

Research on Guangdong Press Industry’s Development and Institutional Changes in the Neo-period

【作者】 游梦华

【导师】 黄德鸿;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文的重点是运用新制度经济学制度变迁理论,分析新时期广东报业发展,得出制度变迁与新时期报业发展密切相关之结论,即制度的变迁是新时期广东报业迅速发展的动因,广东报业要进一步市场化、集团化、产业化,也同样要从进一步的制度变迁入手。本论文把1978年报业申请“事业单位,企业化管理”至今的一段时期界定为新时期,以制度变迁的视角,详细分析了新时期广东报业的市场化、集团化、产业化的过程,揭示了广东报业发展的主要途径即广告经营、发行、集团化、资本运营、跨媒体、跨行业、跨区域、跨形态发展、拓展农村市场和专业镇以及人才制度改革等,与制度变迁密切相关。换句话说,制度可以限制报业的发展,制度也可以推动报业发展。本论文将历史分析和现实比较分析相结合,将产业经济理论与制度变迁理论相结合,将新闻学原理与经济学原理相结合,将实证性研究与规范性研究相结合,将理论与实际相结合,逐层逐段剖析广东报业的发展轨迹和面临问题,并提出具备一定可操作性的对策。本论文按照下述步骤展开论述。首先,阐述新制度经济学及制度变迁的基本理论和特点,介绍报业发展与制度变迁的有关文献综述。其次,厘清报业的基本概念,展现广东报业的历史与现状。再次,着重分析广东报业的广告经营、发行、集团化、资本运营、跨媒体、跨行业、跨区域、跨形态发展、拓展农村市场和专业镇及人才制度改革等诸多发展关节点,揭示制度变迁在其中的决定性作用。最后,在对比报业与其他传媒、广东报业与日韩、英美报业的制度原因后,提出目前广东报业存在的问题及可供选择的对策。本论文从制度变迁入手,又回归到制度变迁,并不是同语反复,而是通过翔实的数据、事例和细致的分析,得出制度更替与报业发展的同步互动关系。本文试图揭示出,强制性制度变迁和诱致性制度变迁的交互结合,直接影响广东报业发展的进程和速度。本论文的创新之处,是首次运用新制度经济学制度变迁理论,全方位具体分析广东报业新时期的整体发展情况,总结和提炼出广东报业发展的具体经验启示,以期供全国报业进一步参考与借鉴。同时,梳理出广东报业目前存在的主要问题,并提出相应的主要对策结论,供政府决策部门和报业实践部门参考。

【Abstract】 By applying the theories of institutional change in the frame of new institutionaleconomics in researching Guangdong press industry, this article concluded thatinstitutional change was a driving force to the fast development of Guangdong pressindustry in the neo-period which is defined as the time from Guangdong pressindustry applied for "government department with enterprising management" to now.The author reviewed the process of the transition of Guangdong press industry fromplanning economy to market economy, and found that institutional changes wereclosely related to nearly every aspect of press industry’s development fromadvertisement, distribution, grouplization, capital operation, multiformity, explorationof rural and local market, HR policy, etc. While institution matters can prevent thepress industry from growing, it can boost this industry as well.In demonstrating the track of the development of Guangdong press industry andthe problems it faces, the author attempted to combine the principles of economicsand the principles of journalism, the theories of industry economics and the theoriesof the new institutional economics, the empirical approach and the positive approach,and then put forward some feasible countermeasures.This article took the following steps in analysis: first, literature review about newinstitutional economics, theories about institutional change, and journalism. Second,historic review on the Guangdong press industry and set the basic definition about thepress industry in this article. Third, analysis on the key approaches of how the pressindustry of Guangdong province developed, like advertisement, distribution,grouplization, capital operation, multiformity, exploration of rural and local market,HR policy, etc., and revealed that institutional change had decisive impact on them. Inthe end, by contrasting press and other media, press industry in Guangdong and inEast Asia (Japan and Korea), and in west (the U.K. and the U.S.A.), the article putforward the problems that Guangdong press industry faces at present and gave somesuggestion on how to solve them. Through full and accurate data, examples and precise analysis, the article comesto the conclusion that institutional change and press industry’s development areinterrelated, and then reveals that both compulsory institutional change and inductiveinstitutional change have direct effect on the developing pace of Guangdong pressindustry.The innovational value about this article is that it’s the first time to apply thetheories of institutional change in the frame of new institutional economics inresearching Guangdong press industry in the neo-period, and attempt to provide theexperience of Guangdong press industry to the whole Chinese pressing circle.Meanwhile, this article analyzed the main problems that Guangdong press industryhas at present, and tried to give its solutions for relative department’s reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】G219.27-F
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1000
  • 攻读期成果