

Investigation on Explosion Energy Output Characteristics and Action of Blast Waves with Objects

【作者】 饶国宁

【导师】 彭金华; 陈网桦;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工程力学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文从实验、理论分析和数值模拟三方面分析了理想炸药TNT、钝化RDX和非理想含铝炸药在水中、密闭空间中和空中的爆炸能量输出特性,得到了爆炸容器、目标靶板等典型目标在内部爆炸载荷、空中爆炸载荷和接触爆炸载荷作用下的动力响应规律。对TNT、钝化RDX、含铝炸药(RAl-1和RSAl)等不同类型的炸药在爆炸水池中的能量输出特性进行了实验研究。结果表明含铝炸药RAl-1和RSAl的水下冲击波衰减比理想炸药TNT、钝化RDX缓慢,比冲击波能、气泡脉动周期和比气泡能要高于TNT和钝化RDX。在爆炸容器中研究了TNT、钝化RDX、含铝炸药RAl-1和RAl-2等不同炸药作用下的爆炸载荷特性。对平板封头、壳体中环面轴向和环向在爆炸载荷作用下的频谱特征进行了分析,得到平板封头和壳体的振动模式。对不同炸药作用下容器的振动频谱和应变响应进行了分析,得到爆炸载荷特征和容器动力响应之间的关系。采用二阶精度的TVD差分格式数值模拟了密闭容器在内部爆炸载荷作用下的爆炸流场,得到了容器内壁面上爆炸载荷的分布规律和压力-时间的变化关系。运用有限元程序进行模拟,得到爆炸载荷作用下容器的动力响应规律。进行了TNT、钝化RDX和含铝炸药RAl-1的静爆实验,得到作用在目标靶板上空中爆炸载荷的超压和冲量。以实测钝化RDX和RAl-1的超压曲线作为初始参数,数值模拟了目标靶板在爆炸载荷作用下的动力响应。分析了爆炸载荷特征和目标靶板动力响应之间的关系。利用光纤探针测试技术,实验测量钝化RDX和含铝炸药RHTL分别与钢板、铝板、钢-铝板、铝-钢板四种靶板接触爆炸条件下,靶板中不同位置的冲击波到达时间。根据材料的雨果尼奥关系,得到了钝化RDX和RHTL作用下,钢板、铝板和钢铝复合板中冲击波衰减规律。数值模拟了钝化RDX和不同靶板接触爆炸的全过程,结果表明如果炸药的爆轰参数和状态方程参数选取准确,可以预测目标靶板中冲击波的传播规律。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, the experimental investigations, theoreticalanalysis and numerical simulations are carried out to study the explosionenergy characteristics of TNT, insensitive RDX and aluminized explosivesunder circumstances of underwater, confined field and the case in air,obtained the rules of dynamic response of blast chamber under internal blastloadings and targets under air-blast loading and contact explosion.The experimental research was carried out on the energy outputcharacteristics of TNT, insensitive RDX and aluminized explosives (RAl-1 andRSAl). The results show that: Pressure attenuation of aluminizedexplosives-RAl-1 and RSAl is lower than ideal explosives-TNT and insensitiveRDX, and shock wave energy, bubble ripple time and bubble energy of RAl-1 andRSAl is higher than those of TNT and insensitive RDX.The experimental research was carried out to study the characteristicsof blast loading by insensitive RDX and aluminized explosives (RAl-1 and RAl-2)in blast chamber. The vibration frequency spectrum of flat end plate andcylindrical shell had been analyzed, and vibration mode of those was obtained.The vibration frequency spectrum and strain was analyzed under the effect ofdifferent explosives, and the relation between blast loading and dynamicresponse of chamber was discussed. The numerical simulation was conducted tostudy the internal blast loading of explosion chamber with flat end using TVDschemes, and the rule of inner blast field and relation of pressure and timewere gained. By nonlinear explicit dynamic finite-element code, dynamicalresponse of cylindrical blast chamber subjected to internal blast loading wasnumerically simulated.According to TNT, insensitive RDX and aluminized explosive RAl-1 blastexperiment, the parameters (overpressure and impulse) on the target wereobtained. The dynamic response of a target subject to blast loadings has beensimulated using the experimental overpressure data of RDX and DHL as inputparameters. The relation between characteristics of blast loading and dynamicresponse of a target had been analyzed.Using the fiber-optic probe technique, the time when the shock wave reached the different places in steel plate, aluminum plate, steel-aluminumplate and aluminum-steel plate under contact explosion with insensitive RDXand aluminize RHTL had been separately measured. And the attenuation rule ofshock wave, which produced by the insensitive RDX and RHTL separately, in theabove four materials have been obtained by the Hugoniot relation of eachmaterial. The simulation on the contact explosion between insensitive RDX anddifferent plates shows that if the selection of detonation parameter and stateequation parameter is appropriate, the parameters can forecast the shock wavepropagation rule in the objective plates.
