

Ban Gu and Literature Thought of Han Dynasty

【作者】 王珏

【导师】 许志刚;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象,是班固的文学创作和文学思想,侧重于在对汉代文学和文学思想发展的整体观照中,探讨班固文学思想的形成原因,阐述其在汉代的特殊价值和重要地位。同时,也通过对班固文学观念的研究,把握汉代文学思想的发展脉络,分析其中的一些重要现象。论文第一章简要介绍了班固所处的时代背景,以其在汉代文学发展过程中的地位。继而着重分析了在汉代文学中较为重要的三个问题:汉代文学的摹拟与创新、经学对汉代文学的复杂影响和汉代文学研究中的历史纬度。这三个问题不仅对于了解班固文学思想具有重要价值,同时也能为下面的研究提供理论基础和分析方法。论文第二章主要讨论汉代文人心态的嬗变过程及其与班固文学创作、文学思想的内在关联。班固弥合了在普遍存在于西汉文人著作当中的作家与汉家政治的紧张感和疏离感,代之以新的自我身份的认同,重塑其著述事业与现实政治的关系。这对于他对汉代儒家文学思想的继承和发扬起到了基础性的作用。论文第三章主要结合班固的文学作品,特别是通过对其代表作《两都赋》的分析,阐述班固对于前代作家文学创作经验和文学思想的继承、反思、驳正和新变。在西汉文学发展的过程中,既有如扬雄《法言》一般对辞赋创作的深刻自省和严厉批评,又有如王褒《四子讲德论》那样蕴含创新的著作。班固通过其文学创作的实践,既发扬光大了前代作家的创新之处,同时也成功地解决了其所面临的辞赋创作中的理论问题。论文第四章主要讨论班固的经学修养,通过对汉代经学发展的疏理和对东汉学术状况的分析,指出班固在学术上属于东汉时期的“通人之学”,于汉代经学兼容并包、不主一家。在此基础上,分析了汉代《诗》学和《春秋》学对于班固影响。

【Abstract】 The research object of this article is the literature creations and the literature thought of Ban Gu. This article will discusses the formation reason of Ban Gu’s literature thought, itsspecial value and the important status, based on the konwledages of the development of Han Dynasty literature and Han Dynasty literature thought. At the same time, to analysis the important phenomenas in the history of Han Dynasty.The first chapter briefly introduced the era background of Ban Gu, and his position in Han Dynasty literature developing process. Subsequently, it emphatically analyzed three important questions: the simulating and innovation in Han Dynasty literatures, the complex influences by the classical episteme; the Historical factors in the study of Han Dynasty literature thought. Ths three questions are important to konw Ban Gu’thought, and they also can provide the research approaches for this article.The second chapter mainly discusseed the relationship between the evolution process of Han Dynasty writers’ psychology and Ban Gu’ literature thoughts. Ban Gu Repaired the division between the writers and the politics of Han Dynasty, founded a new new self- status approval, and builted a new relation betwwen the literature and politics. They are the founations for Ban Gu to inherite the Han Dynasty Confucianist literature thought.The third chapter mainly discusseed Ban Gu’s representative works LiangDuFu. This discussion explained Ban Gu’s inheriting, introspection and incorrecting to the former writers. There are lots of criticisms for Han Dynasty literature in West Han Dynasty, for example Yangxiong’s FaYan;There are also some great Innovations, for example WangBao’s SiZiJiangDeLun. Ban Gu inherited those Innovations and answered those criticisms in hie works.The fourth chapter mainly discusseed Ban Gu’s classical episteme. Ban Gu’s Academy is belonged to the The Studying of Generalist in East Han Dynasty. Based on this conclusion, this chapter also discusseed Ban Gu’s Poem study and ChunQiu study

【关键词】 班固文学思想汉赋经学
【Key words】 Ban GuLiterature thoughtHanFuClassical Episteme
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期