

Study of Imaging System of Light Thermal Weapon Sight

【作者】 王世允

【导师】 常本康; 钱芸生;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在黑暗的环境中,轻型热瞄具的视距比微光瞄具远,比制冷型热瞄具要短,但是其携带方便,可以全天候工作,成为中距离观瞄的最好选择。在军事上,轻型热瞄具越来越受到人们的重视。西方国家早在20年前就开始了非制冷热像在军事上的应用研究,轻型热瞄具的技术现在也已经用于战场。国内的情况却不容乐观,首先是在技术上无法解决非制冷热探测器的生产,其次是轻型热瞄具机芯的研究有赖于一些民用企业,在性能上没有实质性的提高。鉴于这种情况,本课题在某单位的资助下,围绕着研究轻型热瞄具的机芯,提高实用性能的目的,分析了关键光电器件非制冷红外探测器的总体性能,介绍了机芯组件的设计,高低温性能的测试,辅助瞄准模块的研究等内容,宗旨是能将非制冷热像仪真正用于轻型热瞄具。本文的主要内容如下:第一章总结了微光和白光瞄具的技术现状和使用情况,说明了轻型热瞄具的研究是必然趋势。介绍了国内外轻型热瞄具的大体性能以及本论文的主要研究工作。第二章从非制冷焦平面探测器的理论入手,详细分析了a-Si型微测辐射热计的探测原理、材料、内部的热结构、读出电路、偏置电压和噪声,研究了焦平面探测器的特性,这为机芯组件的开发提供了有力的理论基础。对于焦平面的校正原理和算法给予了介绍,确定在实时校正时采用两点校正法。第三章设计了轻型热瞄具成像系统。根据轻型热瞄具的使用要求,设计了瞄具非球面红外光学系统;研制了性能稳定的机芯组件,该机芯可以完成非制冷焦平面的驱动、两点非均匀校正、图像直方图统计、键盘控制自动增益、十字分划、视频合成与PC机通讯等功能,能方便的与显示器件连接,采用FPGA+DSP搭配的形式,其中的温控电路,流水线处理,盲元替代的方式,都体现了瞄具机芯稳定和实时性方面的特点。使用OLED作为显示器件,更加符合温度、体积等方面的要求。第四章从理论上分析了焦平面探测器的温度特性,研究了各种温度与成像质量以及功耗之间相互影响的关系。根据这些理论分析和瞄具的宽温范围使用的要求,从非均匀校正和焦平面探测器内部温度控制的电路上进行优化改进。设计了高低温评估试验,全面的测试和评估了机芯的工作性能。经过评估比较改进前后机芯的性能,可以看出,改进设计后的成像质量提高,功耗降低。最后就热像探测器的温漂现象进行了讨论,提出了抵抗环境温度变化的非均匀校正方法。第五章根据人眼的视觉特性,研究了轻型热瞄具辅助瞄准模块,提出了开窗增强的思想,给出了开窗的具体流程,并就开窗增强的算法提出了新的想法。提出了用目标检测和定位的方法估计目标的距离、运动速度及方向,提出新的根据密度和亮度结合的方法来检测和定位,提高了检测的检测率和定位的实时性。这些研究的根本原则就是要在实时性上体现其优势,很好的解决实时性和算法精度的矛盾。第六章总结了全文,指出了本文的创新点和进一步的工作。

【Abstract】 In the dark environment, the visual range of light thermal weapon sight is betweenthat of night light weapon sight and cooled thermal weapon sight, and it is easily to bebrought to anywhere, so the best selection at mid-range is uncooled light thermal weaponsight. In military, there is more and more attention on light thermal weapon sight. In thosewest developed countries, the application of uncooled thermal imaging, as a militaryresearch, was started 20 years ago, and now, light thermal weapon sight have been used inwar field. On the contrast, the development level of thermal weapon sight in domestic ismuch lower. Firstly, the manufacture technology of uneooled focal plane array (FPA) is notfound in domestic. And the second is that the imaging component of light thermal weaponsight has been developed by some civilian enterprises, so that the system performance cannot be improved in nature. Basing on these reasons, supported by certain sponsor, how todesign of imaging component, how to test the performance of light weapon thermal sight atlow and high temperature and how to research of aid model for aim were introduced in thispaper. In a word, the main work in this paper is to make a-Si uncooled thermal imagingsystem used in light weapon thermal sight.Chapter one, the light weapon sight technology in day light and night light wasintroduced, showing that light thermal weapon sight was the direction. The main work ofthis paper was introduced also.Chapter two, the theory of uncooled FPA was researched, a-Si micro-bolometer wasanalyzed from response principle, material, read-out circuit, calorifics structure, biasvoltage and noise in great detail, the performance was researched and rules were putforward to guide the development of imaging component. Introduction about theory andalgorithm of un-uniformity correcting for FPA could be found in this paper, the currentalgorithm in imaging system was two-point correction, and other algorithms would behelpful for improving the function of software.Chapter three, light thermal weapon sight imaging system was designed. On theground of requirement of thermal weapon sight, the aspherie infrared lens was designed.The imaging component with stable performance at room temperature was developed. Thefunctions of the component include driving uncooled FPA, two-point un-uniformitycorrection, statistics of gray histogram, auto gain controlling by keyboard, cross,eompostive video, communication with PC. With DSP and FPGA as the main processors,the TEC circuit, waterline design and bad pixels replacing were the features of imaging component in stable and real-time performance. OLED was used as the display device, itwould meet the requirement of light thermal weapon sight in temperature and volume.Chapter four, the temperature performance of uncooled FPA was analyzed in theory.The relation of temperatures, image quality and power consumption were researched. Bytheory analysis and application requirement at wide temperature range, the imaging circuitwas optimized in un=uniformity correction and inner temperature controlling. The low andhigh temperature test was designed and carried out. Through the test and compare with thatof before, the performance in image quality was improved and power consumption wasdecreased clearly. At last, the temperature drift of uncooled FPA was consulted and the newun=uniformity correction method was put forward to resolve the problem fromenvironment temperature variety.Chapter five, being from feature of human eyes, aid model for aim of light thermalweapon sight was researched, the notion of little view window was brought forward, theprocedure was given. A new image enhancement algorithm in little view window wasintroduced. Target detection and orientation was used to estimate the distance of target,moving speed and direction. As a new method, based on the density and lightness to detectand orient target, was put forward because the detecting probability and real-timeperformance could be improved with it. The test devices for software were set up, andsome test was carried out. The purpose of these researches was resolving the contradictionbetween real-time performance and estimation precision.Chapter six, the whole dissertation and enumerated the work that has been done tocomplete the dissertation and moreover was summarized. It pointed out the innovationwork of dissertation and put forward the problems that were need to accomplish in thefuture.
