

Development and Embarrassment: Modern Industrialization Process in Jiangxi (1858-1949)

【作者】 刘义程

【导师】 黄国盛;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 自18世纪中叶英国发生工业革命以来,工业化的问题就成为世界性的研究课题。鸦片战争以后,中国在外部力量的推动下缓慢地开始了工业化的历程。1858年,随着中英、中法《天津条约》规定开放九江为对外通商口岸,资本主义的生产方式随之楔入江西,江西也被卷入了工业化的潮流。本文选取江西近代工业化作为切入点,通过探讨影响近代江西工业化进程的各种因素,试图从经济转型的视角来解答导致近代以来江西社会经济发展滞后的历史动因,为江西省目前正在推行的“中部崛起”战略提供一个历史关照点。本课题的研究以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,综合运用历史学、社会学和经济学的理论与方法,通过深入挖掘、梳理相关史料,遵循实证的理念和思路,运用计量分析和比较研究的手段,步步推进,来叙述近代江西工业化艰难曲折的发展历程,试图复原一幅“完整而真实”的近代江西工业化的历史图景。通过考察近代江西所走过的工业化历程,本文认为,近代江西在由传统农业经济向近代工业经济转型的过程中遭遇了严重挫折。经济转型的不彻底,使得近代江西社会转型不可能有大的突破,所以,当这个世界由工业化社会主导和支配的时候,近代江西仍然停留在传统的农业社会,这就是近代江西社会经济发展滞后的根本原因。当代江西如果要想避免继续落后下去,只有尽快实现工业化和信息化,通过跨越式发展,逐步实现向现代知识经济的转型。

【Abstract】 Since the mid-18th century industrial revolution in Britain, the issue ofindustrialization has become a worldwide project. After Opium War, China was driven byexternal forces to begin the slow process of industrialization. In 1858, together with the"Tianjin Treaty" signed with Britain and France, Jiujiang was provided to open to foreigntrade, meanwhile the mode of capitalist production wedged into Jiangxi. Jiangxi has beeninvolved in the industrialization trend. This paper chooses the modem industrialization inJiangxi as a starting point to explore the various factors affecting the process of modemindustrialization in Jiangxi; from the perspective of the economic restructuring, it tries tosolve the historical causes which led to modem socio-economic development lags behindin Jiangxi. The paper is intended to provide a historical point of care to Jiangxi Provincewhere the "Rise of Central China" strategy is currently being implemented.The research topic is guided by Marxist historical materialism, uses the theories andmethods of history, sociology and economics. It attempts to describe the reversesdevelopment course of modem industrialization in Jiangxi through intensively mining,sorting out the relevant materials, following empirical concepts and ideas, using themeans of quantitative analysis and comparative study to advance the research step by step.It tries to recover a true and complete picture of the history of modem industrialization inJiangxi. Through the inspection of the process of industrialization in modem Jiangxi, it isaverred that modem Jiangxi suffered serious setbacks in the process of restructuring fromthe traditional agricultural economy to a modern industrial economy. That economicrestructuring is not complete makes it a major breakthrough for modem Jiangxi’s socialtransformation. So when the world community is led and dominated by the industrialized,modem Jiangxi remains in a traditional agricultural society. This is the fundamentalreason for lagging modern socio-economic development in Jiangxi. If we want to avoidstaying backward for contemporary Jiangxi, the only way is to realize industrializationand informationization as soon as possible, to develop by leaps and bonds, and transformgradually into modem knowledge economy.
