

Investigation of the Germplasm Resources and Biological Characteristics of Seeds of Radix Platycodonis

【作者】 严一字

【导师】 吴基日;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 植物学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 通过观察不同来源桔梗种质资源的花、蒴果、种子、叶片性状的结果表明:桔梗的花、蒴果、种子、叶片性状有很多变异类型,这些性状在不同来源的种源之间有明显的差异,而同一植株上的这些性状完全相同,可看作遗传多样性,今后在桔梗育种的后代选择中可作为遗传标记,也可作为鉴别不同类型桔梗种质资源的遗传标记。对50份桔梗种质资源的株高、茎粗、主茎叶数、地上部鲜重、主根长、侧根数、根粗、单根鲜重等8个主要农艺性状的观测结果表明:桔梗株高等8个主要农艺性状的变异范围均较大,在桔梗新品种选育上有很大的利用前景;相关分析、多元回归分析和通径分析的结果表明,根粗和茎粗对桔梗单根鲜重的影响较大,在今后桔梗新品种选育中可作为单株选择的主要指标。对25份桔梗种质资源的总皂甙含量的测定结果表明:桔梗种质资源间总皂甙含量差异较大,总皂甙含量高的日本美里紫等种质资源可直接利用或作为药用桔梗新品种选育的原始材料;总皂甙含量低的朝鲜白花1、朝鲜白花2、韩国蔬用白花等可作为蔬用桔梗新品种选育的原始材料。经过实验得出桔梗RAPD扩增反应的优化体系为:在20ulPCR反应体积中,模板DNA 20ng,dNTP150μmol/L,引物0.3μmol/L,Mg2+为2.0mmol/L,TaqDNA聚合酶1Unit,10×Buffer 2.0μL。对桔梗种质资源的RAPD分析结果表明:虽然两次扩增所用的引物和种质资源材料有所差异,但结果却很相似。两次RAPD聚类分析分别将供试材料分为7个和8个类群,而且都表现出来自同一国家的种质资源聚在同一类群的特点,今后可作为鉴别桔梗种质资源的参考依据。引物OPGO2在检测的紫花桔梗个体中均能扩增出一条580bp左右的特异带,而在白花桔梗中则没有,表明该RAPD标记具有紫花桔梗特异性,可用于鉴别紫花桔梗和白花桔梗。对桔梗在自然状态下白花授粉结实率低的原因分析及解决方法的研究结果表明:桔梗花的柱头能接受白花及异花的花粉而正常结实,造成自然状态下白花授粉结实率低的原因主要是同一朵花的雌、雄蕊发育时期不同,通过花粉离体人工保存、人工授粉的方法可以解决自然状态下白花授粉结实率低的问题。桔梗种子成熟动态及与主要气象要素关系的分析结果表明:桔梗种子要完全成熟,从开花算起需要55天时间,桔梗开花后31-35天是千粒质量和成熟度增长速度最快的时期。在自然条件能够满足桔梗生长和发育所需条件的前提下,开花后种子成熟进程主要由自身的发育规律所支配,气象条件不会显著地影响桔梗种子的成熟进程,但种子成熟期间的气温在一定程度上影响种子千粒质量。种子成熟度对发芽率影响的分析结果表明:从种子成熟度约为60%开始,种子的最终发芽率能达到80%以上,但发芽的高峰期和种子成熟度有关,成熟度越高的种子发芽高峰期越提前,反之亦然。用0.3%高锰酸钾处理不同成熟度种子的结果表明:0.3%高锰酸钾处理对不同成熟度的种子效果不同,对成熟度好、发芽所需时间短的种子,均有降低或推迟发芽的作用,对成熟度差、发芽所需时间长的种子,0.3%高锰酸钾促进种子发芽的作用很明显。

【Abstract】 The results observed from the characters of flower,capsule,seed and blade of the germplasm resources of Radix Platyeodonis indicate that: The flower, capsule, seed, blade property of Radix Platycodonis have a lot of variation types, property these until different source plant between the source have obvious difference, and these properties on the same plant are all the same, can regard as genetic variety, offspring of breeding can as genetic mark, can also regard as, distinguish different kinds of the germplasm resources.The results observed from 8 agronomical characters that highness of trunk,wide of stem,leaf numbers of aulis,fresh weight of aerial part,length of main root,numbers of lateral root,wide of root,weight of single root of 50 germplasm resources of Radix Platycodonis indicate that: the variation spectrum of these agronomical characters are relatively greater,and it will be usefull for new variery breeding programs;the results of correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis indicate that: the affect of wide of root and wide of stem to weight of single root is relatively great,and it will be used as target to single-tree selection.The results determine the total saponin content of 25 germplasm resources of Radix Platycodonis indicate that: the total saponin content were differ from each other among the germplasm resources,the high content of saponin resouces sach as.日本美里紫will be used in breeding programs directly or used as basic resources of officinal variety breeding programs.The results of RAPD analysis of germplasm resources of Radix Platycodonis indicate that: although the primers and samples were differ in twice examination,but the results were similar.in twice examination,all the samples were grouped to 7 and 8 groups,individually, and reveled that all the samples grouped in geographically.It will be used as referrences of distinguish the germplasm resouces of Radix Platycodonis.From the OPG02 primer, obtained an about 580bp DNA fragment that observed all of the Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq.) A.DC samples but couldn’t observed from Plandicodon grandiflorum(Jacq.)A.DC, var.album Hort..It is indicate that the fragments sfecific to Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq.) A.DC and will be used as molecular markers to distinguish the two kinds of Plandicodon grandiflorum.The result that analysis of the reason of low self-seeding and study of the solution of Radix Platycodonis under the natural state indicate that: the stigma can accept pollens from own or other flower’s, the reason of low self-seeding is mainly due to differences of the female and stamen development period in the same pieces of flower, the problem of low self-seeding rate can be solved by preserving the pollens artificially and by artificial pollination.The relations analysis result of the seed mature tendency of Radix Platycodonis with the main climatic factor indicate that: for complementery mature of the seed,it is need 55 dayes from flowering; and 31 to 35 dayes from flowering were the fast stages of increesing thousand kernel weight and mature rate of seed. in nature, if satisfy the developmental conditions, the courses of maturation were mainly controled by own developmental mechanism, the meteorological condition can not remarkably affect mature advancement of the seed, but the seed mature period temperature affects the seed thousand kernel in a certain extent.The analysis results that the seed maturity influences to the germination percentage and the rate of seedlings emergence indicated that, from the seed maturity approximately is 60% start, seed’s final germination percentage can achieve above 80%, but germinates peak and seed maturity related, maturely goes past the high seed to germinate the peak more ahead of time, the seed rate of seedlings emergence is also higher vice versa.The results that processing different maturity seed’s with 0.3% potassium permanganate and the 10mg/L gibberelin indicate that: 0.3% potassium permanganate and the 10mg/L gibberelin process to the different maturity seed effect different, to the maturity good, germinates needs the time short seed, has the function which reduces or postpones germinates, to the low mature rate, germinates needs the time long seed, 0.3% potassium permanganate and the 10mg/L gibberelin promotion seed germinate the function is very obvious.
