovates and so on several aspects to carry on the outline the elaboration.Chapter one, privatization and public administration reform. This chapter mainly makes an introduction and summarizes to relevant theories of privatization, make preparation for argumentation behind of the article. Have explained the concept, kind and meaning of privatization, influenced various factors of privatization, have introduced privatization in the application of various countries, and has carried on more systematic analysis to intension and privatization and public administrative relation of public administrative privatization, etc..Chapter two, the proper foundation of privatization of public administrative. This chapter have explained several pieces of basic conception related to legal principle foundation of public administrative privatization at first, such as state power, national task, public interests question, and to explore the legal reservations with the legal priority to the application; Secondly, investigate public administrative constitution basis of privatization, and privatization reality at the constitution analyze in our country about constitution theoretical foundation analysis of privatization mainly; Again, describe the administrative law basis of privatization of public administrative, mainly carry on the discussion and realistic analysis about the administrative law basis of our country; Finally, The law basis of other departments of privatization of brief analysis, too, such as private law question of privatization of administrative task and privatization of administrative organization for instance after the privatization.Chapter three, the mode of privatization of public administrative. First, model comparisons of privatization of public administration, such as the Anglo-American model of the major countries, using the main mode of the continental countries and other socialist countries and the de of operation of privatization experiences and lessons; And then privatization of public administration the question of how to classify, Privatization of public administration such as the type of the basic concepts of privatization of public administration and classification of privatization of public administration; Finally, analyzed and summed up the privatization mode, and explored the mode selection of our country’s privatization of public administration.Chapter four, the predicament of administrative law in public administrative privatization. First elaborated the crisis in the theory of administrative law, If the administrative law theory and the new public administration theory conflict, the administrative law have the deviation administration development tendency, the administrative law decentralized tendency, the administrative law system valid crisis, the administrative law have escape into the civil law danger as well as the public and private legal principle theory of law debate respond the reality and so on; such as the conflict of the theory of administrative law and the new public administration theory, the administration trend of the administrative law, decentralized trend of the administrative law, the crisis of legitimacy of the administrative law system, The danger of escaping and entering private law, public law and civil law theory respond the reality with difficulty and so on; Then, has analyzed the crisis of the administrative system, such as the problems of the administrative organization law lag behind, administration’s behavioral law vast and hazy, the administrative law confusion, the rigidity of Administrative procedure law and the passive administration relieves the law; Finally, have announced the difficult problem of the structure again after privatization, Finally, the paper has revealed the difficulty question of reregulation, how to solve the question of relaxing regulation in privatization, reregulation after privatization and restructuring of the regulation period to lilt system with the re-synchronization control of complex problems.Chapter five, the construction of new administrative law science. On the issue that around constructing new administrative law science, the three aspects are discussesed: the first is the theoretical innovation of administrative law, such as reviewing and upgradeing the Chief legitimate theory, the theory of the administrative subject and administrative procedure, the theory of administrative means and administrative methods, the theory of administrative legal relation; the second is the Innovation of research methods of the administrative law, such as the use of systematic research, a multidisciplinary research, Empirical studies and post-modernism, and other methods to deal with privatization practice. The third is the restructuring of the system of administrative law, If expansion to the main administrative center of the Organic Law of administrative restructuring, a non-administrative powers, Mixed private and Chief Executive behavior of the update administrative acts, Informal and formal administrative procedures coexist led administrative procedure act and the development of the relief system innovations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期