

Sino-Siamese Dual-script Trade in the Asian Trade Net from 16 Century to the Middle of 19 Century

【作者】 田渝

【导师】 汤开建;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 16世纪初,当西方探险者到达的时候,亚洲存在着以中国为核心的、与亚洲全境密切联系的朝贡贸易体制,于是西方商人一方面参与亚洲朝贡贸易体系,另一方面又以各种方式,从公平贸易到诉诸武装,从要求通商到索占领土,参与亚洲市场,将亚洲拉入世界贸易网络之中。于是,在亚洲,处于主体地位的朝贡贸易继续发展,私人贸易也更加兴旺繁荣,这是16至19世纪中叶的亚洲贸易网络最明显的特征。中暹双轨贸易作为亚洲贸易网络的一个重要的组成部分,朝贡贸易与私人贸易始终并行并此消彼长。相比较,安南与中国以朝贡贸易为主,没有私人贸易;日本与中国以嘉靖二年(1523年)为分水岭,之前以朝贡贸易为主,之后就仅限于私人贸易;而西方国家与中国则始终以私人贸易为主,以获取经济利益为唯一目的。中暹双轨贸易作为近代亚洲贸易网络的一支,既保持很多传统贸易的特点,又有近代的特征。朝贡体制与自由贸易并存,中国商人与西方商人平分秋色甚至略胜一筹,中国式帆船为运输工具,中暹双轨贸易正是近代亚洲贸易的缩影。

【Abstract】 In the beginning of 16 century, when the western pioneers arrived, the system of tributary trade had been survived in the Orient, which was center on China and connected with every country and region in Asia. Then the western merchants not only participated in the system of Asian tributary trade, but also developed free trade by armed force and made Asia in the world trade net. So in Asia, the tributary trade developed and the private trade was more and more prosperous and flourishing, which was the most obvious characteristic of the Asian trade net from 16 century to the middle of 19 century. As one important part of the Asian trade net, the main feature of Sino-Siamese dual-script trade was that the tributary trade concurred with the civil trade from beginning to end. Relatively, Annam chiefly carried on the tributary trade with China and Japan principally was engaged in the private trade after 1523. The tributary trade concurring with the free trade, junks as means of transform, the Chinese merchants and the western merchants equaling each other even slightly superior, the Sino-Siamese dual-script trade was the miniature of the modern Asian trade.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【下载频次】532