

Root Diseases of Turf-Grasses in Transitional Zone of China

【作者】 石仁才

【导师】 商鸿生;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物病理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 草坪的根病是指危害草坪禾草根系以及匍匐茎、根状茎、根颈等器官的病害。我国中部地区处于暖季型草坪与冷季型草坪建植的过渡带,既有冷季型草坪禾草,也有暖季型草坪禾草,草坪根病发生严重,已成为制约当地草坪发展的重要因素。为了明确我国过渡带草坪根病的种类及病原菌区系,本文选取上海市、山东省、陕西省、河南省和浙江省5省市共计23个地市(区)作为代表性区域进行了系统研究,并对疑难病害和重要根病按照柯赫氏法则进行了病原学研究,主要取得了下列研究结果:1、过渡带草坪禾草根病有全蚀病(Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis)、褐斑病(Rhizoctonia spp.)、腐霉病(Pythium spp.)、镰刀菌综合症(Fusarium spp.)、弯孢霉根腐与基腐病(Curvularia spp.)、德氏霉根腐与基腐病(Drechslera spp.)、离蠕孢根腐与基腐病(Bipolaria spp.)、突脐蠕孢根腐与基腐病(Exserohilum turcicum)、黑孢霉根腐与基腐病(Nigrospora sphaerica)、茎点霉根腐与基腐病(Phoma spp.)、高尔夫果岭灰斑病(Curvularia spp.)、炭疽病(Colletotrichum graminicola)、狗牙根春季死斑病(Leptosphaeria spp.)、结缕草环斑病(Leptosphaeria spp.)、蘑菇圈等15种病害,其中褐斑病发生普遍而且严重,全蚀病在局部地区发生,属于危险性病害,狗牙根春季死斑病和炭疽病在局部地区严重发生,还有一些病害发生普遍发生但危害较轻,主要为弯孢霉根腐与基腐病、离蠕孢根腐与基腐病和镰刀菌病害等。2、在国内首次发现了禾顶囊壳禾谷变种(Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis)侵染引起的草坪全蚀病,发现地点为上海市徐汇区、浦东新区和静安区,寄主禾草为多年生黑麦草和高羊茅,4个调查地块平均发病率为16.3%,平均严重度为2.0。全蚀病是危险性病害,建议列为检疫对象,严防传播并尽快铲除。3、采用Person菌饼法测定了禾顶囊壳禾谷变种对6种主要草坪禾草的致病性。供试分离菌系对狗牙根和匐翦股颍的致病性最强,严重度在48.7%以上,高于对照作物水稻(38.7%)。对结缕草、多年生黑麦草、草地早熟禾和高羊茅具有中等致病性,但供试的多年生黑麦草、草地早熟禾和高羊茅中有抗病品种。禾谷变种对主要草坪禾草具有较强的致病性,今后应进一步深入研究,为草坪全蚀病的检疫、监测和防治提供依据。4、为了解侵染作物的全蚀病菌对主要草坪禾草的致病性,用Person菌饼法测定了禾顶囊壳燕麦变种(Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae)、小麦变种(Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici)和玉米变种(Gaeumannomyces graminis var. maydis)对9种禾草48个品种的致病性。结果玉米变种致病性最弱,症状不典型,发病率和严重度都较低。小麦变种和燕麦变种对狗牙根属和翦股颍属禾草具有高度致病性,对草地早熟禾和多年生黑麦草的部分品种也具有高度的致病性,对高羊茅、硬羊茅、加拿大早熟禾和一年生黑麦草具有中度致病性。鉴于小麦变种中国菌系的高度致病性,对草坪具有潜在威胁,需防止小麦全蚀病菌从发病麦田传入草坪。国内尚无燕麦变种发生,要严防传入。5、草坪褐斑病在过渡带发生非常普遍,遍及5省(市)23市(区),病草地的发病率在5%~80%之间,严重度2.0~5.0之间。鉴于草坪褐斑病在我国发生非常普遍,已经不再具有检疫的必要性。6、从过渡带6种禾草97份褐斑病病株标本中,分离得到了73个丝核菌分离物,用DAPI染色法进行了菌丝核相观察。供试菌株可区分为单核丝核菌Uninucleate Rhizoctonia(3株)、双核丝核菌Binucleate Rhizoctonia(20株)和多核丝核菌Multinucleate Rhizoctonia(50株)三大类,我国草坪褐斑病菌的核相类型非常丰富。单核丝核菌在我国为首次发现,也是迄今为止侵染草坪禾草的唯一报告。7、测定了单核丝核菌对主要草坪禾草和作物的致病性。单核丝核菌可正常侵染草坪禾草,对翦股颍属禾草的致病性最强,病情指数60.0,对结缕草、高羊茅、早熟禾、狗牙根、多年生黑麦草的致病性中等,病情指数在35.0~40.8之间。对萝卜、棉花、玉米、小麦、水稻等作物也具有致病性,对萝卜和棉花的致病性最强,病情指数分别为58.3和55.8,对小麦、水稻和玉米的致病性其次,病情指数分别为48.3、48.3和44.2。我国首次发现的单核类丝核菌对主要草坪禾草和作物都具有致病性,今后应做进一步的深入研究。8、按照Sneh等人对丝核菌属种的划分,根据细胞学和菌体形态学特征,对双核和多核类丝核菌进行了物种鉴定。双核丝核菌为禾谷丝核菌Rhizoctonia cerealis(20株),多核类丝核菌包括立枯丝核菌Rhizoctonia solani(43株)、水稻丝核菌Rhizoctonia oryzae(3株)和玉蜀黍丝核菌Rhizoctonia zeae(4株)三个物种。立枯丝核菌占多核类丝核菌分离物比例的86.0%,占所有褐斑病菌分离物比例的58.9%,为我国草坪褐斑病的优势病原菌。我国草坪褐斑病的病原菌物种非常复杂,水稻丝核菌和玉蜀黍丝核菌是我国草坪褐斑病菌的首次正式报道。9、测定了过渡带草坪褐斑病菌中的立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群。38株可明确融合群类型,分别属于AG-1(包括AG1-1A、AG1-1B)、AG-2(包括AG2-1、AG2-2IIIB、AG2-2IV)、AG-4和AG-5四个融合群类型。主要融合群类型为AG-1(14株)和AG-2(17株),占所有立枯丝核菌分离物的32.6%和39.5%,在所有调查的省份和禾草上均有发现。AG-4仅在山东烟台、威海的草地早熟禾和结缕草上发现。我国草坪禾草立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群非常丰富,国外已经报道的融合群类型在我国都有发现,并且AG1-1B和AG2-1为草坪禾草立枯丝核菌菌丝融合(亚)群的首次报道。10、本项研究测定了草坪褐斑病菌(包括立枯丝核菌、水稻丝核菌、玉蜀黍丝核菌、禾谷丝核菌和单核类丝核菌)对主要草坪禾草的致病性。供试菌株可正常侵染多年生黑麦草、草地早熟禾、高羊茅、结缕草、匍匐翦股颍、狗牙根等,其中所有供试菌株对匍匐翦股颍的致病性最强,病情指数在57.5以上。总体来看,各丝核菌菌株之间的致病性有差异,立枯丝核菌的致病力较强,其他丝核菌物种间的致病力差异较小。同时还测定了对主要作物(小麦、水稻、玉米、棉花、萝卜)的致病性,发现褐斑病菌对萝卜和棉花的致病性最强,病情指数分别在58.3和51.7以上,立枯丝核菌对水稻也具有非常强的致病性,病情指数为71.7。不同褐斑病菌物种对主要草坪禾草和作物都具有较强的致病性,草坪褐斑病作为检疫性病害,病原菌的检疫名单上只有立枯丝核菌一个物种,通过调查研究结果和致病性测定结果可知,这已经不能反应我国草坪褐斑病病原菌的事实,因此建议对检疫名单进行修订补充。11、根据丝核菌的物种鉴定结果和立枯丝核菌融合群的测定结果,选取不同地区和寄主的草坪褐斑病菌菌株,进行了ITS序列聚类分析。供试菌株的ITS序列聚类与无性态的形态鉴定结果一致,与立枯丝核菌菌丝融合群的测定结果在AG-2和AG-4菌株间有差异。这是我国草坪褐斑病菌ITS序列的首次测定,测定结果与形态鉴定和菌丝融合群测定结果具有相关性。12、弯孢菌(新月弯孢Curvularia lunata和不等弯孢Curvularia inaequalis等)侵染匍匐翦股颍果岭后,造成明显的病草地斑症状,影响果岭景观,降低球场使用寿命。高尔夫果岭灰斑病为高尔夫球场果岭上的新症状类型病害,应加强防治和监测。13、草坪炭疽病在陕西杨凌地区严重发生危害,狗牙根春季死斑病为上海地区狗牙根草坪的主要病害。这2种病害在局部地区发生严重,建议对当地病草坪加强管理,防止其向其他地区传播危害。本文揭示了我国过渡地区草坪禾草根病害的发生情况,对危害严重的全蚀病和褐斑病进行了详细的研究。研究结果填补了我国草坪根病系统研究的空白,为草坪根病的进一步深入研究提供了基本的资料,为包括草坪全蚀病在内的重要病害提供了检疫、监测和防治的基本依据。

【Abstract】 The root diseases of turf is that which pathogen infects root , stolon, rhizome, crown and base of shoot. The serious root diseases, occurred in transitional zone of warm-season turf and cool-season turf, had became an important factor restricting the development of turf. The occurrence of root diseases in transitional zone, included 23 counties from 5 provinces (Shanghai, Shandong, Shaanxi, Zhejiang and Henan), were surveyed , and pathogens were identified. Etiological study were conducted for new diseases and important diseases followed Koch’s rule. the following main results were obtained.1. The root diseases occurred in transitional zone included take-all disease, brown patch, Pythium blight, Fusarium disease, Curvularia disease, Drechslera disease, Bipolaris disease, Exserohilum disease, Nigrospora disease, Phoma disease, Golf Green gray patch, anthracnose, spring dead spot, Zoysia ring spot and fairy ring. The brown patch occurred widely and seriously, take-all disease occurred locally and dangerously, spring dead spot and anthracnose occurred locally and seriously, Curvularia disease, Bipolaris disease and Fusarium disease occurred widely but not seriously.2. The take-all patch disease was first found on the turf-grasses of Lolium perenne and Festuca arundinacea in Xuhui, Pudong and Jing’an region, Shanghai, which caused by the pathogen of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis. The average incidence and severity were 16.3% and 2.0 respectively. The take-all disease was dangerous, and it was advised to quarantine and eradicate.3. The pathogenicity of Ggg to main turf-grasses was evaluated by Person procedures, The tested pathogen had the high pathogenicity to Cynodon dactylom and Agrostis palastris, which severity was more than 48.7%, higher than 38.7% of rice(CK), and moderate pathogenicity to Zoysia japonica, Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea and Poa pratensis, but there were resistant cultivars in Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea and Poa pratensis. Further research on the take-all disease should be conducted to obtain a basis for quarantine, monitoring and control in future because Ggg had high pathogenicity to main turf-grasses.4. Pathogenicity of Gaeumannomyces graminis, including Gga, Ggt and Ggm, to 9 turf-grasses ( 48 cultivars ), were evaluated by Person procedures. The results showed that Ggm had the low pathogenicity with the untypical symptoms and low incidence and severity. Ggt and Gga had the high pathogenicity to Cynodon dactylom and Agrostis palastris, as well as several cultivars of Lolium perenne and Poa pratensis, moderate pathogenicity to other tested turf-grasses. Chinese isolates of Ggt should be controlled to prevent their dispersal from wheat field to turf because of its high potential of pathogenicity, Gga had not occurred in China and quarantine should be conducted.5. The brown patch occurred widely in transitional zone, distributed 23 counties of 5 provinces, the average incidence and severity were 5% ~ 80% and 2.0 ~5.0 respectively. The brown patch was not necessary to be quarantined in China because of its widely occurring range.6. 73 isolates of Rhizoctonia were obtained from 97 specimen, 6 species of infected turf-grasses, The nuclei were stained to determine the number in vegetative hyphal cells by DAPI staining nuclear technique. Uninucleate Rhizoctonia(3), binucleate Rhizoctonia(20) and multinucleate Rhizoctonia(50) were distinguished among the tested Rhizoctonia isolates. The uninucleate Rhizoctonia was first recorded in China, and the turf-grasses were its new hosts.7. The pathogenicity of uninucleate Rhizoctonia to main turf-grasses and crops was evaluated. The pathogen could infect all the tested turf-grasses, and had the most strong pathogenicity to Agrostis palastris with the disease index of 60.0, the moderate pathogenicity to Lolium perenne, Zoysia japonica, Festuca arundinacea, Poa pratensis, Cynodon dactylom with the disease index between 35.0 ~ 40.8. It also had pathogenicity to Triticum aestivum, Zea mays, Oryza sativa, Gossypium hirsutum, Raphanus sativus, the pathogenicity to Gossypium herbaceum and Raphanus sativus was high with disease index 58.3 and 55.8, and that was middle to Oryza latifolia, tritici and maydis with disease index 48.3, 48.3 and 44.2. The uninucleate Rhizoctonia, found first in China, had pathogenicity to turf-grasses and crops, which should be researched more in future.8. The binucleate Rhizoctonia and multinucleate Rhizoctonia were identified based on the cyto-morphology of hyphae and the morphology of cultures followed Sneh procedures. All the binucleate Rhizoctonia isolates were Rhizoctonia cerealis(20). Rhizoctonia solani(43)、Rhizoctonia oryzae(3)and Rhizoctonia zeae(4)were distinguished among the multinucleate Rhizoctonia. Rhizoctonia solani were the preponderant pathogen which were the multinucleate Rhizoctonia proportion of 86%, and all brown patch isolates proportion of 58.9%. The pathogens of brown patch disease were complex greatly, Rhizoctonia oryzae and Rhizoctonia zeae were first report to be the pathogen of brown patch formally in China. 9. Anastomosis group testing of Rhizoctonia solani from the transition zone turf-grasses were conducted by Parmeter’s methods. 4 anastomosis groups, AG-1(AG1-1A and AG1-1B),AG-2(AG2-1, AG2-2IIIB and AG2-2IV), AG-4 and AG-5, were confirmed among the 38 Rhizoctonia solani isolates of turf-grasses. AG-1 and AG-2, Rhizoctonia solani isolates proportion of 32.6% and 39.5% respectively, were the dominant anastomosis group and isolated from all the turf-grasses and provinces. AG-4 was isolated from Zoysia japonica and Poa pratensis, only in Yantai city and Weihai city, Shandong province. The anastomosis group types of brown patch pathogen in China were complex, the anastomosis group reported in foreign country also occurred in China. AG1-1B and AG2-1 is the first reported anastomosis sub-group of Rhizoctonia solani infecting turf-grasses.10. The pathogenicity of uninucleate Rhizoctonia, binucleate Rhizoctonia, Rhizoctonia solani、Rhizoctonia oryzae and Rhizoctonia zeae, to main turf-grasses were tested. All the tested isolates could infest Lolium perenne, Zoysia japonica, Festuca arundinacea, Poa pratensis, Agrostis palastris, Cynodon dactylom, and had the high pathogenicity to Agrostis palastris with above disease index of 57.5. The difference of pathogenicity among all the tested pathogen was slight except that Rhizoctonia solani had higher pathogenicity than others. The pathogenicity of all the pathogens to crops, Triticum aestivum, Zea maydis, Oryza sativa, Gossypium hirsutum, Raphanus sativus, was also tested. The pathogenicity to Gossypium hirsutum and Raphanus sativus was high with disease index of 58.3 and 51.7, Rhizoctonia solani had high pathogenicity to Oryza sativa with disease index of 71.7, All the pathogens of brown patch disease had high pathogenicity to main turf-grasses and crops, therefore the list of pathogen needed to be quarantined should be modified because only one pathogen of Rhizoctonia solani on the quarantine list had not illuminated the fact of brown patch pathogens based on the survey results and pathogenicity results.11. The brown patch pathogens were selected to analyz the ITS sequence according to the identification and anastomosis group. the ITS cluster was consistent with asexual state morphology, and had the different anastomosis group with AG-2 and AG-4. This was the first mensuration of brown patch pathogen ITS in China, and the results were relative with morphology and anastomosis groups.12. The Curvularia pathogen, including Curvularia lunata and Curvularia inaequalis etal., infected the Green of Golf(Agrostis palastris), caused serious symptom which could destroy the landscape of Green, lower the course life, and control and monitoring should be strengthened. 13. The anthracnose occurred seriously in Yangling, Shaanxi province, spring dead spot was the major disease in Shanghai bermudagrass turf. These two diseases were of importance locally, management and monitoring measure should bedone to prevent their dispersal.The occurrence and importance of turf-grass root diseases in transitional zone, were revealed by this project, and two serious diseases, take-all and brown patch, were studied in detail. The results filled a gap of understanding turf root disease in China, and provides the basic information for further in-depth study on turf diseases, as well as the fundamental for quarantine, monitoring and control of root diseases.
