

The Study of the Theory and Methodology of Plant Management in Modern Large-scaled Enterprises Based on the Information Technology

【作者】 胡邦喜

【导师】 聂规划; 周祖德;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 为适应知识经济和信息化时代对现代大型企业设备管理的新要求,本文对基于信息化的现代大型企业设备管理理论与方法进行了研究。依据现代设备管理理论与方法,以及现代分布式信息技术和人工智能技术的最新理论成果,构建了企业设备管理信息平台模型,并着重从设备中期管理的角度,研究了设备监测与运行管理系统、设备协力维修保产体系、设备备件管理新模式、以及设备智能故障诊断系统的理论、方法和技术。主要内容包括:设备管理信息平台模型分析了大型企业设备管理信息化的特点和需求,结合现代分布式信息技术的最新发展,构建了基于企业服务总线(ESB)的平台架构,并设计了标准的设备管理功能模块,探讨了该平台的数据库支持、运行环境与信息安全管理问题。设备监测与运行管理系统以预知维修理论、全寿命周期费用控制与决策理论以及可靠性理论为指导,基于企业设备资产管理信息平台(PMIS),将离线检测无线传输趋势分析系统、在线监测智能诊断系统和设备寿命周期费用决策支持系统进行无缝集成,研究了各系统的拓朴结构、实现的关键技术与模型,最终构建起设备监测与运行的综合管理系统,实现对数以万计的关键设备受控点有效的监测诊断,全面控制设备的技术经济状态。设备协力维修保产体系针对传统维修体制维修力量分散、维修能力过剩或忙闲不均、维修成本过高、劳动生产率低等问题,提出了一种新型的协力维修保产体系;建立了两种典型的协力维修保产模式:专业化矩阵式维修保产模式和分区包干、专业综合式协力维修保产模式;构建了协力维修保产的经济效益评价指标体系,并重点研究了该评价指标体系的离散数学模型评价方法。设备备件管理新模式针对传统备件采购仓储模式中存在的问题,提出了三类新型的备件采购仓储模式,即基于电子商务平台的低值、小批量备件的网上超市模型;小概率、超值事故备件联合储备的共享模型;高频率低附加值消耗件和通用备件的JIT供应方式。探讨了每种备件采购仓储模式的实现原理和方法。设备智能故障诊断系统在剖析现代智能诊断理论方法的基础上,重点研究了智能诊断系统网络平台模型设计、推理逻辑模型设计、数据存储与管理模块设计、数据远程通讯模块设计等关键技术,并以武钢炼铁厂5#高炉炉顶齿轮箱为实例验证了上述技术。实证研究将以上信息平台构建、设备运行管理、设备维修管理、设备备件管理和故障诊断管理的原理方法与技术手段应用于武钢的实证研究,并对实施的经济效益作了评估。

【Abstract】 To adapt to the new requirements of plant management in large-scaledenterprises in the knowledge economy and information society, the research on thetheory and methodology of plant management based on the information technologyin modern large-scaled enterprises is conducted in this dissertation. Based on themodern theory and methodology of plant management, as well as the moderndistributed information technology and artificial intelligence technology, the plantmanagement information platform is constructed. Then the theory, methodology andtechnology of equipment monitoring and running management system, thecooperative maintenance and production insurance system, spare parts managementmodes and intelligent equipment diagnosis system are explored from the perspectiveof the mid-term plant management. The main research work is divided into thefollowing parts:The part of plant management information platform model analyzes thecharacteristics and requirements of the platform in large-scaled enterprises, designsthe platform architecture adopting ESB (enterprise service bus) based on thedevelopment of modern distributed information technology, designs the standardplant management modules, and discusses the database management, runningenvironment and the information security.The part of equipment monitoring and running management system researcheson the integration of the offline monitoring wireless transfer trend analysis system,online intelligent monitoring and diagnosis system, equipment life cycle costanalysis and evaluation system based on the PMIS (Plant Management InformationSystem) information platform according to the theory of prediction maintenance, lifecycle cost control and decision, and also reliability. The topologies, key technologiesand models of the above systems are explored to realize the integrated equipmentmonitoring and running management system which is exploited to effectivelydiagnose the status of the control points of key equipments and control the technical and economical status of the equipments.The part of cooperative maintenance and production insurance system analyzesthe problems existed in traditional maintenance systems, such as dispersed andunbalanced maintenance capacity, high maintenance cost, and low production ratio,and then proposes a kind of new cooperative maintenance and production insurancesystem to solve them. Two typical modes are given. One of them isprofession-matrix and the other is profession-integration. The evaluation indexsystem is constructed and the evaluation method based on discrete mathematicsmodel is explored.The part of spare parts management modes analyzes the problems existed intraditional management methods and proposes three kinds of new managementmodes. The first is e-business based online supermarket model for low-value andlow-batch parts. The second is united storage sharing model for parts which willcause a great loss in case of breakdown though the probability of breakdown is low.The third is JIT (Just In Time) mode for general low-value-added consumable parts.The theory and methodology of the above three modes are explored.The part of intelligent equipment breakdown diagnosis system analyzes themodern theory and methodology of intelligent diagnosis. After that the keytechnologies of diagnosis platform model, logic reasoning model, data repository,management modules and remote data communication are studied. An exampleusing the above technologies is given.The part of research on practical cases applies the above theory, methodologyand technology of information platform, equipment running management, equipmentmaintenance management, spare parts management and breakdown diagnosis in thepractical plant management activities of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation Ltd andevaluates the economic benefits of the application.
