

The Study on Urban Public Space Configuration

【作者】 李文

【导师】 卓丽环;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,我国城市公共空间建设如火如荼地进行,有效地改善了城市环境。然而目前我国公共空间的建设在决策、规划设计、开发和管理等方面还存在许多问题。就某些个体而言,公共空间的质量在不断下降,功能及艺术上甚至产生退化,这些都需要我们尽力地去防范和改进。基于以上情况,本论文拟对城市公共空间形态进行研究。因为只有对城市公共空间外在的表现形态进行研究找到其内在的控制与联系因素,才能更好地对城市公共空间形态做各种合理处理和艺术安排,创造出符合人们需求的具有文化内涵和精神体现的城市公共空间。本论文借鉴城市规划学、建筑学、生态学,风景园林学、艺术设计学等相关学科的基本理论,对城市公共空间的形态表现进行研究。本论文首先比较国内外公共空间形态不同的历史渊源及其不同的表现形式,指出在公共空间建设中我们单纯的模仿或照抄他国,无论从社会的发展需求还是从地方差异的内在控制因素角度,都不适合本国的实际情况。论文又总结我国城市公共空间的发展现状和存在问题,对现阶段我国的公共空间建设现状进行回顾和反思,其目的是克服不足,吸取宝贵经验,探讨能够对我们今天实践有所帮助的方法和途径,更好地进行城市建设。论文主体部分是从城市公共空间形态的宏观、中观和微观三个层面出发,探讨与之相关的构成要素对公共空间形态的影响,总结每个层面下公共空间形态的实施策略或设计原则。指出公共空间作为一个系统,只有使三个不同层面的公共空间形态相互协调才能创造出符合人们需求的公共空间。论文最后总结归纳适合我国现阶段城市公共空间形态设计的基本原则和方法,最后针对哈尔滨市公共空间形态的具体情况,在不同层面下进行详细地实证研究,以期使其公共空间形态建设的经验方法对其它城市提供借鉴作用。本论文的创新点在于能够把公共空间作为一个系统,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面完整地对公共空间形态进行研究,找到每个层面下公共空间建设所对应的城市规划的各个阶段,从控制目标上和实施策略上进行应用实效性的探索,对于指导城市发展建设具有现实的启发和指导意义。对于哈尔滨公共空间形态的实证研究,进行了大量的实地调研工作,不仅对哈尔滨城市公共空间建设有一定的参考价值,同时对其它城市建设也提供了借鉴作用。由于我们国家在现阶段,城市公共空间建设的理论相对还处于起步阶段,有很多理论视角研究公共空间。我们从社会发展的脉络中进行梳理,正确认识和引导城市公共空间形态的发展方向,避免少走弯路,使其朝着最优化的方向发展。希望通过本论文的研究对我国城市公共空间的设计、建设和理论研究产生一定的实用价值和指导作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, construction of urban space in China likes a ranging fire, which effectively improves urban habitats. However, serious problems appear incessantly among decisions, layout, designs, development and management of public space in China. In terms of urban common space in individual city, it exits quality decline, structure illegibility and regression of functions and artistic appearances, which are what we need to keep away and improve on. Based on information hereinbefore, this paper plans to conduct studies on urban public space which put priorities on public spatial configurations. A better understanding of inner factors and relations to control exterior behavior of urban public space is the basis to deal with public interspaces treatments and artistic arrangements, and create a public interspaces in a city provided civilian’s requirements with certain cultural connotation and spirit embodiment, which aims to make it serve and satisfy civilian’s requirements. This paper conducts studies on configuration behavior of urban public space by using for references of urban planning, architecture, ecology, landscape architecture, art design, etc.Comparison of historic development of public spatial configuration and its appearances both in China and overseas indicates that simply copy of urban special construction mode does not match native need in terms of social developmental demand or internal control factors of regional differences. This paper summarizes situation and problems of urban special development in China, which aims to overcome shortages and assimilate experiences in order to find out approaches and options that is helpful for present practices..Principle part of this paper discusses was discussed under three scales combining with domestic and overseas theories and practice which aims at problems existed in Chinese urban spatial configuration. This paper analyzes and studies on spatial configuration appearance characters under different scales to find out commonness among configuration characters.This paper finally summarizes and concludes fundamentals and methodology of urban spatial configuration design adapted to nowadays situation in China, and takes Harbin as an example to analyze characters of city public spatial configuration by field survey and expect to provide experiences and methods for references for other cities.This paper innovates to take urban public space as a system and makes full studies on it from three-scales. Application substantial results are explored form points of view of control goals and application strategy corresponding to urban planning stages, which has realistic elicitation and guidance for supervising urban development. Results of demonstration research on Harbin are not only helpful for Harbin’s special construction, but also provide use for reference for other cities. In fact, urban design theory is just beginning at present in China. Many points of views can not be concluded. We can find out and pick out regularities from cases at all times and in all over the world of social development to understand and guide directions of urban spatial configuration to avoid unnecessary effort and make it optimization. This paper expects to provide urban spatial design, construction and theory research in China with practice guidance, which makes out ample preparation for intending urban construction.
