

Research on Vehicle Manufacturing Management Innovation

【作者】 姚佐平

【导师】 万君康;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪后期以来,经济全球化浪潮发展迅猛,知识经济在全球范围内的兴起,企业的经营与管理环境正日益发生着巨大的变化。技术进步与生产组织的变革推动了生产活动的全球化,使之成为经济全球化发展的重要组成部分。当前,世界汽车制造业结构调整、兼并重组的发展变化正是其生产活动全球化的缩影。汽车制造业的全球化发展,为发展中国家积极参与国际分工,以自身比较优势对接全球汽车制造业的转移与重组,实现本国汽车产业的发展提供了历史性的机遇。在全球汽车制造业调整重组的进程中,中国汽车工业国际化趋势日益加强。在合资合作的过程中,如何借助外资力量做大规模,如何运用自身优势自主创新、创造符合本土的管理模式是汽车生产企业值得关注的问题。尽管中国汽车工业在过去的发展过程中通过自身的努力和借助国外的力量特别是技术资源取得了一个较大的飞跃,但是,就目前情况看中国汽车工业的技术水平和管理水平与发达国家相比仍然存在很大的差距。因此,需要通过管理的创新,在管理原则、管理目标、评估体系,具体到制造工程管理、生产运作管理、车间管理等方面进行有益地探索,以解决知识经济时代和信息化时代下汽车制造管理面临的严峻考验,将管理的创新创造性地运用于汽车制造的全过程,运用于汽车制造企业的管理实践之中,使得其在激烈的竞争中持续、稳定地发展。本文在总结发达国家汽车管理理论与实践的基础上,结合中国汽车企业管理的现状及存在的问题,针对中国汽车制造企业的管理创新进行了深入系统的研究。系统地分析了汽车制造的总体特征和一般发展规律,深入研究了汽车制造管理创新的原理方法,通过实证展示了其具体应用,进而指出管理和创新是企业持续发展的灵魂,中国汽车制造企业只有在学习先进的生产管理理论的基础上,结合自己的实践不断推进管理创新,才能提高管理科学化、现代化水平,应对知识经济的挑战,促进企业健康、稳定和持续发展。本文的基本研究内容:1.以系统论、自组织论、管理集成论为理论基础,运用系统科学理论和系统方法,深入地研究了汽车制造管理创新的实质、机制、方法和规律,及其在现实中的运用。对与汽车制造现代管理相关的精益生产、并行工程、BPR、物流供应链管理、敏捷制造等先进生产理念进行了总结。2.在回顾汽车制造从简单生产、批量生产、大批量生产、精益生产四个阶段管理演变的过程基础上;结合中国实际,从制造工程管理、生产运行管理、车间管理三个层面提出了汽车制造管理的主要任务;并从质量体系、环保体系、职业安全与健康体系三个方面诠释了汽车制造管理创新的内涵;给出了制造质量、缩短制造周期、标准化、人员参与、持续改进的汽车制造管理的五项原则。3.将汽车制造工程(VME)纳入汽车制造管理范畴。分析了制造工程在汽车产品研发链中的作用,以及汽车研发的并行工程;同时系统阐述了汽车制造工程管理的内涵、职能和制造技术策略。4.对汽车生产运作管理创新(VPO)进行了深入分析。系统阐述了汽车生产运作管理的概念及其发展,分析了汽车生产管理的内涵、特征,系统归纳了汽车生产的制造需求体系、需求预测方法、生产作业控制、设备维修管理、零件物流管理等方面的具体运作,提出了车间管理三角形理论和汽车制造管理的目标评估体系。5.以上汽通用五菱(SGMW)为例对汽车制造管理创新进行了实证分析。在对SGMW现状进行SWOT分析的基础上论证了汽车企业开展管理创新的必要性。对SGMW的卓越制造系统进行了系统总结,提出了汽车质量管理的“球体斜坡理论”和汽车企业管理“一盘四轮”的战略思想,最后对SGMW管理创新的方向和趋势提出了战略建议。本文深入、系统地研究汽车制造管理创新,既适应了汽车管理理论发展的需要,也反映了汽车管理实践的客观要求。通过对汽车制造管理创新的系统研究,有助于从具体产业的角度去丰富管理创新理论,对完善管理创新理论具有较大的理论意义;对提高我国的汽车制造管理水平和能力,从而促进作为支柱产业的汽车工业的跨越式发展具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Since later 20th century, the globalization of economics have been developingviolently, meanwhile, knowledge economy starts up in global scope, enterprises’operation and their management environment is changing greatly year by year.Technology advancement and transformation of production organization impelled theglobalization of production activity, makes it an important constituent of the globaleconomy. Presently, structure adjustment, annexation and reorganization of the worldautomotive industry is precisely the miniature of production globalization. The globaldevelopment of automotive industry provides a historical opportunity for thedeveloping countries to positively participate in the international division, dock theshift and reorganization of the global automotive industry by their own comparisonsuperiority, and realize the development of their own automobile industry. During theadjustment and reorganization of global automotive industry, the internationalizationtendency of China’s automobile industry strengthens day by day. In the process ofjoint venture cooperation, how to develop in larger scale under support from theforeign capital and strength and how to make.independent innovation by utilizing itsown superiority and create native management pattern are the problems worthy ofconcern by automobile production enterprises.Although China’s automobile industry has obtained a bigger leap through its owndiligent and with the aid of the overseas strength especially the technological resource,presently still the technical and management level of China’s automobile industry hasa very big gap compared with the developed countries. Therefore, it is necessary tocarry on management innovation, carry on beneficial exploration in the aspect ofmanagement principle, management goal, appraisal system, concretely ofmanufacturing management, production and operation management, workshopmanagement, and so on. Only by this, the stem can test faced by China’s automobilemanufacturing management under knowledge economy and information age besolved. Creatively utilizing innovation management in the entire process ofautomobile manufacturing, and in the automobile manufacturing enterprises’management practice, will enable China’s automobile industry obtain stable andcontinual development under keen competition.This dissertation proposes an original view in view of the China’s automobile manufacturing enterprises’ management innovation based on the summary ofautomobile management theory and practice in developed countries, and the presentsituation and the existent problems faced by China’s automobile manufacturingmanagement. The dissertation has discussed the concrete utilization of managementinnovation in the automobile manufacturing domain, systematically analyzed theoverall characteristics and general development laws of automobile manufacturing,thoroughly studied the principles and method of management innovation inautomobile manufacturing, and demonstrated its concrete application through realdiagnosis. Management and innovation are the soul of enterprises’ continualdevelopment. Only by way of studying advanced production management theory, andunifying with its own actual management practice, can China’s automobilemanufacturing enterprises raise its management level, shoulder the challenge broughtby knowledge economy, and promote the enterprises to develop healthyly, stably andcontinually.1. Based on the system theory, self-organization theory, and managementintegration theory, this dissertation analyzed deep level problems in the developmentof C hina’s automobile industry by using systems science theory and systematicapproach. It systematically studies the essence, mechanism, method and rule ofautomobile manufacturing management innovation, discusses its formation as well asits utilization in the reality. It also makes a summary of the advanced production ideasconcerning with automobile manufacturing management, such as lean production,concurrent engineering, BPR, logistics and supply chain management, agilemanufacturing, and so on.2. From simple produce stage, produce in batches stage, produce in enormousquantities stage, to lean production stage, manage, the evolution of domesticautomobile manufacturing management is analyzed; From manufacturing engineeringmanagement, production operation management, to workshop management, the maintask of automobile manufacturing management is dissected; From the three respectsquality system, environmental protection system, employment security and healthsystem, the intension of automobile manufacturing management innovation isannotated; From building in quality, short leading time, standardization, peopleinvolvement, and continuous improvement, the five major principles of automobilemanufacturing management is introduced. 3. Implement Vehicle Manufacturing Egineering (VME) into the vehiclemanufacturing management system. The thesis analyses the effect of usingmanufacturing engineering in the vehicle development chain; analyses the parallelengineering of vehicle development; roundly analyses the intension, functions as wellas the manufacturing techniques of manufacturing engineering management.4. The management innovation of vehicle production operation (VPO) has beendeeply analyzed. The concept and development of automobile manufacturingmanagement is systematically elaborated; The connotation and characteristics of automobile operation management is analyzed; Such concrete operation as themanufacturing demand system, demand forecast method, production job control,equipment service management, and the logistics management of components, issystematically induced. Especially, the workshop management triangle theory and thegoal appraisal system of automobile manufacturing management are advanced.5. An empirical analysis for automobile manufacturing management innovationis given, SGMW as the example. The necessity of management innovation inautomobile enterprises is proved on the foundation of SWOT analysis on currentsituation of SGMW. The remarkable manufacture system of S GMW is summarized;"Spheroid slope theory" in quality control of automobile manufacturing managementis proposed; Finally strategic suggestions to the direction and trend of SGMW’smanagement innovation is given.This dissertation systematically studied the management innovation ofautomobile manufacturing, which meets the need of management theory developmentin automobile manufacturing, and meets the objective requirement of automobilemanagement practice as well. Deep research into the innovation of automobilemanufacturing management may help enrich management innovation theory in termsof concrete industry, which has great theoretical meanings in improving managementinnovative theory, and has great realistic meanings in improving the level and abilitydomestic automobile manufacturing management, thus bring along advance ingreat-leap-forward development of China’s auto industry.

  • 【分类号】F407.471
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2704