

The Study of Archives about the Relationship between China and Ryukyu on Qing Dynasty

【作者】 丁春梅

【导师】 谢必震;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中国与琉球,一衣带水,两国关系源远流长,特别是明清时期,两国在政治、经济、文化等方面的交往十分频繁。在这友好交往过程中,形成了大量的官方文书档案,这些文书档案既是中琉友好往来的真实记录,也是研究中琉关系不可或缺的宝贵资料。中琉两国自明洪武五年(1372)至清光绪五年(1879)止,中琉两国的友好交往,历时五百余年,在两国政府之间及中国的官府衙门之间形成的这些珍贵的文化遗产,历经岁月、战火及自然的磨砺,大部分己消失,至今仅保留了一部分,主要分藏于中日两国。本文主要研究清代中琉关系档案的分布、收藏和档案的史料价值。以往对清代档案的研究常常出现档案学与历史学相脱离的状况,档案学领域注重公文的结构、用语、抬头制、避讳制等方面的研究,史学领域较侧重于档案史料内容的挖掘,形成各自为政的局面。本文的研究意在发挥档案学与历史学交叉学科的优势,填补两学科研究领域的空白。中琉关系是中国古代对外关系的一个重要组成部分,对古代中琉关系档案进行全面的系统研究,不仅可以再现历史上中琉两国在政治、经济、文化等方面的交流、交往盛况,填补史学研究在这方面的一些空白,同时也可以了解古代中国政府的对外政策以及中华文明对周边国家的影响,这对加强中国同周边国家的传统友谊,正确处理中日关系都有十分重要的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 China and the Ryukyu Islands, separated by a strip of water, and therelationship between the two countries can date back to the ancient times. During the pasttime, especially during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the two Countries contactedfrequently in terms of the politics, economics, and cultures.In the process of friendlyexchanges, a large number of official documents were produced, which are authenticrecords of communication between China and Ryukyu Islands, as well as valuableinformation of studying the relationship between them. According to some records, thecontact between the two contries began in the year of Ming Hongwu 5 and ended in QingGuangxu 5 and the friendly contacts between them lasted more than 500 years. However, due to long time natural erosion and wars, most of the precious cultural heritagesproduced by the two governments have disappeared. So far only a few of them werepreserved and were collected in China and Japan respectively. This thesis therefore focouson the distribution and collections of files about the relationship of China and Ryukyu onQing Dynasty, as well as the historical value of the concerned archives.In the past, thearchive and history were separated when studying about about Qing Archives. The formerlays more emphasis on the structures, terms, the Rise System and the Object System, whereas the latter attaches more importance to exploring the value of its historicalmaterials. This thesis functions as a combionation of archive and history to enrich the twosubjects. The relationship between China and the Ryukyu Islands is an importantcomponent of china’s diplomatism. An all-around and systemic study about ancientarchives about China and the Ryukyu Islands, on one hand it can re-act prosperioushistorical exchanges in aspects of politics, economics and cultures, filling up the gap inthe concerning aspects; on the other hand it contributes to grasp the foreign policies of thechinese government but also the influence on neighboring coutries from chinesecivilization, which can be used for reference in strenghtening traditional friendshipbetween china and the other countries especially the relaionship between china andjapan.
